Illinois Man Commits Suicide in Front of U.S. Capitol Holding a “Tax the 1%” Sign

This. Is. Sparta!
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Yesterday, 21-year old Josephine Witt captured the world’s attention (and much of its admiration) for interrupting a press conference being held by the European branch of the global central banking cartel by sprinkling confetti all over ECB crime boss Mario Draghi. What was equally important, but didn’t make the headlines, was that just days earlier a 22-year old Illinois man committed suicide in front of the U.S. Capitol while holding a sign that said: “Tax the 1%.”

His death seems to have been, in part at least, a political statement. As such, people should pay close attention. While I don’t doubt the sincerity of his beliefs, I am troubled by the simplicity of the message on his sign because it reminds me of a phony political slogan. It likely demonstrates a deep ignorance of how the financial system actually works, and how the super rich exercise economic and political dominance.

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