Donate via Bitcoin

Donation Address: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G

About Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a decentralized, relatively anonymous alternative currency developed by cryptographic experts. Bitcoin currency comes into being through “mining” on computers (solving complex mathematical problems that takes a long time and a lot of computer power). The total quantity of Bitcoin currency is limited by the foundational algorithms that brought it into being. Anyone and everyone who participates in the decentralized network of bitcoin transactions can, through their own software, cryptographically verify every single bitcoin transaction that takes place in the network. Thus all transactions are communally verified and validated and no central organization or entity has the power to exert arbitrary influence over the value of the currency. It is as close as the world currently gets to a perfectly free market currency.

You can read more about bitcoin and how you can start using it HERE.

23 thoughts on “Donate via Bitcoin”

    • Thank you very much for the generous contribution! Any currency out of the grubby hands of the Central Planners is worth trying out.

  1. I appreciate your first-person narrative. (Ah! The word as it was intended.) My final straw was ’98 when the Mainstream Media refused to call Bill and Hillary out on their “What is ‘is’?” bullshit. The media moguls seemed to take that as an opportunity to assign meaning to words to fit the “narrative” that served their agenda.

    So thanks for being an eye-witness and reporting your findings. Hence why I am giving you some bitcoin- investigative reporting. Duh. A little for the article and a little more to bolster your courage and reward your show of integrity. Bravo!

    M7 AKA @bitcoinbelle

  2. Just a suggestion: you should use a bigger image for the bitcoin address QR code. My wallet in my phone was unable to scan it and I had to enter it manually.

  3. Michael, When Bitcoin et al rise to tens of trillions in market cap the Deep State will try to crush digital currencies using every trick in the books. We are all enemies of the state now so we all need to take privacy in all transactions and holding to the max. I think Monero is on the right track. Also, none of us really understood how revolutionary this digital technology
    would become with the global Internet. Thank for your talk

  4. Hey, I saw you on Max Keiser report. Thank you for all the work, and more importantly thank you ( who like Max were at one time bankers) for turning from the dark side to now spreading truth and understanding to usher in a renaissance of good will around the globe.


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