Donald Trump’s Speech at AIPAC Demonstrates Why He Will Be America’s Next President

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In addition to the 21% of responses in the “dishonest/don’t trust her” category, another 7% of Americans use even stronger words in a similar negative vein, including “criminal,” “crooked” and “thief.” Nine percent say they dislike her. Smaller percentages (shown at the end of this article) associate her with Bill Clinton, with the controversy surrounding her use of a private email server while secretary of state and with the Benghazi terrorist attack.

The perceptions of Hillary Clinton as dishonest are not new. When Gallup asked the same question in 2008, “dishonest” was Americans’ most frequent response. 

– Results of a recent Gallup poll

Before I get into this post, I want to make one thing clear — I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m neither a Hillary Clinton nor a Donald Trump supporter; in fact, I’ve spent quite a bit of time sharply criticizing both of them here on these pages.

Donald Trump checks none of my important boxes when it comes to policy. He’s horrible on civil liberties, shows no real interest in reining in Wall Street criminals, and is unlikely to view the Constitution any more respectfully than Barrack Obama or George W. Bush before him. I simply cannot support such a man. With Trump, one has to hope he’s the anti-Obama, i.e., says all the wrong things but then does the right thing. In this sense it is possible that Trump could be a decent president, but he could also be an unmitigated nightmare. He’s the ultimate wildcard, potentially far worse than even Hillary, but also conceivably far better. There’s simply no way to know for sure.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is a guaranteed disaster. She will take the oligarch-controlled U.S. Banana Republic institutionalized by Obama and embrace it like no one else could or would. She won’t begrudgingly acquiesce to plutocrat demands, she will enthusiastically and shamelessly push forward their agenda without the slightest hesitation or passing thought regarding the wellbeing of the peasantry. Every single negative trend in American society we’ve seen develop over the past several decades will be thrust into overdrive, from neocon militarism to Wall Street criminality. I’ll put the odds at her being a decent president in terms her donors can understand, 0.0001%.

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Video of the Day – Cornel West Calls Hillary Clinton the “Milli Vanilli of American Politics”

This is too good not to share.

In case you’re wondering where the reference to Hillary characterizing inner city black youth as “super predators,” read the following: “Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote”.

For more Hillary related articles, see:

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