Congress Opens the Floodgates to Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate

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One of the key themes here at Liberty Blitzkrieg over the past couple of years, has been to highlight the fact that individuals or institutions with access to capital or cheap financing have been buying up properties across the U.S. in order to rent them to the same people foreclosed on during the financial crisis. This represents a primary driver in the transformation of the American economy into a neo-feual wasteland of broke debt serfs. The first article I ever wrote on the subject was titled, America Meet Your New Slumlord: Wall Street. Here’s an excerpt:

Well they aren’t really your “new” slumlord in the sense you have been debt slaves to the financials system for decades.  What I really mean is that it is now becoming overt and literal.  Literal because financiers are now the main players in the real estate market and are buying all the homes ordinary citizens were kicked out of over the past few years.  Yep, we bailed out the financial system so that financiers with access to cheap credit can buy up all of America’s real estate so that they can then rent it back to you later.

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