Even Hillary Clinton’s Former Aides are Sick of Her Incessant Bull$hit

Personally, I’m in the camp that thinks a large percentage of Trump voters didn’t support him out of personal affinity, but rather as a means to ensure that Hillary Clinton would finally shut-up and go away forever. That is not happening.

I issued a code red warning last month highlighting that I thought Hillary Clinton’s ongoing spotlight-hogging, blame deflecting, Russia fear-mongering tour is driven by a remnant burning desire to be President and the delusional dream that it could still happen. As I explained in the post, Manufacturing Resistance – The American Public is Being Manipulated Into Irrelevance:

The current environment is fertile ground for real populist movements to fight for an improvement in the lives of average Americans, but the public is being fooled into focusing all its energy on an unproven Russia collusion theory which hasn’t caused any of our very real national suffering. Our very own homegrown racketeers and thieves are to blame for that, but we’re being told to focus our attention on Russia. This isn’t an accident people, you’re being played, and played quite easily at that.

Ironically, “the resistance” is actually sucking all the air out of what should be real resistance. After spending a few months in the woods, Hillary is now actively moving to co-opt the entire movement. Why’s she doing that? I think she still covets the throne, and I think she’s power hungry and delusional enough to go for it.

Hillary’s positioning to run again, and there’s still no viable new third party. Even worse, there’s the naive and gullible Bernie Sanders still trying to “change Democrats from within,” a laughable and useless exercise. It’s unbelievably pathetic and disempowering, but it could get a lot worse. Brace yourselves for a few years of Hillary running around in leather jackets talking like a “populist” as she desperately attempts to reinvent herself. Our national nightmare is far from over.

I don’t know much, but I do know if the Democrats renominate Hillary Clinton or some other war-mongering, corporate stooge you can pretty much guarantee eight years of Donald Trump. If there’s no real choice, and we’re destined to go down in imperial flames anyway, we may as well have the reality tv guy entertain us along the way.

In fact, the “I’m awesome, but everyone else failed me tour” is getting so tiresome, even some of her aides are publicly calling her out. Let’s start with a tweet from long-time Hillary aide Patti Solis Doyle.

That’s nothing compared to several tweets by Andrew Therriault, who served as the DNC’s director of data science, and didn’t take kindly to Hillary’s compulsive blame-shifting ways. In since deleted tweets, he wrote (more here):

The current situation is so dire, even Michael Bloomberg recognizes the train-wreck. The Hill reports:

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks there’s a “55 percent chance” President Trump will be reelected in 2020.

Bloomberg, who politically identifies as independent, told New York Times columnist Frank Bruni that he thought Democrats didn’t have an effective message to win the 2016 election and could repeat that mistake in 2020.

“Hillary said, ‘Vote for me because I’m a woman and the other guy’s bad,’ ” Bloomberg said about 2016.

He said Democrats are still looking for issues and messages.

Are they actually looking? Doesn’t seem that way to me.

Naturally, the Democratic Party will learn zero lessons from 2016, because the Democratic leadership is really dumb. Or just really corrupt. Almost certainly both.

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In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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11 thoughts on “Even Hillary Clinton’s Former Aides are Sick of Her Incessant Bull$hit”

  1. Unless my monitor needs to be recalibrated, it looks like Hillary is doubling down on the purple not-so-subliminal messaging outfit.

    Psychosis usually isn’t fun to watch played out in real time, but in Hillary’s case, I’ll make an exception. Inflicting her self-righteous bullshit on anyone within shouting distance is comedy gold. She is well on her way to becoming a demented, distaff Harold Stassen. Always a bridesmaid, never a human.

  2. Michael, your dead on with your analysis. People didn’t vote for Trump as much as they VOTED AGAINST HER! I was very discouraged when the LP only got a tiny 4% of the vote. Against two very flawed candidates like Trump and Clinton we should have gotten at least 10%. If the LP has any chance at all they need to get their message out FAR BETTER than they have up to now. Unfortunately I think now it’s probably too late. The Constitutional Republic is dead and even the democracy is on it’s last legs. I’m looking to move overseas in the not to distant future before all hell breaks loose here.
    What I see is the extreme leftists like the antifa trying to recreate the 1917 Russian Revolution here in America and Trump is Czar Nicholas 2.

  3. The DNC is totally corrupt.. at least as ‘owned’ as RNC. (They have enough $$ to buy all the brains they want.) And if they want a message….for the love of God!!!!… what did those huge crowds come out to hear? Bernie Sanders’ message: 1) economy rigged 2) wall street is criminal 3) DC is corrupt……enough is enough! let’s fix it!! But you’ll never hear that from a DNC pol.

  4. The donald and hillary show to be repeated? How low can we go? Rock bottom imminent … will it be a gun-tootin’ finale?

  5. I agree with everything you said. And as you pointed out, I am one of those democrats who voted forTrump because Hillary is so evil and corrupt that I couldn’t stand the thought of her as President.

  6. Hillary in her delusional state can’t believe the ‘fat lady has sung’ and refuses to leave the stage even though the audience has left their seats. But America is not alone in not having political choices that matter or differ a pinch of coon shit. Just about every western ‘democracy’ is in the same situation where the options are between right wing and far right wing candidates. No matter a political party’s historical supposed leanings they have now all swallowed the blue pill and traded in their consciences as careerist hoping for the big pay off should they attain the brass ring. My solution is to never vote the same candidate in twice; they don’t get their pension and they may get the message after about five or six election cycles.

  7. My letter to my representative, one of my senators, I will contact the other through his website later, Paul Ryan, the DNC, and RNC
    I have read that the Bildebergs cannot comprehend the reason for the rise of populism. It’s really quite simple. You suck. We call it a giant cluster fuck! We have had it with your hair brained schemes of the never ending wars, the daily barrage of lies and national distractions, the modern day era of McCarthyism, , the suspension of our civil liberties from a government induced false flag state of emergency, corporate crony communist system with 190,000 corporations ludicrously listed as defense contractors and on the public dole, your giant cock sucking fest of the MIC, Federal Reserve, the Terrorist nation of Saudi Arabia, the terrorist nation of Israel, self serving public employee unions, ivory tower Ivy League disinformation and indoctrination programs.

    Oh yeah, and fuck off. We’re mad as hell!

  8. You are a man of impeccable integrity Michael. An extreme rarity in this era! Unlike this Harvard Phd. who has convinced himself that in order to understand Wall Street language, one must be in the top 2% and attend an Ivy League school. Haha. I didn’t have to spend $180,000 to use a dictionary and investopedia. It is this pseudo intellectual snobbism that the overwhelming majority of Americans find so revolting, particularly after the repeated economic collapses engineered by these self and professor proclaimed geniuses!

  9. The establishment ” neoliberals” and “neocons” ( I just call a spade a spade and call it the neonazi uniparty.) if you will recall Michael, all of the “Republicans ” except Rand Paul have zealously supported the numerous anti civil rights legislation such as the NDAA, ” Patriot ” Act, ” American ” “Freedom ” Act, HR6393, to name a few, in lock step with the “Democrats “! They also supported TARP, and 190,000 corporations on the dole ludicrously listed as defense contractors! Are those acts indicative of free markets or capitalism in your book? Not in mine! The uniparty neonazi system ferverently and enthusiastically supports the indefinite suspension of the entire Bill of Rights in a false-flag, government induced state of emergency, permanent unwinnable wars purposely without an exit strategy, corporate crony communism, and those criminal and treasonous acts are just for starters! It seems that you have sleep walked through the last 14 years completely clueless to how bad the “Republicans ” actually are!!! There is nothing conservative about them! They spend $1 trillion a year on the unwinnable wars nowhere near our borders. Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Paul Craig Roberts are conservatives who despise the ” neocons ” – even the name invalidates its thesis for it is a contradiction in terms! New is not conservative and conservative is not new!

    The truth is, only a mindless sleep walking zombie would support or defend the RNC or DNC.

    In response to this ridiculous propaganda:

    • Half my posts over the years have consisted of bashing neocons. In fact, one of my biggest criticisms of Hillary is that she’s more of a neocon than anything else.

      I have nothing good to say about neocons and I don’t like the GOP any more than I like the Dems.

  10. The truth is the DNC cannot turn left anymore than the RNC can because Blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans and other minorities can’t be counted on to do the bidding of PhRMA, AIPAC, the MIC, etc.

    Sure they’ve got a few poverty pimps to colorize the ranks like Donna Brazile and Maxine Waters; corrupt dime-grabbers who do what they told but no way will they bring in Cornel West or the like. Corey Booker is more their flavor.


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