If Senseless Violence Continues, America Will Be a Total Police State in No Time

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As soon as I saw the video of the Alton Sterling shooting on Wednesday, I had a very, very bad feeling about where this was all headed. In fact, I became so concerned I wrote a post titled, A Period of Major Civil Unrest is Coming – How to Win an Inevitable Confrontation with the Status Quo. Here are a few of the key warnings and suggestions I provided:

Increasingly, the general public is coming to the very unpleasant realization that they live in a corporate oligarchy in which they are subjects rather than citizens. The more they are pushed into a corner, the sooner they will lash out in all sorts of ways.

The generational level revolts I anticipate have been a long time coming and will emanate from both rural, largely white America, as well from inner city communities populated mostly by minorities. The key thing we must all bear in mind going into the turbulent times ahead is that we are all in this together. 

The other key variable as to whether the forthcoming rebellions result in any positive change will revolve around what form they take. When I say civil unrest, I am well aware that this likely means some degree of violence and looting; however, such expressions of frustration will do far more harm than good. We must recognize that as it stands the status quo has no actual legitimacy, and therefore can only succeed if it’s able to portray the abused public as the bad guys, and sell us on the idea that the U.S. government is the only thing standing between us and violent mobs.

If you want to win this battle, you need to be smart. Winning the hearts and minds of the general public is absolutely critical, and shouldn’t be difficult in an environment in which the establishment discredits itself on a daily basis.

While we don’t know who the police murderers in Dallas were, or their motivations, we do know one thing. Their actions will unquestionably have several very counterproductive and dangerous outcomes.

1. Further divide the country in general.

2. Further the already wide distrust between the police and the general public.

3. Increase the likelihood of more violence, and the eventual imposition of a total police state in America.

Either the people who committed the murders had the above goals in mind, or they were just stupid, violent criminals who didn’t have the meager sophistication necessary to understand the extremely negative implications of their actions.

Unfortunately for us, the horrible massacres that occurred in Dallas are exactly the sort of thing that the status quo wants to see. It further divides the public and it creates a justification for more militarization of the police, more surveillance and less civil liberties. Guess who’s going to be most negatively impacted by all of that? Black people, poor people, and the disenfranchised generally.

Anyone who thinks senseless violence will solve the issues of oppression in America doesn’t understand America or the status quo. Executing police in a premeditated manner gives the establishment credibility, and solidifies its support amongst the silent majority as well as the upper classes. The marginalized cannot win a battle if that’s the case. Period, end of story. If you think otherwise, you’re in for a rude awakening.

Everything necessary to put these United States on total police state lockdown are already firmly in place, I’ve been following it closely for nearly a decade. These things have been put in place not for foreign terrorists, but for the American public once they inevitably revolt against their economic slavery and hopelessness. The powers that be knew all of this was coming, and they are entirely prepared for it. Are you prepared? Senseless violence is the only justification needed to put marginalized Americans in walled ghettos like the Israelis have done to so many Palestinians. Don’t think it can’t happen here? Just watch.

If you really want to win, the key is to be smart. Senseless violence is the opposite of smart. It’s a surefire way to lose and be thrown in a camp. Take a look at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as a history lesson. Terrorist attacks from Palestinians certainly damage the Israeli government when they get out of control, but as long as they remain somewhat contained, they actually serve to benefit the establishment. Moreover, if they do get out of control, the Israeli public merely demands harsher measures. Who ends up winning in that scenario?

What really scares the Israeli government isn’t terror attacks, but the BDS movement. That’s what really keeps them up at night. Why? Because it’s nonviolent, global and has attracted countless Jews. That’s the sort of thing that presents a real problem for power structures, not mindless, random acts of violence. If you want to win, be smart. Senseless violence is a guaranteed way to lose and will result in a oneway ticket to a police state.

John Lennon had it right.

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For related articles, see:

A Period of Major Civil Unrest is Coming – How to Win an Inevitable Confrontation with the Status Quo

It’s Time to Stop Saying – “But Cops Have a Dangerous Job”

Why the Standoff at the Bundy Ranch is a Very Big Deal

South Carolina Cop to Be Charged with Murder for Shooting Man 8 Times in the Back as He Ran Away

“The Populist Upsurge is Real” – A Liberal College Professor Finds Common Ground with the Tea Party

Thoughts on Election Day: Relax—Both Parties Are Going Extinct

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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49 thoughts on “If Senseless Violence Continues, America Will Be a Total Police State in No Time”

    • I’m sorry, Michael. I just re-read what you wrote and it sounded like you were defending Israel the first time I read it. I grew up in Armonk, New York and I am strongly pro-Palestinian. I think you are also from New York and I may have put a label on that.

      I apologize.

  1. There is a fourth possible (not likely, but possible) outcome. The powers that be might just catch a clue, and just as happened after TPTB killed all the black panthers, a lifeline with be thrown to the masses. The war on poverty was announced in ’64, and the black panthers were killed in ’66. So even if HRC does something completely out of character, this stuff likely will continue until the end of the decade.

    Peaceful protests are ignored in the oligarchy just as are comedians. In the oligarchy, only money talks.

    “… occurred in Dallas are exactly the sort of thing that the status quo wants to see.” Nah. I think where we differ here is that you believe that someone (or perhaps some group) is in charge, while I think that no one is actually in charge at all. It is the difference between the words “influence” and “control”.

    When people are pushed into a corner and cannot get out, and have nothing to loose, the sort of thing that happened in Dallas is inevitable. The people with influence know that, and they don’t want half of the consumer class unable to consume, but they can’t prevent it (or they are paid to do other things). There are just too many structural problems coming home to roost:

    peak debt
    unaffordable oil
    and of course, the individual oligarchs grabbing all that they can, and buying the politicians, as oligarchs do

    Do you listen to Sam Seder? If you can get episode 1375, you will have a better understanding for why people have and will resort to violence.

  2. How did non-violence work out for John Lennon? Not so positive.
    Nor did he stop the Vietnam War. That travesty raged on for 10 years. Another success story for the MIC. Hardly a defeat. Just like Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Hearts and minds of the public? The public collaborates with govt. The public is complicit in the crimes of the govt. The public staffs the govt! The public is corrupt. The public doesn’t care about anything but their bread and circuses. The only “justice” they want is only ever for their own, and when they run out of real injustices they imagine more.

    You say Dallas will bring net negative results. Well of course it will, that’s the strategy of an oppressor trying to discourage *what he fears*.

    • Van, Vietnam was a defeat for the US. What do you call both US military and civilians – along with S. Vietnamese military and civilians – scrambling aboard Navy helicopters dispatched from carriers farther out at sea?
      The NVA and Viet Cong marched into Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) only hours after the last helicopter left the US Embassy for one of the carriers. Now, if that’s not a humiliating defeat, Van, I don’t know what is.

    • Im with Michael Krieger on this, after all they have tanks and choppers that can see through your roof + lots and lots of soldiers.
      A much better idea is to hit them where it hurts them…In the wallet..STOP SUPPORTING THEM.

  3. @Michael,

    I want the same thing you want. Freedom. Liberty. To be left alone, allowed to choose freely my associations, trading partners, relationships, and lifestyle.

    But we’ve crossed a tipping point, where *anything we do* which might be effective towards ending our oppression (and BTW, I say that as a middle-class white guy) will be met with overwhelmingly destructive force for the very purpose of discouraging effective action.

    Generally speaking, that’s the point of no return. Lost cause. Game over.

    Beyond that point, holding out for some way for you and I to still “win”, is comfortable self-deception. An aggressor loves a pacifist, because the pacifist not only makes the aggressor’s victory possible – it makes that victory affordable, even free.

    Keep talking, the cops are reloading. For their next roadside murder, their next “drug bust”, their next “tax raid”, their next “border patrol action”, their next “national security action”.

    You want continued submission and surrender? Good luck with that.

    • Since we want the same thing, let’s try to make this conversation productive as opposed to argumentative.

      I may be wrong, but you seem to imply that the battle is lost and is hopeless. Obviously I disagree, which is why I write this website. If you think it’s hopeless, are you just here to mock my optimism?

      If you don’t think it is hopeless, I’d love to hear your strategy for success.

  4. Mike,

    I agree with you that the correct way to deal with this situation is to use non-violence. However, the government will still lose if it goes that direction. It just may come at the loss of many innocents and turn the country into a bombed-out war zone in the process. The government has clearly lost the moral high ground on too many fronts to patch up. It’s over. They’ve lost.

    Now it’s simply a matter of terms to their surrender.

  5. BLM is a Soros organization helped by dysfunctional moron order takers. With the police shooting the RHINO’S have a clear path to vote in more gun control. Over the last 3 days we have emotional ties with veterans, Christians, etc…. Heres the point I disagree with on your story. Police recruitment is down and the fact is many 12 14 and even 17 year vets are taking early retierments. The police force will lose or stand with freedom loving Americans not fight against them so it would have to be a outside force taking over the nation not the police force. I DO SEE THIS BEING THE SUMMER OF CHAOS and much is to come. Finally, geoengineering, climate control, Solar Radiation Management, aka, chemtrails are real. Please have the courage to look into it with a open mind. Best regards and we must stay together or we will die alone.

  6. Mike,

    Yes, we would all lose, but the elites would lose more. It would be unlikely that any of them survive an insurgency outcome. Many of those would likely meet extremely gruesome ends that I don’t want to even think about (Gadaffi, Musollini, etc). So it’s really a M.A.D. situation (Mutually Assured Destruction).

    The real concern and challenge should be how to credibly communicate to those in power that they have already lost, that there is no way for them to win and their only option is glasnost and perestroika.

  7. Mike,

    I’m well aware that that’s what they will *try* to do. However, they are the “Nazis” of the 21st century. They will be hunted to the ends of the earth and brought to some form of justice, probably brutally. There is no place on this planet to hide especially with the Internet. They will be found wherever they are. It’s not 1946 any longer.

    Their crimes had global impact and victims turned hunters will be varied and geographically dispersed.

    This is more than likely the reason we’ve seen some of the many former officials like Greenspan trying to change their public perception, advocating for gold backed currency and pandering to the informed public. They don’t want a target on their back when it breaks down.

  8. @Michael,

    Where have I mocked your optimism, or indeed any statement you made? I did not, and I dont know where you get from. It seems you’re the one wanting to be argumentative.

    I did not imply the battle is lost. I stated it clearly.

    “The battle” being any hope of a peaceful restoration of peace. Of talking our way back to freedom. Of merely negotiation with our oppressors.

    Our oppressors do not believe in peace, except the peace of domination. That much should be clear.

    Neither do most of the public believe in peace, having proven themselves a mix of those overtly loyal to this regime, and those content to rent their meager portion of security at the price of not only their own liberty but that of their fellow man, by supporting and collaborating with this regime.

    The victory you would like – the bloodless, painless victory from which we emerge unscathed aint gonna happen. We’ve already lost too much ground.

    Will meeting force with force, guarantee otherwise? Hardly, and Ive clearly never claimed otherwise.

    But force doesnt need a democratic majority to make the world a better place. 5 drug warriors, 5 highway robbers, 5 gun-grabbers, 5 enforcers of America’s labyrinth of empty justifications for the endless initiation of aggression, will never harm another person again as of today.

    The world is a better place for it.

    Will there be retaliation? Of course. Rulers and their enforcer thugs, dont like the subjects fighting back. It raises their cost of doing business.

    Why dont you see any of that?

    If I may speculate, you dont see any of it because you want an easy way out. A safe way out. And so long as they leave you some meager portion of comfort, you’re willing to keep waiting. To keep hoping. Right up until you’re old and grey and your life was spent in peace-loving submission.

    If that’s good enough for you – so be it. But realize that’s your fate. We’ve wasted decades on negotiating with our jailers while they do anything but cease fire. It’s a fool’s errand, and has played us right into their hands for generations now.

    These BPPO guys – who are they and what’s their motivation? Fuck if I know. I havent looked too deeply. I may even disagree with their motives. I dont find racially-centric resistance movements to be very sensible.

    But I do like their results in this case. Anything that teaches fear to the LEOs of America, contributes towards a safer tomorrow for us all in the long run, no matter how they may lash out in the short term.

    And if that strategy fails too, well.. at least someone tried. Talk has failed. Democracy has failed. Appeals to “hearts and minds” of voters, has failed. They have all failed consistently for decades. It’s how we wound up where we are now.

    • Ok, let’s cut to the chase. You don’t agree with my methods. Fine.

      What specific actions are you personally.

      1) Taking.
      2) Willing to take in the near future.
      3) Suggest others take.

  9. @Michael,

    I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the Communist Party. Senator.

    Yes, NOW Im mocking you. Because you’re totally avoiding any sincere discussion of the issues Ive raised or points Ive made. I’ve responded to your case, but you wont even address mine.

    Why do you even reply to comments, if you’re not willing to take them seriously. Oh, yes, you’re ready to get all see-something-say-something, that’s lovely, you and DHS will make great friends.

    See prev comment re: public collaboration with our common enemies. This is why we can’t have nice things.

    • I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I’m acknowledging your right to disagree with my view and I’m saying that’s ok.

      Since you clearly have an alternative strategy in mind, I am asking you to provide readers with some details of your alternative.

      So I ask again:

      What specific actions are you personally.

      1) Taking.
      2) Willing to take in the near future.
      3) Suggest others take.

      If your goal is to succeed and you have ideas about how to get there, why wouldn’t you want to share them, especially in order to provide an alternative opinion for people to ponder.

      Maybe the specific actions you are taking are superior. I’d love to hear some of them.

  10. Kreiger,
    You are correct. They are setting us up, and the smart ones need to take the lead. This is a trap. It may feel good to lash out, kill, and attempt to find relief in the short term, but good commanders need intel, PATIENCE, and a plan. Mindless violence always plays into your enemy’s hands. The corrupt, police state is in panic mode….don’t feed the beast.

  11. Absolutely right, events like these allow government to implement measures restricting our freedom and rights. France is a good example, policemen were allowed to search ‘suspects’ homes without court permission for months following terrorist attacks.

    The public needs to be aware and show critical thinking. My personal course of action is to challenge anyone around me who seem to believe mainstream media lies and widespread BS.

  12. Mike,
    Quiet a bit more traffic, you must of struck a cord.
    I don’t think the Dallas shooter was stupid , but definitely emotionally motivated and honestly, rightly so.
    You are right that this will increase the police state, which then will increase blowback, which then will increase the police state, and on around we go. The masses will side with the status quo and view any retaliation against the state as a direct threat, missing the actual reasons behind desperate reactions all together. I’ve stated it before, maybe this is what we need. Maybe it has to turn to absolute chaos, maybe the races need to war, the elite need to die, the world needs to be burned. History seems to exhibit that this is more likely than non-violent well organized non-participation. For my child’s sake I hope I’m wrong, It just seems to be a repeat of all of human history, just with better bombs and apple computers. Hold on everyone, its going to be one hell of a ride.

  13. everyone loves a police officer when they need them. Hate them when that person breaks the law. Everyone condemns a cop when someone dies. Wonder how many of those people have ever been in the same position. Everyone of you and even those protesters in Dallas ran towards the cops when there is trouble. There are bad eggs in every aspect of life. To generalize is wrong. You are a useful fool of the “poerful elites” if you do.

    • my posting below was not in response to Kevin’s posting, but was in response to Dustin’s posting above. Please correct that. Thank you.

    • The police are allegedly public servants. So when they answer the call of a citizen with a problem they are simply doing their duty. That is nothing the police should receive a medal for. But more and more over the years they have become incompetent and dangerous and law breaking when called to settle disputes. For example, if you call the police to handle an out-of-control mentally ill relative (who should properly be in a state mental hospital if there were any now to put him or her in) who winds up dead because of the police, well you get my drift. Also you may be filming a confrontation between the police and a civilian. The police turn to you and yell a command in a threatening manner for you to stop filming even though they are breaking the law by telling you to do so. Do you defy them and stand up for your rights, and risk arrest and/or physical injury or worse? They don’t serve the people – they serve the deep state, the powerful elites, as you correctly referred to them. Local police forces have been militarized with special training and artillery. Why does a village need a tank? Police have been getting training in Israel for years now. The result is that they are increasingly treating US citizens with impunity in the same way the Israeli police and military treats the Palestinians. If you have heard this all before and think “so what”, I strongly suggest that you reconsider it. If you haven’t heard any of this, I would urge you to pay closer attention to law enforcement’s activities in relation to our present day government.

  14. There is something very new, very disturbing and unbidden by the authorities. The perpetrator was killed by a bomb deployed by a robot.
    We really need to reflect on who we are in this country before we casually accept a government willing to use these things on us.
    The chaotic moment has passed. We cannot habituate to this and call it normal.

  15. Michael, you say the poor have more to lose (hmm, they already have nothing) and the elites will hightail it out of here.

    Unless you’re talking some well-stocked island or bunker, there’s nowhere for them to go – this social unrest is spreading the world over.

    The elites like to summer in the Hamptons or Martha’s Vineyard or cruise the Mediterranean, winter in Gstaad. Ivanka likes her Manhattan walks. One day, not long from now, none of this will be safe (especially golf courses). The elites have the most to lose – their little insular, pampered playgrounds – their way of life.

    When watching the last appalling video, I thought, so when do the blacks start pushing back? A few hours later I had my answer. Of course, this was an unhinged individual, but so were the murderous cops.

  16. If black lives matter so much, then why doesn’t the black lives matter movement look inward.

    Got a newsflash:

    Yes, there are bad cops. But there are a hell of a lot more bad black people who kill other black people, white people, hispanic people, or any other types of people at the drop of a fucking hat just to get what they aren’t willing to work for. Which is a direct result of absentee fathers who abandon their children and the mothers of their children. That reality does far more harm than the police.

    So the more black people there are who are willing to hide behind this black lives matter victim mentality, the longer it will take for black people as a whole to get around to cleaning up their own mess.

    And that is exactly what the elites do NOT want the black community as a whole to FINALLY get around to doing. The elites just want black people to stay on the dole, and therefore the plantation. They don’t give a flying fuck if there are occasional riots or demonstrations. In fact, that’s exactly what they want.

  17. I will tell you how it ends. America will not make it to its 300th anniversary. States or regions will break off. The government will be bankrupt and not have the resources to stop it.

    How does that help freedom? If one does not believe they are free enough in the state or region they are in, they can move to one that does. Freedom will have are market. That is more effective than elections. Elections are about how much power you want over others.

    • The police are allegedly public servants. So when they answer the call of a citizen with a problem they are simply doing their duty. That is nothing the police should receive a medal for. But more and more over the years they have become incompetent and dangerous and law breaking when called to settle disputes. For example, if you call the police to handle an out-of-control mentally ill relative (who should properly be in a state mental hospital if there were any now to put him or her in) who winds up dead because of the police, well you get my drift. Also you may be filming a confrontation between the police and a civilian. The police turn to you and yell a command in a threatening manner for you to stop filming even though they are breaking the law by telling you to do so. Do you defy them and stand up for your rights, and risk arrest and/or physical injury or worse? They don’t serve the people – they serve the deep state, the powerful elites, as you correctly referred to them. Local police forces have been militarized with special training and artillery. Why does a village need a tank? Police have been getting training in Israel for years now. The result is that they are increasingly treating US citizens with impunity in the same way the Israeli police and military treats the Palestinians. If you have heard this all before and think “so what”, I strongly suggest that you reconsider it. If you haven’t heard any of this, I would urge you to pay closer attention to law enforcement’s activities in relation to our present day government.

  18. The problem actually isn’t the corrupt U.S. “government” (or state governments for that matter), or even the Satanic cult that runs everything; rather, the problem is that “the people” are corrupt.
    If people said, for example: “the war on drugs (or ticket quotas, or civil asset forfeiture, or militarized SWAT teams, etc.) is stupid, immoral, ineffective and unconstitutional, therefore I won’t support it by becoming a police officer”, it would stop.
    The Satanic ruling elite is relatively small in number and relatively cowardly; what makes them so dangerous is the fact that so many people are willing to do their dirty work for a lie and a paycheck.
    The Satanic, psychopathic madmen could be defeated tomorrow, if the masses would only stop cooperating, but they won’t, and that is the fundamental problem.

  19. It is wrong to fight violence with violence. Peaceful demonstration is a very effective way to go if done properly. Leave your guns and knives at home if you were to protest by occupy all the airports and major highways for months on end. That will bring the government to the negotiation table.

  20. I think that americas gun laws are the problem. No guns no killing,simple really. The police where i come from dont wear a sidearm, people dont carry guns or have one in their bedside draw. I truely feel sorry for Americans

  21. Since the grand chess board has already been kicked off the table, fight or not, the masses lose! Everyone has to realize the elites own all the important things that the masses need. At their discretion they can shut the water off and starve the people – think Venezuela and a couple of years ago what happened in Greece. It would not have mattered if protests were peaceful or violent, their monies were gone, literally overnight! And those people are still struggling, and will struggle because the elites want them to. The exact same thing is happening here. Little beta tests to see what the masses will do, and military drills to take care of what the masses will do! These plans were put in place long ago, and it seems the end game is here. They pit group against group until finally all factions are fighting! Personally I will not participate in mob violence, however, if it should come to me, I will deal with it!!

  22. “Over the last decade, black males made up 40 percent of all cop killers, even though they’re six percent of the population. It turns out, that a police officer is 18-and-a-half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is likely to be killed by a police officer.”
    -Heather MacDonald

  23. Whiney wankers. The markets up dollar up unemployment down. Summertime and the living is easy.
    Cops are skeered with some justification. If ZOG gets Rus to fight we may all be dead tomorrow. The race war is peanuts.
    Trump 16.

  24. I thought we were going to have a golden 1000 year utopian paradise on earth after electing Hussein Hopenchange?

  25. Hi Michael, I enjoyed your article and all the comments, particularly between you and Van. You make great points but I’m more on the Van spectrum. I can not think of any examples of a peaceful protest throwing off an evil oppressor and this one is more armed, high tech and evil than any before. But in history very evil regimes have been taken down. We fight not just against the 1% and their (probably alien) controllers, but the 20% of dupes who do their dirty work for paychecks, and vast majority just going with the flow or too stupid to even have a clue. Even if the power structure loses they can throw a switch for WW3. That’s what they seem to be going for presently. More than likely a foreign power will take them down and ww will have to make our deals with them. There seems to be nothing more to lose for us little peons. I fall in the ‘will go out grey with regrets’ group Van talked about, but more than being a pansy, I don’t want to lead others down a horrible path nor see the positive change inevitably destroyed as most historical revolutions go. Plus, I would like to live one life without direct blood on my hands. I’m not positive about reincarnation but my dreams tell me I have not lived peacefully before and am capable of doing evil. You ask Van several ending questions that no one can answer publicly. Their devil is listening in every device. No one intelligent would announce how they are taking the devil on. I would state though, that every subject buying next to nothing and paying next to no bills would hit them far harder than demonstrations.

  26. Those who think revolution comes without violence are those who think buying their meat at a grocery store spares animals.

  27. Just weird having “Black Lives Matter” at all now. The damn president is a “black” man. It goes to show that an ideological narrative can twist even the most basic fact to suit it’s purpose. Self-victim-claiming and narratives of undeserved moral suffering wield more currency in human nature than individualist self-determinism, free-will, free-speech, mutual respect and cooperation without political or social integration or co-dependency.

  28. What completely befuddles the oligarchs are people having fun & humor – then they’re way in over their heads – it’s getting pretty easy to laugh while you’re being beat to dead with a cudgel in America – so if you’re gonna go down bleeding in the street anyway, you might as well be laughing with a big smile on your face.


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