“Happy 18th Birthday! Meet your new Daddy,” read one website advertisement. “Do you have strong oral skills? We’ve got a job for you!” cooed another.
A message on another billboard directed at the “daddies” was more blunt: “The alternative to escorts. Desperate women will do anything”…
SeekingArrangement was founded by Las Vegas tech tycoon Brandon Wade. Wade is apparently worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 million. His motto is, “Love is a concept invented by poor people”…
SA also markets itself as an antidote to student debt. In the U.S. and elsewhere, college students are enduring financial instability and hardship. Because of rising college fees and rent, and the lack of time available for work during studies, many women are extremely vulnerable to exploitation. “SeekingArrangement.com has helped facilitate hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of arrangements that have helped students graduate debt-free,” Wade boasts on the website. Promotional videos show young, beautiful women enrolled in “Sugar Baby University” — in classrooms, holding wads of cash, driving luxury cars, and discussing the pleasure and ease of being a sugar baby.
When signing up for an account, potential sugar babies are told, “Tip: Using a .edu email address earns you a free upgrade!”
– TruthDig: Sugar-Coated Pimping
Watching politics unfold in the post-financial crisis era has been extraordinarily frustrating. While it’s been refreshing to observe the emergence of grassroots populism over the last few years, there’s a problematic lack of depth and clarity embedded in these burgeoning mass movements. Tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans now acknowledge that something’s deeply broken within the current paradigm, but we remain focused on identifying symptoms as opposed to understanding and rectifying the systemic nature of the problem.
As depressing as Bloomberg’s blatant attempt to buy the presidency is, there’s a silver lining.
It’ll force many people to admit what they’ve been trying to avoid. That the country is in fact an imperial oligarchy. Pretending it’s not only makes things worse.
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) February 17, 2020
Of course, there are numerous complexities when it comes to the administration of an imperial oligarchy, and our system didn’t emerge overnight. Perhaps the most fundamental mutation of the post WW2 era came in 1971 when the international convertibility of U.S. dollars into gold was severed. This is when the country began its long transformation from a largely industrial empire to a financial one. I’ve often highlighted how the purely fiat USD reserve currency is the most powerful weapon ever invented, and how the U.S. control of the global financial system is the true backbone of empire, but it’s equally important to understand how the predatory financial system is also used to subjugate Americans in their own country.
In order to understand how this works we need to dig into the most fundamentally important four letter word in any modern economy: Debt.
When most people consider the debilitating societal effects of excessive debt they tend to see it from one basic level. How the bottom half of the population essentially has no choice but to borrow in order to participate in the economy as constructed. This is because the cost of so many things has been inflated way beyond the capacity of most people to purchase them outright. Specifically, wage growth has failed to keep up with the soaring costs of fundamental things such as shelter, healthcare and higher education.
For instance, home prices have been rising faster than wages in 80% of U.S. markets, which means the higher cost tends to offset historically low mortgage rates. Low interest rates don’t really help such people, it just lets them maybe, barely purchase an intentionally inflated asset to live in by taking on a huge chunk of debt. An asset that could quickly become completely unaffordable should the economy turn down as it did a decade ago.
As such, you have multitudes taking on debt defensively just to keep going and avoid falling further down the socioeconomic scale. Debt doesn’t empower such people, rather, it turns them into modern day indentured servants endlessly stuck on a hamster wheel with little to no hope of getting off. This is not an accident, it’s a tried and tested tool which, when combined with incessant mass media propaganda, is an effective way of creating a submissive, confused and desperate underclass.
Many people understand this by now, but what’s far less understood, yet potentially more significant, is how the wealthy use debt.
The oligarchy uses debt offensively (to increase wealth and power), while the masses must use debt defensively (to survive). If more people understood precisely how the game is rigged at the highest level (financial system) we might get somewhere.
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) February 17, 2020
When you own your primary home outright and you’ve got enough savings that healthcare premiums and paying for your kids college in cash doesn’t make a dent, debt becomes something else entirely. Debt’s no longer an albatross around your neck, instead it becomes a tool to increase wealth. Debt becomes leverage.
Much of the explosion in wealth inequality over the past several decades can be traced back to this systemic interclass weaponization of debt. If you’re very wealthy and connected, access to extremely cheap debt is virtually unlimited, and this access is used to make leveraged bets on all sorts of stuff, but primarily real estate and financial assets such as stocks and bonds. Hasn’t this always been the case you ask? Aren’t those with capital always extremely advantaged over those without it? Isn’t that the history of capitalism and America since the beginning? My answer would be yes and no.
The main difference between prior periods of history and, let’s say the 21st century, has been the vast increase in power of the financial services sector thanks to the Federal Reserve’s willingness to encourage and enable the insatiable reckless behavior of the speculator class. It’s no secret the Fed has been intentionally boosting assets across the FIRE sector such as real estate, stocks and bonds since the crisis. Those with the capital to ride the coattails of this irresponsible and undemocratic central planning rushed out to take on debt to buy these assets, thus multiplying the return on investment.
While the white-collar cubicle worker with enough extra income to diligently add to their retirement account over the past decade has done fine, bankers or hedge fund managers who took on massive leverage to amplify such bets made generational fortunes while creating nothing of value. It’s the way debt works for the financial services sector versus how it works for the average person in a world dominated by big finance and the central bankers who provide them unlimited welfare.
The same thing occurs within the corporate suite, as executives across industries have used access to extremely cheap debt to buyback stock and reward themselves handsomely despite creating nothing of societal value while doing so. It’s pure financial engineering. Nobody should become generationally wealthy this way, but it’s exactly what’s been happening. So you see, debt’s not just a means to subjugate a desperate bottom half of the population, it’s concurrently an effective tool to expand wealth and power at the top.
Then there’s this.
"Investors are paying single A-rated LVMH to borrow money."
In case you're not paying attention, ECB policy is subsidizing the wealthiest man in France as he consolidates his industry.
Central bankism is welfare for billionaires. pic.twitter.com/CRDAI98BhI
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) February 18, 2020
When was the last time the bond market paid you to make an acquisition? As Max Keiser so eloquently puts it, this is interest rate apartheid.
But it’s even more pernicious than that. It’s still possible for regular wealthy people to take on too much leverage, make a mistake, and lose their fortunes — unless of course you’re an executive at major financial services firm. In that case you simply can’t lose, which was the primary lesson learned from the response to the financial crisis.
Not only were the titans of this industry not jailed, they walked away with their fortunes intact. The Federal Reserve and the U.S. government made this happen. It wasn’t an accident and it wasn’t to “save the economy;” that’s just nonsense talk for the confused masses. The entire point was to consolidate and further entrench the unaccountable power of those at the very top of the finance feudalism paradigm and signal they’ll also be bailed out for any future catastrophe they create.
Significantly, financial feudalism isn’t just interclass, it’s also intergenerational. The stock market and real estate crash of a decade ago was the market’s attempt to reset those assets more in line with median incomes, but central banks would have none of that. They determined asset prices needed to be re-inflated as much as possible as fast as possible, and these unelected banker stooges went about implementing this major policy decision of central economic planning with zero public debate. Young people entering the workforce had no savings and poor wage growth, so a generation was quickly priced out of homeownership while simultaneously stuck with an enormous pile of student debt. The results of all this are unsurprising.
A message on another billboard directed at the “daddies” was more blunt: “The alternative to escorts. Desperate women will do anything.”
Yet another example of intergenerational abuse. Turning broke college kids into prostitutes.https://t.co/I1zs3R5yGd
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) February 15, 2020
The crisis facing this country is simmering and metastasizing under the surface of misleading aggregate economic data and record stock markets. While it’s tempting to focus on the symptoms, we’ll never confront and tackle any of this properly unless we understand the structure and how the game is really played. The system you’re living in isn’t capitalism or socialism, it’s financial feudalism.
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Anyone calling for a rebalancing of this system, they will label.
Likes Bloombeg.
Have to ask yourself if all as as great as he claims, why are people running towards Sanders?
Leon Cooperman says Bernie Sanders is a bigger threat to the stock market
But “there are things that are very troubling to me. No. 1 is Bernie Sanders,” Cooperman said Tuesday. “He is not a socialist. He is, rather, a communist. … I just hope the country isn’t ready to elect a communist or a socialist. If we do, I think the market is in store for a big problem.”
Sanders identifies himself as a democratic socialist.
Don’t worry though if you keep current fraud as is, Leon promises to be charitable and throw you some crumbs.
Yep, elites believe in just two categories, whether you’re a “status quo” candidate or not. They correctly see red/blue as meaningless.
Regardless of what people think of Bernie, Tulsi, or Yang, they are seen as threats. TPTB worried about Trump too, but it turns out they had little to fear with him.
Excellent report Michael thank you. I am with you in your mission and my book is soon to be published for those who want to know all you mention and much more.
It is tragic that young women are being targeted like this and that the system allows such horrific abuse. I emailed ITV about the shocking death of Caroline Flack pointing out that it was ultimately their responsibility. I doubt it will change anything.
Except where is the person BRAVE enough to state the capitalist system produces feudalism…
Yes indeed, it is the system that is at fault IMHO. But we can change this.
If you think about it, the Fed is providing very generous disability benefits to psychopaths.
The Fed is part of the government, even though it operates independently [sic], therefore corporate America is dependent on the government just like disabled people are.
After all, psychopathy is a form of brain damage so you can hardly expect corporate execs to be capable cognitive functions more advanced than lying, can you?
You may have been making your comment facetiously but there is some real truth to how the system has been steered to deliver exactly what you write as the real life extension to the oft quoted Frederic Bastiat “When plunder becomes a way of life….”
First off we must remember that there is a class of people who have no moral compunctions and who will find the nooks and crannies in the economy to profit from that no moral person would consider and that there is another class of persons who will pay for the services of the former. Both strive to corrupt and coerce the moral to their immoral enterprise. This is the real problem and unless humanity can find its moral bearings there will be no advancement of our species and likely only degeneration. As it is what we have is a planetary system of masters and slaves and the masters are highly immoral to the point of being evil.
This system is based on a monopoly over the money supply as a command and control system that has built and maintains an oligarchical ownership structure by which ‘capitalists’ own and operate the global economy as their private corporate fiefdom.
“Money issuing bankers are the Gods whose invisible hands rule from on high; corporate capitalists are the Kings and aristocrats who exercise visible government over this planet as their private property. Everyone else are wage serfs bound in debt bondage to the money creating and lending banks. As long as money issuance remains a banker’s private monopoly no other beneficial reforms are financially possible” D Hermanutz
If you don’t want you intelligent daughter screwing old men who will pay for her tuition et al and tainting her soul then either you have to pay up under the present system of debt peonage or begin to think on a much larger scale about changing for who and in whose interests our money system is designed to serve.
Thanks, Michael. I wish that there were a version of your posts in ‘ordinary vernacular’, i.e., absolutely no ‘financial’ terms, so that I could share it with friends who don’t speak the lingo. Was it Galbraith who said that ‘economic terminology’ is deliberately opaque to deliberately achieve obfuscation…and until the average joe can comprehend your basic message, it stays trapped in the ‘choir’.
Societal Collapse can be defined as a rapid and enduring loss of population, identity and socio-economic complexity. Public services crumble and disorder ensues as government loses control of its monopoly on violence.
So let’s be frank. The US government is bankrupt, over $22 trillion and counting (This doesn’t count the roughly 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities) The only thing keeping this debt and death based, global, multi generational ponzi scheme from imploding is that the US government can legally counterfeit the worlds reserve currency. A fiat currency which is backed by absolute nothing, it is literally not even worth the paper it’s printed on…
The US is a gold flecked garbage heap slowly rolling towards the ocean. On fire.
There is a lot of ruin in our nation, but for almost 40 years now America’s elites have treated the US as something to loot and consume, and assumed that the good times would keep rolling.
They were uninterested in actually governing. They were happy to move much of America’s core manufacturing overseas, to the most likely nation to replace America as a hegemon, because the Chinese were smart enough to make American elites rich.
Please realize our world runs on net energy from oil. Due to resource depletion, it takes more and more net energy from oil to get more oil. We can be assured that in consequence, since the early 1980s, the absolute amount of net energy delivered by the oil industry to the non-oil part of the industrial world has been in steep decline.
Combine BAU with this issue of net energy decline, and the reason for the various economic ups and downs over the past decades become very apparent (aided in great part by the federal reserve and the sociopaths in Federal public office)
In fact it’s gotten to the point now that there is no rule of law for those with money. The parasitic elites do what they wish with impunity, from the Clintons to Trump, to the corporations, anything needed to assure a steady flow of money and material resources to the elites is OK. Anything goes…
Excellent observations Thin The Herd, well said and I support all you say:
And Dr Tim Morgan explains net energy and EcoE at his blog:
Powerful truths… well writ.
Sometimes the only winning move is not to play the game..when you can’t affect outcome…affect the quorum….
Excellent article. Shared.
Excellent article thanks again!
A fish rots from the head, and Washington D.C. is a STENCH smelled around the World.
Everything I Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten
America is overdue for a Great Cleansing.
One of the most disgusting sights is Police making a self-glorifying public display of “helping underprivileged children” at Christmas. The Criminal, JUST-US System and those police are impoverishing families with onerous fees, fines, “charges”. Perjuring, report falsifying, liars putting on a show of piety. Those who lie also steal.
The courts, prosecutors, police are vampire parasites wrongfully convicting people too poor to afford ridiculous lawyer fees. They live by feeding off the People.
This is the same thing the British courts used to do —- wrongfully convict to provide free labor to Britain’s penal colonies and enrich the judges. Though couched in the lofty, Latinate language of the law, a LIE is still a LIE. Part of the reason for the American Revolution. Now it is Judges, Prosecutors, “counselors”, For Profit prisons …… a whole “Incarceration industry” giving itself unlimited employment.
There is a cycle in human society …. the Haves make rules more and more complicated, expensive, and entangled so that the Haves always win and keep piling up the power …. after time the HaveNots realize that and do the first thing one learns in Kindergarten —- they throw the game table over and slaughter a bunch of the Haves. We are approaching that point now. That is good.
America needs Jack-Booted-Thug police like It needs Homosexual-Pedophile priests.
“The privileged have regularly invited their own destruction with their greed.” — John Kenneth Galbraith, The Age of Uncertainty
In Kindergarten we all learned that if the other players in a game keep changing the rules to benefit themselves, the ONLY course of action is to THROW the table over.
This is all too true Lawernce, thank you, and it is sad that TPTB have control and we, the little people, have no influence – but perhaps the revolution will come about as it did all those centuries ago.
I try to read John Whitehead’s pieces on child sex trafficking over at Rutherford Institute when they appear. “Try” is the operative word because some of it is so despairing and despicable, it’s difficult to comprehend there are people that evil who exist in the world. The trick is not to become so morally despairing of all those supposed “good men” out there (99% of those who engage children for sex are male) who willingly exploit the most vulnerable among us, those predatory sickos, that one can objectively assess the moral landscape.
I am under no illusion that anyone, anywhere is “good”. We are all sinners and can only rely on the grace and mercy of a loving and forgiving God. The pre-requisite is to sincerely repent and persist in conforming one’s life to the will and example set by Jesus Christ. Where are the calls for the Brandon Wades to repentance, restitution and reparation towards those they harm spiritually and physically? His is not merely a financial set-up, it is a highly morally and spiritually destructive operation.
There is something protective about the “churched”. Girls who are taught Christian morals and ethics such as their bodies are not commodities to be cheaply traded away for dollars, are unlikely to answer those ads. Young women who understand they are far more than a FICO score, or a student loan balance, do not succumb to sexploitation of “Seeking Arrangement” or other cynical, predatory “businesses”.
Well said – we can but carry the word of truth to those willing to listen. I met with my granddaughter (aged 21) the other day and found it difficult for her to understand the toxicity of following ‘celebrities’ and the ‘money’. She is besotted with social media and all the distortions that it engenders.
We can but pray for enlightenment and forgiveness in this troubled world.
For many people the act of having blind belief in a cultural religion that is too often too dogmatic, as another enslaving control mechanism over the people, means they must define their spirituality by a different means. For these people I would suggest taking a serious look at the scientifically and empirically tested hypothesis of Natural Law. Some call it God’s Law. This law is universal and immutable in its jurisdiction which governs the behaviors of all sentient beings with consequences for either their moral or immoral acts on the individual and aggregate level. The more moral in aggregate a people’s actions and thoughts are the greater the freedoms they will enjoy. Conversely the more immoral their behaviors the greater will be their slavery under tyranny.
Here in the US, churches have slowly fallen out of favor because most of them are far more business than religious institution. They represent one more angle of the hypocrisy people have grown so weary of. Joel Osteen has long been the biggest pastor in America and is a good example. What does he stand for besides making money?
Sorry, but this “church is the answer” sentiment is part of what’s wrong with the country. I grew up way out in the corn fields, and I remember when we used to be smug about things like drug addiction and crime. Since then, both the meth and opioid scourges devastated a lot of rural areas. Turns out we weren’t all so wholesome after all and we bleed just like everyone else.
As far as these prostitution-lite schemes Krieger mentions, I guarantee there are many girls from religious backgrounds who at least dabble in it. It’s everywhere, just like the general malaise in our society.
Chinese Billionaire Miles Guo Wengui
All phony, of course. Because none of these people actually create food and clothing.
Just push paper around. Whether it’s documents or paper dollar bulls and you all fell for it.
But you wanted leaders and you got them. And boy that made them happy and they couldn’t believe their luck.
What suckers they be, they thought. The only thing they ever got right.
We have indeed been stuck in a state of suspended animation since the 2008 financial crisis, but I’ve seen huge changes in the social mood. Until then, nearly everyone believed in America but now quite a few people don’t, particularly young people. It’s sad watching young women prostitute themselves en masse, it reminds me of Russia’s post-USSR “wild wild east” of the 1990s.
People are getting angrier every day, but unfortunately a lot of that anger is unfocused. Most people still know nothing about the Fed or any central bankers. They know little about TARP or the 2008 crisis. Rather than trying to fix anything, we’re putting all effort into making sure random people direct that growing animosity toward each other, and so far it’s working beautifully.
All we can do as outsiders is try to tell people about how the Fed rigged this game and that charlatans like Trump aren’t going to help them. Otherwise, it’s best to be nice and stay out of the way of irate people. Sooner or later bullets will start flying and it’s not going to be pretty.
Soon we’ll all be on an exchange with a number……
Students as Investments
At the same time, more investors are starting to view students as a promising asset class.
Christopher Ricciardi is a managing partner with FlowPoint Capital Partners, a New York investment firm; he is known as the “grandfather of CDOs” for his role in popularizing collateralized debt obligations, the tools that seeded the 2008 financial crisis.
This past fall, FlowPoint unveiled edly, an online marketplace that matches schools selling “shares” of their students’ ISAs with accredited investors.
Ricciardi envisions that the market for ISAs could replace the entire $10 billion private loan market and then some, growing to at least $20 billion.
The Senate bill introduced last year would treat income share agreements as a new category, apart from loans, and exempt from usury laws and other protections afforded to borrowers.
Proponents say the legislation is necessary to regulate ISAs, and that ISAs are distinct from debt. But consumer advocates argue that the legislation provides a back door around lending rules, and that it could leave students vulnerable. “It’s exceedingly unclear how these products—especially products that are broad-based, across schools, across programs—expect to comport with basic fair lending laws that have been on the books for decades,” said Seth Frotman, a former Consumer Financial Protection Bureau official who now runs the nonprofit Student Borrower Protection Center.
In debt and securitized…the ameri-con dream
Michael Hudson has written and talked a lot about this modern debt peonage or neofeudalism. Check out his talks on youtube or his books e.g. Forgive Them Their Debts.
Ah yes debt , the dirty little word nobody likes to discuss, yet is eating away at our children’s future & our retirement prospects.
These ridiculously low rates have acted like a flame to us moths, and enslaved many going forward to a life of servitude to the banks for example here in Canada , ( average Canadian owes $1.70 for every dollar earned) not sure how you Americans are doing .
Yet our great neighbour to the south have “ The Clinton Crime Syndicate “ and Glass Stegall “ serving up all college students to the bankers for life !
We’re stuck in a terrible spot , not sure how it will all play out with the financial crisis looming , and the liquidity cliff approaching ? The way I see it …. as interest start their climb to stratospheric heights , we will all learn the tough love message that one needs to live within their means .
We live in the greatest of times and in the greatest of countries.
For all its inevitable flaws (impossible to avoid if we remember we are selfish shitheadded human beings, after all), these United States offer the greatest opportunity for social and economic advancement ever seen in history.
Learning and education are a click away for anyone.
There is no such thing as “equality” and “elites” and “TPTB” are given constants in all organizations.
There are smart people and there are dumb people.
There are the industrious and the lazy.
And then there is the everywhere in between.
The smart and industrious will seek to gather wealth and power and will feather their nests and the nests of their children and grandchildren… why shouldn’t they??? The progeny will probably fuck it up in a generation or two, anyway.
But that doesn’t prevent others from doing the same.
I personally know plenty of blacks and Latinos and homosexuals and women, all the “historically oppressed” groups, that have built amazing lives for themselves in this horribly patriarchal crony-capitalist Fed-controlled wasteland. Waaah. They all have two things in common: they are smart and they work their asses off.
Most importantly, they work smart.
If you aren’t smart, bummer, bad roll. Gimme a call and I’ll pay you to do shit I don’t want to do. You won’t get rich, but if I like you and you’re honest and hard-working, I’ll take care of you.
If you’re lazy, Fuck off. Get off your ass… or don’t, I don’t care.
Yes, debt is a trap. Duh.
The unwary fall into traps. Duh.
Don’t be unwary.
Teach your kids to be wary and to not buy shit they can’t afford.
All of these things are as old as civilization itself.
You fuckers need to grow up and quit bitching about how shit oughta be and get busy making “the system” work for you.
If you can’t make that happen, you’re either incapable, didn’t try hard enough, or fucked it up along the way. Regardless, quit whining. It sets a bad example.
And for all you American citizens, quit the self-hating.
We are a young nation. A nation built on Risk-taking and Industry. American industry and risk-taking have built an amazing world. Are we the same country as when we started, no. Some good, some bad there. And we probly won’t be around in 100 years, and if we are, we’ll be living in despotism, if we aren’t already, just as old Ben Franklin predicted.
In the meantime, enjoy the show! In fact, JOIN the show.
I’ll get you started, Steps 1, 2 & 3:
1.) quit smoking weed in the morning
2.) quit drinking so much at night
3.) nut-the-fuck-up, you bastards!
Your programming is complete so your total satisfaction with the system the pyramid cap have employed to create a master and slave world in their own interests will never ever enter your thinking processes or thoughts again. Go forth now and spread the word according to the gospel you have been given.
Versus what alternative?
The gospel of blame and discontent?
The gospel of sedentary irresponsibility?
The fallacy of equality and communism?
The gospel of hopelessness under an insurmountable system?
No, I prefer hope.
Personal revolution via self-discipline and responsibility.
Realistic appraisal and productive action.
The gospel of go fuck yourself.
Learn it.
Love it.
Live it.
And have a nice day.
The tl;dr version of Nightnthebox’s post:
1) We can print our way to prosperity
2) If you have misgivings about all this printing, you’re anti-American
3) Reality is a meaningless concept. Believe whatever makes you feel good
No friend Tengen, I think a better summary is this:
God, grant me the serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
I know shit’s fucked.
And I know our entire monetary system and global economy is a JIT house of marked cards built on a wobbly, three-legged table of nonsense overseen by intelligent, self-interested mafiosos that can certainly do the math as well or better than I can.
But I also know that I have no control over those things.
And I know that the time I spend dwelling on this shit is time away from taking action to better my life and the lives around me.
That, I can control.
That is reality.
That is actionable.
You feel me, dawg?
the gospel that if you will only believe hard enough
work hard enough, long hours and days enough
sacrifice your personal life enough
try try again enough
you may attain what this twisted society claims is success
that is unless you have a special gift or intelligence like having a 95 mph fastball or find advanced mathematics so much child’s play. Otherwise be prepared for life on a plantation and most of the rewards for some innovation or your hard work going to the master via the hidden system, even if this innovation makes your work or someone else’ easier.
I have no problem with hard work but do with a parasitic pyramid cap that rides on the back of everyone’s hard work.
It’s a bizarre way of looking at things. One has to think about our monetary system just long enough to know QE-forever won’t work, but not a second longer, because that could induce sadness.
You can have whatever outlook you want, Night, but you keep telling people here what they should think too. If you know printing won’t work and you visit a blog dedicated to this topic, why would discussion bother you so much? Why would you want everyone to buy into a system that you know doesn’t work?
Can’t help but think if we were in the USSR 30 years ago you’d be telling everyone to keep genuflecting toward the Lenin statues and ignore all the rumblings of change beneath our feet.
Worth a read folks: Ernest Millington “Shadow Rulers”. Deep, but full of info on the control matrix.
Ahhh….the serenity prayer..that has been the go to my entire adult life as I’ve watched the ship of state list…slowly at first, but now starting to accelerate.” Don’t hate the player hate the game.” Now that the water is rising, we see there are not enough life boats for all the passengers. Hard choices are coming..who gets the life boats this time? Most of us remember who were “bailed out” the last time we started sinking. We all, or at least most, feel the ice burg approaching. The question now is who do we save? Some have private boats and have already left the ship, some think they have a place on the life boats, and some are oblivious…”the captain would never put the ship in a dangerous or compromised position. God bless the ship. I would fight and die for the ship.” We all fall somewhere on that spectrum. The Ship of State is rolling over. It’s just a matter of time. Who’s responsible is moot at this point. So what now? Get yours while the gettins good before we sink? Obliviously listen to the deck musicians as we sink into the sea? Frantically bail? What? What are we going to do this time?