Jeb Bush Calls Iraq War a “Good Deal,” Expresses Support for Torture and NSA Spying While Campaigning in Iowa

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Apparently jealous that Hillary Clinton is hogging all the embarrassing headlines, Jeb Bush decided to go on a neocon diatribe while campaigning in Iowa.

Just in case there’s any doubt about how anti-freedom he is, Jeb! decided to make things crystal clear. From him calling the Iraq War a “good deal,” to expressing support for torture and unconstitutional NSA spying, the man is a dyed in the wool authoritarian. Which is precisely why establishment Republican oligarchs love him.

Let’s tackle the torture angle first. The New York Times reported the following:

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Thursday declined to rule out resuming the use of torture under some circumstances by the U.S. government.

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