My First Interaction with Texas Police

Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 12.46.10 PMMy children’s first interaction with the police was witnessing two officers get verbally upset at my refusal to provide them with my name while standing on my own property. Overall, it was a tough day for the kids.

The story begins innocuously enough. We rented a bounce house to have some fun, but the winds were too strong that day and the bounce house started floating away until it was ultimately stopped by our fence. When I called to get a refund, the company who rented it to us was not only unwilling to help out, but arrived upset that the bounce house had been ripped on my fence. Wanting to make a record of it, they called the local police.

Upon the arrival of the first county Sheriff, he kindly asked me what had happened. I told him that it blew away and that it was ridiculous that the police would even respond to such a situation. He agreed, but said that the bounce house company was alleging that I ripped it because I couldn’t get a refund. At that point, I told the officer this is a civil matter and I don’t want you or anyone else on my property. The officer complied and then asked for my name, my response was “no thanks.”

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Human Rights Watch USA – Amnesty International Deploys in America

“We criticize dictators for quelling dissent and silencing protestors with tactics like curfews, we’ll certainly speak out when it’s happening in our own backyard. The people of Ferguson have the right to protest peacefully the lack of accountability for Michael Brown’s shooting.”

– Amnesty International USA’s executive director, Steven W. Hawkins

I’m sure most of you have heard by now of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon’s decision to deploy the National Guard to the unrest in Ferguson, but what you may not have heard is that human rights organization Amnesty International is also on the ground. In fact, it has been there for several days now and is quite disturbed by what is happening.

Specifically,  Amnesty International USA announced on August 14, that it had sent a 12-person human rights delegation to Ferguson. Yet while the organization has been there for several days, it wasn’t until last night that I started seeing considerable media coverage on the subject. Buzzfeed went so far as to say that some of the resources deployed have never before been used in the United States:

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Picture of the Day – Iraq or the United States? A Photo from Ferguson, Mo

I’m sure all of you have heard about what is going on in Furguson, Mo by now. Nevertheless, often times a picture says a thousand words. Here’s that picture: h/t to @radleybalko for the photo. In Liberty, Michael Krieger Like this post? Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G Follow me on Twitter.

Cop Who Punched Occupy Wall Street Protester Receives $120K Annual Pension from the NYPD

Screen Shot 2014-06-14 at 1.37.52 PMAlthough I have focused a lot of my attention on the systematic mistreatment of the homeless in 2014, this is merely a symptom of a much larger cancer. That is, the very powerful and very rich abusing their status and edge to aggressively dominate and subjugate average citizens.

The manner in which this often manifests is that the full weight of the law bears down with tremendous force on the plebs for the most minor infractions, while the status quo receives blanket immunity from any and all prosecution. I’ve covered several examples of citizens being abused by law enforcement for no good reason on this site in 2014. Some notable examples are:

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The “War on Street Artists” – Puppeteer Unlawfully Arrested and Harassed in NYC Subway

The following story is the latest in a series of articles I have written recently highlighting the over-prosecution and legal harassment of the poor and disenfranchised across the USA. While wealthy white collar criminals rape and pillage society with total immunity, those who have no voice are being increasingly stomped down upon by an unjust system. Some recent articles on the topic can read below:

Hyper-Sensitive Illinois Mayor Orders Police Raid Over Parody Twitter Account

Charleston Man Receives $525 Federal Fine for Failing to Pay for a $0.89 Refill

The Homeless in NYC Are Now Living in Tiny Spaces in the Frame of the Manhattan Bridge

In some of these cases, there is a ridiculous law on the books to allow such over-prosecution or harassment, while other times, such as in the case below, the cops appear to be making shit up and are acting completely outside of the law.

As someone who grew up in New York City and lived there for 28 years, I am quite familiar with street artists in America’s largest metropolis.

Personally, I’ve always enjoyed them. Some are extremely talented, others not so much, but they always added to the unique character of the city and only rarely posed any sort of threat or engaged in threatening behavior. This is why the following story and video really struck an emotional chord with me and I became overcome with sadness. In so many ways, what happened to Kalan Sherrard is what is happening to our country and culture in general. We are being collectively transformed into drugged out, bland, soulless zombies by a parasitic and incredibly corrupt financial system coupled with unrelenting corporate and government propaganda. Anyone who is interesting or stands out is shouted down by the establishment as a “conspiracy theorist,” a “radical,” or as Harry Reid himself recently stated, a “domestic terrorist.”

Make no mistake about it, what just happened to Kalan Sherrard is happening to us all. It’s just that many of us don’t see it yet.

The New York Daily News reports that:

Kalan Sherrard was in the middle of another of his nihilist-anarchist puppet shows in the Times Square subway station April 6 when cops slapped him in cuffs and charged him with disorderly conduct for creating a hazardous condition.

Now, the performance artist from outside Seattle is considering a lawsuit against the NYPD for what he considers an unlawful arrest. The episode was captured by a friend filming a documentary of the show, which Sherrard refers to as “not happenings.”

“It’s obvious in the video I’m not impeding anybody’s access,” he said. “They told me I was violating subway rules, but when I asked what rules they wouldn’t tell me.”

An NYPD spokeswoman confirmed the arrest.

“He was observed obstructing the free flow of traffic at the subway,” the spokeswoman said. “He was placing dolls and objects on the mezzanine walkway.” 

When you watch the video you can see clearly he wasn’t obstructing anything and it was 1am.

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Police Say Teen Shot Self in Head…While Handcuffed Behind Back

Only in a nation of brain-dead sheep could police departments be getting away with such nonsense. Remember the forced anal probes that recently happened in New Mexico in an attempt to find non-existent drugs? You have to read this to believe it. Anyone got a borrow on The Onion? Permanent short. From Salon: A strange … Read more

Pepper Spray Cop Receives $38,000 Settlement from the University of California

Remember this guy? Yep, that’s John Pike, the infamous pepper spray cop who walked across a group of seated student engaged in an act of peaceful civil disobedience and callously pepper sprayed them in the face. While Pike was eventually fired, an internal investigation found that he “acted appropriately.” For all his troubles, the University has … Read more