Given the fact that I’m not a Trump supporter, a few people have informed me that my recent coverage has been very one-sided against Clinton. This is unquestionably true. Since I’m always trying to question myself and my motivations, I had to ask myself: Why is this the case?
Beyond the incredible torrent of factual revelations that have emerged which should disqualify her from being considered President, there’s something else going on. That something else is the mainstream media.
It all began during the Democratic primary when I noticed a very disturbing trend emerge. A trend which has only gotten worse in the subsequent months. As I noted in February’s piece, A Detailed Look at The New York Times’ Embarrassing, Deceitful and Illogical Endorsement of Hillary Clinton:
The New York Times’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary consists of an unreadable, illogical piece of fiction. In this post, I will critique the paper’s position in detail, but first I want to take a step back and explain to people what I think is going on in the bigger picture.
In its endorsement of Hillary, the New York Times editorial board did such a sloppy job I can’t help but think it may have done permanent damage to its brand. Upon reading it, my initial conclusion was that the editorial board was either suffering from Stockholm syndrome or merely concerned about losing advertising revenues should they endorse Sanders. Then I thought some more and I realized my initial conclusions were wrong. Something else is going on here, something far more subtle, subconscious and illuminating. The New York Times is defending the establishment candidate simply because the New York Times is the establishment.
One of the biggest trends of the post financial crisis period has been a plunge in the American public’s perception of the country’s powerful institutions. The establishment often admits this reality with a mixture of bewilderment and erroneous conclusions, ultimately settling on the idea people are upset because “Washington can’t get anything done.” However, nothing could be further from the truth. When it comes to corruption and serving big monied interests, both Congress and the President are very, very good at getting things done. Yes it’s true Congress doesn’t get anything done on behalf of the people, but this is no accident. The government doesn’t work for the people.
With its dishonest and shifty endorsement of Hillary Clinton, I believe the New York Times has finally come out of the closet as an unabashed gatekeeper of the status quo. I suppose this makes sense since the paper has become the ultimate status quo journalistic publication. The sad truth is the publication has been living on borrowed time and a borrowed reputation for a long time. Long on prestige, it remains very short on substance when it comes to fighting difficult battles in the public interest. Content with its position of power and influence within the current paradigm, the paper doesn’t want to rock the boat. What the New York Times is actually telling its readers with the Hillary Clinton endorsement is that it likes things just the way they are, and will fight hard to keep them that way. It is as much a part of the American establishment as any government institution.
So I already had a bone to pick with the New York Times for its key role is defeating the far more decent and genuine candidate in Bernie Sanders. Then a few months later, after Sanders had been successfully disposed of, the paper went ahead and printed a gushing pro-Hillary op-ed piece written by a former CIA director without disclosing the fact he currently works for Hillary Clinton’s “principal gatekeeper,” Beacon Global Strategies. See: New York Times Fails to Disclose Op-Ed Writer’s Ties to Hillary Clinton’s ‘Principal Gatekeeper’.
This is propaganda, not journalism.
While all of this was bad enough, things didn’t really get out of hand until “fringe” bloggers started asking questions about Hillary’s health. Sure, plenty of crazy stuff got floated around (this is the internet after all), but it became very clear, very quickly that asking questions about her health was not simply “conspiracy theory.”
Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson recently penned a perfect summary of the egregious journalistic malpractice committed by the mainstream media in that regard. Here’s her excellent piece, The News Media’s Miscalculation on Hillary’s Health:
I watched the video of Hillary Clinton as she faltered, slumped and then apparently got dragged into her van, and I felt awful. Public officials put themselves in the public eye, but to have every step and misstep analyzed the way we do today seems to be a no-win situation. I wouldn’t want someone videotaping me when I had a migraine headache or–as I did several times in my 20’s working in Florida–became faint and dehydrated. I join with many Americans who wish Clinton the best, and a speedy recovery from what her doctors say is a case of pneumonia and dehydration.
But the incident raises questions about the news media’s coverage surrounding Clinton’s health. Rather than reporting the facts, many in the media have taken it upon themselves to shout down the questions and to controversialize those asking them. On August 21, 2016, after Trump adviser Rudolph Giuliani suggested people research Clinton’s medical state on Google, a New York Times tech columnist retorted in a tweet:
“Google should fix this. It shouldn’t give quarter to conspiracy theorists.” Tweet by Farhad Manjoo of the New York Times, 8/21/2016.
I covered this exact episode in the post: Questioning Hillary’s Health is Not Conspiracy Theory
In other words, the columnist was advocating that a conspiracy be committed to stop people from researching Clinton’s health, which he labeled a conspiracy. Many others in the media also chimed in using the “conspiracy theory” moniker. It’s designed to convince the public to tune out the discussion, in much the same way as other common astroturf terms such as “debunked,” “bonkers,” “tin-foil hat,” “shoddy,” “discredited,” “quack,” “bogus,” “denier,” and “crank.”
Left-wing apparatus Vox chimed in with an article titled: “The bonkers conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton’s health.” The pro-Hillary Clinton smear machine, Media Matters, chided NBC News for “mainstreaming conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health.” Vice picked up the theme writing, “How conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health went mainstream.” CNNpublished an article “Debunking conspiracy theories” about her health. CNN media critic Brian Stelter urged the media: “Do Not Give Oxygen To ‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Hillary Clinton Is ‘Secretly Ill’.” HuffPost wrote, “Let’s call the conspiracy theories about Clinton’s health what they are…” ThinkProgress joined in with, “Trump campaign embraces conspiracy theory…” From MSNBC: “Trump, allies push conspiracy theory about Clinton’s health.” NPR: “Trump adds fuel to conspiracy theory about Clinton’s health.” You get the idea. Everybody’s on the same page.
In fact, questions about Clinton’s health, whether grounded or far-fetched, had little to do with supposed conspiracies.
Today, a Washington Post reporter acknowledged that he, too, had recently argued the discussion was “the stuff of conspiracy theorists.” But now, in the face of the obvious, he agrees there are legitimate concerns.
Coughing, I wrote, is simply not evidence enough of any sort of major illness that Clinton is assumed to be hiding. Neither, of course, is feeling “overheated.” But those two things happening within six days of each other to a candidate who is 68 years old makes talk of Clinton’s health no longer just the stuff of conspiracy theorists.–Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza
In other words, all this was “the stuff of conspiracy theorists” until the reporters who appear to have been proven wrong, decided it was not. It’s almost as if we in the media take an editorial position with no factual basis, dare critics to prove us wrong, and then when events do, we modify our stance.
That’s not what the news is supposed to do. Reporters are, ideally, supposed to bring facts to light. If we relegate our role to one of spinning and trying to convince the public of our position; then end up bringing up the rear after-the-fact, what good are we?
Pneumonia is a serious disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, each year about 50-thousand people in the U.S. die of pneumonia. While successful pneumonia treatment often leads to full recovery, it can have longer term consequences: “worsened exercise ability, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and quality of life for months or years.” How much does it matter? Perhaps not much. After all, any of us could drop dead tomorrow. It will be up to Americans to decide whether this is an issue that matters to their vote. It’s up to the news media to try to get at the facts rather than advance either candidate’s narratives.
At the end of the day, I have concluded that my focus on Hillary as of late (vs. Trump) has as much to with my disgust for the mainstream media as anything else. To see these organs, which have destroyed this country by keeping the people uninformed for decades, now rally around a sickly, corrupt, oligarch coddling politician as the empire enters the collapse stage is simply too much to stomach. Although I’m still voting 3rd party, it’s now become obvious that if my sentiments are widely reflected across the country, Donald Trump will win the election handily. As I tweeted earlier today:
Prediction: Trump wins partly because people who don’t even like him want to inflict punishment on the mainstream media.
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) September 13, 2016
The only positive thing to happen during this election season is the death of mainstream media. With their insufferable propaganda fully exposed, there is no coming back.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger
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Just Google hr 4310 section 1078. Then wonder why you should be surprised by the MSM
By voting you endorse the corrupt system. ALL candidates are ‘picked’ and non of them get near a position of power without the secret services having complete power over them with hidden scandals and corruption evidence.
Voting gives the system justification.
You got it, Mike. This election appears to be coming down for who will control the media — with a Democrat victory leading to an Internet clampdown, and with a Republican victory resulting in the demise of the mainstream and its replacement by alt-right and possibly even independent journalism outfits.
The mainstream is all-in on Clinton, and they’re burning all the credibility they have left to make it happen. The only way they survive this is if their competition is eliminated. That’s you, Mike, and various independent journalists and commentators.
However, if Trump wins the election, dinosaur media is finished. Their credibility will be thoroughly depleted, and the alties will swoop in to fill the void.
Given this analysis, I think you can imagine which option I favor.
I hardly watch any MSM, because I don’t want millionaires reading me my news. A journalist used to be a regular working person – in MSM they’re part of the elites, the PR branch, if you will.
Everyone working at NYT or CNN etc etc will do anything to keep their cushy jobs, therefore they will do anything to maintain the status quo. It’s really about who is safe inside the castle and who is outside the moat.
Outside of the urban power centers, no one reads the NYT. And since cable is an antiquated technology, how are the likes of CNN to survive?
So now the status quo is trying to capture the entire Internet for themselves – they need a captive audience in order to survive.
And, no, the election of Trump won’t change anything.
Everyone working at NYT or CNN etc etc will do anything to keep their cushy jobs, therefore they will do anything to maintain the status quo.”
Yes…especially Krugman….
Why Are The Media Objectively Pro-Trump?
September 13, 2016 10:37 am
And I don’t see how the huffing and puffing about the foundation — which “raised questions”, but where the media were completely unwilling to accept the answers they found — fits into this at all.
No, it’s something special about Clinton Rules. I don’t really understand it. But it has the feeling of a high school clique bullying a nerdy classmate because it’s the cool thing to do.
And as I feared, it looks as if people who cried wolf about non-scandals are now engaged in an all-out effort to dig up or invent dirt to justify their previous Clinton hostility.
I’m scared…as in Orwellian scared….because the MSM is jamming a narrative down our throats and when you question it…you’re the bully.
What investigations into the foundation…? The MSM avoids topic.
On Monday, I did something I haven’t done for years: turned on CNN news. I was curious to see whether the MSM was covering Hillary’s illness(es). And indeed the announcer did mention it, but then he quickly switched over and said something like “Donald Trump made a series of unsubstantiated claims today.” What followed was a complete hatchet job. I thought I was already cynical but admit I was surprised by the complete lack of even the pretense of fairness. I’m no Trump fan, so wasn’t outraged for that reason. The MSM is indeed dead, of a self-inflicted wound.
I wanted
To watch myself some news on TV
I thought I’d
Let the lies
Spin me away
Oh-hh! But it was a horrible scene
I’d’a been better off if I’d
Stayed awake
Stay awake
Krieger has hit the nail on the head regarding the MSM and Clinton, but then again this has been an established fact for some time now as the stats show most people now get their news from the alt-media off the internet as the last bastion of sourcing independent news. While I don’y buy the Libertarian nonsense of ‘free markets’ as a panacea cure for the state capitalism has been orchestrated into I do see the desperate need that globalism and neo-liberal economic mantra must be muzzled and regulated in order for capitalism to provide the greatest good to the greatest numbers. This being said neither offering by the Democratic-Republican singularity, both as right wing demagogues, will halt the societal destructive forces that have been unleashed by the world’s Apex Elites with international laissez faire capitalism with their control of most of the world’s capital.
Don’t buy the Libertarian solution? What exactly is wrong with smaller government? It is supposedly the Republican theme song. Now I do agree that open borders is not a very good idea. But that is just the current candidates. The general philosophy – small government – is correct.
I have been a libertarian for 28 years. Before that? I was a communist. Funny thing eh? And before 9/11 I was a hard core Libertarian.
I’m voting Trump. Because I really dislike Hillary.
In this world today of international trade between multinational corporations we have seen the progression to Globalism under the neo-liberal mantra concerning movement of capital. This is Libertarianism, in a perverted form, in action. Government get out of the way and let the “free market’, as if there ever was one, operate. Who is going to regulate this free association of individuals, as interlocking Boards of Directors, mostly of bank holding LLCs, that now control 40% of all ‘trade’ and 60% of all revenues world wide? Who or what can compete against such global corporate control, especially when they control the creation of money in any quantity they want for whatever purpose they want?
I’ve been through this debate a number of times and will decline to do it again so you may have the last word.
WE should not, for the penalty of death, ever, ever, ever, think we have the upper hand over, especially, the Main Stream Media, and I don’t care what their ratings are, six percent, one percent, it is all a misdirect, America is owned by the MSM and the family that owns the MSM is the Rothschild family (AP and Reuters and Hollywood – are Rothschild) NOTHING HAS CHANGED, NOTHING CAN CHANGE AS LONG AS WE HAVE THE GOVERNMENT WE HAVE TODAY. Give me control of the money, which we have, and, I care not who writes the laws -Mayer Amschel Bauer — if my sons did not want war there would be no war -mother Rothschild, and, who can disagree with that?
We are not even close to uprooting the Banking System or the Banker’s who run America like -a dog. Go back to sleep, soon it will be over.
Eh bien, contrairement à vous, et même s’il y a une part de clown en lui, je soutiens Trump ! Viva Trump ! Clinton est malade, mauvaise, maudite…
The New York Times likes things the way they are and don’t want to change? I’m not sure that is correct. The opposite might be more accurate. The Times gets behind the undermining traditions of the US, supporting the Democrat Party who also support the undermining US values position.