How Scientists are Censored in Canada

I came across this article earlier today in The Globe and Mail and I was shocked to learn that scientists in Canada are routinely required to receive political approval before speaking with the media about their findings.  I also discovered that Canada has plunged 10 spots on the Reporters Without Borders’ Press Freedom Index to 20th place.  Despite the drop, Canada is still doing relatively well compared to its national security state neighbor to the south, which in the 32nd position, finds itself just below Ghana and Suriname.  You can thank the joke that is U.S. mainstream media for this pathetic position, down sharply from the 17th spot we held in 2002 (the year after 9/11).  From the Globe and Mail:

This week the University of Victoria’s Environmental Law Clinic and Democracy Watch asked federal Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault to investigate claims that scientists are being prohibited from speaking freely with journalists – and through them, the public.

In a report called Muzzling Civil Servants: A Threat to Democracy, the UVic researchers present some chilling findings: Scientists are either told not to speak to journalists or to spout a chewed-over party line, rubber-stamped by their PR masters; the restrictions are particularly tight when a journalist is seeking information about research relating to climate change or the tar sands; Environment Canada scientists require approval from the Privy Council Office before speaking publicly on sensitive topics “such as climate change or protection of polar bear and caribou.”

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