Video of the Day – Professor of Mass Media at University of Missouri Physically Threatens Student Reporter

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Meet Melissa Click. Assistant Professor of Mass Media at the University of Missouri, and woman who was caught on video asking for “muscle” in order to physically remove a reporter from reporting on a story in a public place. Yes ladies and gentleman, welcome to America’s college campuses.

If you haven’t seen this video, you must watch it immediately, and trust me, you need to watch it from beginning to end to truly understanding how dangerous Melissa’s Click’s request is. She is essentially advocating a mob of student inflict violence upon another student merely for taking pictures in public.

Thanks to this, what began as protests against systemic racism at the school has morphed into another prime example of how college campuses have devolved into ignorant, pro-censorship intellectual wastelands.

Now that you’ve watched the video, here’s some background on the incident and the key players involved from the New York Times:

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