Paul Ryan is Aggressively Lobbying to Pass “Frankenstein” CISA Spy Bill Through Congress

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So who could possibly be worse than John Boehner? Paul Ryan, of course, which is precisely why he was chosen to lead the RINOs in the stinking cesspool known as the U.S. House of Representatives.

So what is Paul Ryan up to now? Well, he’s trying as hard as possible to pass a grotesque spy bill known as CISA, which stands for the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. Congress has been relentlessly trying to pass similar legislation for years, under constantly changing names.

Now here’s the latest attempt,  with Paul Ryan leading the charge. The Guardian reports:

US librarians have joined with a host of civil liberties groups to condemn a cybersecurity bill now passing through Congress they claim will be both “unhelpful” and “dangerous to Americans’ civil liberties”.

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Paul Ryan Hires Lobbyist Who Pushed for Obamacare and the Trans-Pacific Partnership as His Chief of Staff

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Paul Ryan has a terrible record as a Congressman. I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone can support a guy who’s been wrong on so many important issues, such as voting for the Iraq War and the banker bailouts, jus to name a few.

Which is why no one should be surprised that the useless cadre of Republicans in the House of Representatives are about to make him Speaker. The transition from John Boehner should be flawless.

Of course, Mr. Ryan is already showing his true colors, by naming veteran David Hoppe as his Chief of Staff. Mr. Hoppe has been quite busy over the past few years, lobbying for debacles such as Obamacare and Obamatrade (the TPP). This should leave no doubt as to who this guy actually works for (Hint: not the American people).

From the Intercept:

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