NY Daily News Columnist Justifies Killing of Russian Ambassador by Comparing Putin to Hitler

As such, the media still can’t let the election go. In its obsession with “fake news” and Russia, the U.S. press is once again betraying the public trust. It is once again demonstrating that the primary purpose of American mass media is a perpetuation of the status quo narrative. The media can’t let the election go, because any acknowledgment that Trump’s victory was a reflection of public unease indicts the media for failing to validate and report on the extent of this unease and its causes. After all, it’s so much easier to just call 63 million Americans racists, misogynists and Putin stooges. Which brings me to the final point.

As is the case with the vast majority of our problems, if we want to zero in on the much bandied about “threats to democracy,” we don’t need to look abroad. Moscow didn’t force the DNC to sabotage Bernie Sanders, and it didn’t force Donna Brazile to hand debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign either. Putin didn’t nominate Hillary Clinton in an election year that was obviously amenable to populist messaging. No, the Democrats did all that, with a huge heaping of assistance from the mainstream media. Which is precisely why neither group can let the election go in order to focus on our very real, and very extensive national problems.

From yesterday’s post: The Election Never Ended

In a more quaint time, I’d express shock at the fact the New York Daily News published an article in which the columnist defends the killing of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey because he worked for Putin; who as we all know, is literally Hitler. With so many Hitlers running around at the moment (remember Trump is also Hitler), it’s becoming harder and harder to keep track of all the hysterical narratives being pushed around by the billionaire-owned mass media.

Since I’m a fierce advocate of free speech, I defend the author’s right to voice his opinion, irrespective of how hyperbolic and reckless it may be. That said, I would ask readers to think about the sort of frenzy that would ensue if an article with a similar line of reasoning, but directed at an ambassador of a U.S. government ally instead of Russia (say Israel or Saudi Arabia), was written and published by some prominent alternative media blogger. Can you even begin to imagine the outrage that would be unleashed upon that person and the offending website?

With that in mind, take a look at a few excerpts from the piece in question, written by Gersh Kuntzman, and published by the New York Daily News:

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