Introducing 2 Liberty Focused Businesses: Perpetual Assets and Second Arrow Silver

As I mentioned at the time, one of the most rewarding parts of being a presenter at the Liberty Mastermind Conference was the opportunity to meet all the interesting people that attended. Some of those folks are the guys behind the newly launched Perpetual Assets as well as Second Arrow Silver. The products they offer are in line with my financial as well as social and political philosophy, and so I’m very excited to introduce them to you. Let’s start with Perpetual Assets.

From their site:

Founded in 2013 Perpetual Assets was started with the mission of getting a client to “trust yourself”. In these uncertain times of counterparty risk derived from monetary policy, fiscal policy, geopolitics, war, energy, sovereign debt, and malinvestment it is Perpetual Assets goal to assist clients in mitigating risk.

Our goal isn’t to predict inflation, deflation, taxation, margin increases, regulation, or any other economic or financial event. Our goal is to acknowledge any and all possible scenarios and to advise our clients on how to prepare for them. We firmly believe that no one is better suited to preserve your wealth better then you are. Our backgrounds in economics, finance, metals, IRAs, and consulting simply assist in analyzing and quantifying all the variables.

One of their main retirement strategies has to do with the concept of an LLC IRA, which provides you with more control and options within your IRA. For more, click on the banner below:

Now for Second Arrow Silver. Simply put, they create kick-ass artistic silver coins, and I have not seen designs anywhere else that I like nearly as much as these. Below are three of their current designs. The Bradley Manning, the Game of Drones and the Creature from Jekyl Island coin. It’s a bit pricey for one coin, but if you buy 25 or more, the price drops down to a comparable level to other metals dealers. The coins are perfect for gifts and to spread the message of liberty.

I also sat down a did a couple of interviews with these folks. First with Gus Demos of Perpetual Assets and also with Trey Stinnett of Second Arrow Silver. Enjoy!

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