Video of the Day – Producer of Vaccine Documentary Banned From Tribeca Film Festival Speaks Out

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Before getting into this post, I want to reiterate something I wrote in my last article on the topic, published last year:

I want to start off this post by making it clear that I’m not remotely anti-vaccine. Personally, I chose to receive a Hepatitis A shot prior to my Asia travels last winter, and I also recently received a TDAP booster in order to reduce the risk of transferring pertussis to my newborn son, which can be quite dangerous if contracted by babies.

So while I’m not anti-vaccine, that doesn’t mean I trust the pharmaceutical industry or the U.S. government to keep me safe. This is where VAXXED, the vaccine documentary banned by the Tribeca Film Festival, comes into play. While all the controversy surrounding the film has centered on director Andrew Wakefield who was stripped of his medical license, the film’s producer is clear to point out that the film actually focuses on the testimony of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thomson.

As such, I found the following interview of VAXXED producer, Del Bigtree quiet interesting:

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