Business as Usual – Paul Ryan Pushes Through Multiple Wall Street Giveaways in the Highway Bill

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It was always going to be a seamless transition from John Boehner to Paul Ryan. These men are cut from the exact same cloth, which is worshipping at the altar of crony capitalism. They talk a good game about about “free markets” and “entrepreneurship,” but at the end of the day, are both staunch defenders of statist, centrally planned economies, as long as the subsidies go to mega-corporations.

David Dayan, who’s excellent work I’ve covered many times here at Liberty Blitzkrieg, just published an article at the Fiscal Times outlining the plethora or Wall Street giveaways recently added onto the “Highway Bill.” One of these relates to something I’ve covered previously, the 6% annual dividend paid by the Federal Reserve to its member banks. Here’s some background from a previous post, Banks Squirm as Congress Moves to Cut the 6% Dividend Paid to Them by the Federal Reserve:

Have you looked at your checking or money market bank statement lately from JPMorgan Chase or Citibank? How about the statement showing the interest you’re earning on your mortgage escrow account with the big banks? While the country suffers through the lingering effects of the Great Recession caused by the biggest Wall Street banks, the public typically receives less than 1 percent on their deposits at the big banks, while the government has legislated a permanent, risk-free 6 percent guarantee to the Wall Street banks for their capital on deposit at the Fed.  Now that’s an entitlement program that needs to die!

This corporate welfare program gets even better: if the shares of stock were acquired prior to March 28, 1942, the 6 percent risk-free dividend is tax exempt and the bank doesn’t have to pay corporate taxes on it.

There had been a Senate proposal in the Highway Bill to reduce this payout to 1.5% for all banks with more than $1 billion in assets. Naturally, the Republicans in the House, led by Paul Ryan, killed it. Wall Street always gets it way in Congress. Always.

From the Fiscal Times:

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Paul Ryan Hires Lobbyist Who Pushed for Obamacare and the Trans-Pacific Partnership as His Chief of Staff

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Paul Ryan has a terrible record as a Congressman. I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone can support a guy who’s been wrong on so many important issues, such as voting for the Iraq War and the banker bailouts, jus to name a few.

Which is why no one should be surprised that the useless cadre of Republicans in the House of Representatives are about to make him Speaker. The transition from John Boehner should be flawless.

Of course, Mr. Ryan is already showing his true colors, by naming veteran David Hoppe as his Chief of Staff. Mr. Hoppe has been quite busy over the past few years, lobbying for debacles such as Obamacare and Obamatrade (the TPP). This should leave no doubt as to who this guy actually works for (Hint: not the American people).

From the Intercept:

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