Being in NYC for a visit means I’m back in the loop of local gossip, which essentially consists of idiotic statements from the current mayor and sext messaging from the soon to be mayor, Carlos Danger. As they say, you get the leaders you deserve.
One thing that caught my attention was a recent absurd comment from Mayor Bloomberg about the city’s extremely controversial and racist “stop and frisk” policy, which I have covered on several occasions in the past. Incredibly, on his radio show, the mayor stated:
I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little. It’s exactly the reverse of what they say…I don’t know where they went to school but they certainly didn’t take a math course. Or a logic course.
Oh really? Who’s the one that actually need a math course. From the Gothamist:
“More than 86 percent of people stopped during the Bloomberg administration were black or Latino, according to an analysis by the NYCLU based on an extrapolation of Police Department data. And 4.4 million of these stop-and-frisk encounters, or 88 percent, were of innocent people who were not arrested or issued a summons.”
This is a prime example of a guy who just hates losing and admitting he is wrong to such a biblical degree that he is willing to completely lose his mind and say complete nonsense in a desperate attempt to “win.” It’s the worst aspects of ego and narcissism coming to surface.
While we’re at it, how about the fact that:
Bloomberg also didn’t address the fact that as stop-and-frisks have gone down over the last year—due to several major lawsuits and NYPD “policy considerations”—shootings and murders have also gone down in tandem.
Take heart New York, “change” is coming.
* Image above from William Banzai7
Full Gothamist article here.
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