Britain’s “War on Terror” Insanity Continues – David Cameron Declares War on Encryption

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 4.41.03 PM“Are we going to allow a means of communications which it simply isn’t possible to read? My answer to that question is: No, we must not.”

– UK Prime Minister David Cameron

I’m not interested in this civil liberties stuff. If they’re a threat, I want their emails and calls listened to.”

– London Mayor Boris Johnson

When it comes to the “war on terror,” the United Kingdom embraces a unique form of paranoia and hatred for civil liberties that leaves pretty much all other Western nations in the dust. Although it isn’t the country in which I reside, the extraordinarily close diplomatic ties between the U.S. and the UK results in my paying particular attention to what transpires over in Albion. I highlighted Britain’s most recent example of terror fear-mongering in the post, The War on Toddler Terrorists – Britain Wants to Force Nursery School Teachers to Identify “Extremist” Children. Yes, it’s exactly as absurd as it sounds. Here’s an excerpt:

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