Hollywood Unplugged – Brad Pitt Says It’s Business as Usual for Wall Street’s Criminal Class

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Hollywood has returned to its cold war role, led by liberals. Ben Affleck’s Oscar-winning Argo is the first feature film so integrated into the propaganda system that its subliminal warning of Iran’s “threat” is offered as Obama is preparing, yet again, to attack Iran. That Affleck’s “true story” of good-guys-vbad- Muslims is as much a fabrication as Obama’s justification for his war plans is lost in PR-managed plaudits. As the independent critic Andrew O’Hehir points out, Argo is “a propaganda movie in the truest sense, one that claims to be innocent of all ideology”. That is, it debases the art of film-making to reflect an image of the power it serves.

– From the post: How Hollywood Became “Propagandist in Chief” by John Pilger

Hollywood’s refusal to cover issues of national importance, as opposed to largely producing inane nonsense or outright government propaganda, represents a gigantic stain on America’s creative arts scene. Indeed, after reading the story below, you have to wonder just how deeply the CIA has penetrated Tinseltown…

Remember Zero Dark Thirty? Turns Out it was a CIA Propaganda Film After All

Given this backdrop, Brad Pitt certainly deserves credit for making the following comments in a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter discussing his role in the screen adaptation of Michael Lewis’ The Big Short:

How did you become involved as a producer?

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