Florida Judge Who Tried to Ban Protests Forced to Backtrack After Lawsuit Filed

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This story is another example of what can happen when unethical people in positions of power feel like they can get away with anything. In the following case, Jacksonville Florida’s chief judge, Mark Mahon, issued an administration order on July 1 that:

In part banned demonstrations or dissemination of materials on the courthouse grounds that “degrade or call into question the integrity of the court or any of its judges.” The order also banned people from videotaping “all security features” of the courthouse, including any non-public entrance or exit.

The irony of a judge issuing a ban on the First Amendment on courthouse grounds should not be lost on anyone. What’s worse, he may have even gotten away with it if not for the folks at PINAC (Photography is Not a Crime), who sued the judge, and sheriff Mike Williams, forcing these two officials with fascist sympathies to back off.

The Florida-Times Union reports that:

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