The Public Should Demand to See the Michael Flynn Transcript

The United States is much better off without Michael Flynn serving as national security adviser. But no one should be cheering the way he was brought down.

The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America’s democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn’s ouster was a soft coup (or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn’t the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function.

President Trump was roundly mocked among liberals for that tweet. But he is, in many ways, correct. These leaks are an enormous problem. And in a less polarized context, they would be recognized immediately for what they clearly are: an effort to manipulate public opinion for the sake of achieving a desired political outcome. It’s weaponized spin.

In a liberal democracy, how things happen is often as important as what happens. Procedures matter. So do rules and public accountability. The chaotic, dysfunctional Trump White House is placing the entire system under enormous strain. That’s bad. But the answer isn’t to counter it with equally irregular acts of sabotage — or with a disinformation campaign waged by nameless civil servants toiling away in the surveillance state.

– From The Week article: America’s Spies Anonymously Took Down Michael Flynn. That is Deeply Worrying.

I never intended to write about the Michael Flynn affair. I figured it had been covered to death and I probably wouldn’t have anything to add to the conversation. That said, I hadn’t been following the story closely so I decided to get caught up by reading a diverse selection of articles on the topic. One of my favorite sources on such subjects is Glenn Greenwald, and I eagerly read his latest piece on the matter: The Leakers Who Exposed Gen. Flynn’s Lie Committed Serious — and Wholly Justified — Felonies.

There are several key points he outlines in the piece, most of which I agree with. First, he proves that the leakers committed serious felonies under the law. Second, he states that if illegal leaks lead to the disclosure of information that is clearly very much in the public interest, then such action is not only justified, but ethically necessary. I agree with this as well. Where he doesn’t really convince me, is the argument that this particular leak represented some sort of great public service. He writes:

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Daily Kos Founder Tells Readers – ‘Be Happy for Coal Miners Losing Their Health Insurance’

On Monday, Markos “kos” Moulitsas, founder of the highly trafficked Daily Kos website penned an article that many have found deeply offensive titled, Be Happy for Coal Miners Losing Their Health Insurance. They’re Getting Exactly What They Voted for. Here’s some of what he wrote:

Hillary Clinton won the election, but a system designed to let a powerful minority override the will of the majority selected some asshole. For now, we have to deal with that bullshit reality, and lots of good people will suffer serious consequences. But don’t feel sorry for the ones who enabled this nightmare by voting for the incoming Trump-Putin administration. For example, why should we weep for the retired coal miners who will now lose their health insurance thanks to the GOP majority—despite the best efforts of coal-state Democrats to change the outcome? 

Don’t weep for these coal miners, now abandoned by their GOP patrons. They are getting exactly the government that they voted for. Democrats can no longer offer unrequited love and cover for them. And isn’t this what democracy is all about? They won the election! This is what they wanted!

While I’m as concerned as anyone that Trump is a fake populist who is likely to betray those who voted for him, I find the above extraordinarily offensive and devoid of all human compassion. After all, isn’t being a “liberal” supposed to be about compassion for others no matter the cause of their suffering?

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Did The Washington Post Once Again Promote ‘Fake News’ With Regard to Russian Election Interference?

In its recent hysterical tirades against the ambiguous plaque of ‘fake news,’ mainstream media outlets are engaged in a well known psychological practice known as projection. Here’s a quick description of Psychological Projection:

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

This appears to be precisely what the mainstream media has been obsessively engaged in ever since Hillary Clinton’s embarrassing, but entirely understandable, election loss. The most obvious example of such media projection appeared on Thanksgiving Day when The Washington Post published a widely panned, and easily disproven, fake news article about “fake news” (for my analysis, see: Liberty Blitzkrieg Included on Washington Post Highlighted Hit List of “Russian Propaganda” Websites).

Although a full retraction would have been the appropriate response for any paper with an ounce of integrity, The Washington Post has no such integrity. Nevertheless, the paper was indeed forced to add an editor’s note to the top of its article, effectively admitting the entire piece was a complete fabrication, primarily sourced via a clownish anonymous group with apparent ties to Ukrainian fascists.

Undaunted, The Washington Post went ahead and published another “blockbuster” article this past Friday. If the same piece was published by some random alternative media blog, it would’ve immediately been dismissed as unsubstantiated fake news by the endlessly chattering, terminally wrong mainstream media punditry class. The gist of the entire thing can be seen within the first two paragraphs. Here they are:

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