Poor Jeb Bush – Poll Numbers Plunge in Home State of Florida and Remain Dismal in Ohio and Pennsylvania

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While Hillary Clinton is undoubtably an authoritarian, crony fraud, she can at least say she’s got hapless Democrat party lemmings firmly behind her. Not so for Jeb Bush, a candidate so bad only an oligarch could love him.

What’s been so amusing about his campaign thus far, is the lengths to which big money Republican donors have gone to try to manufacture support and create a likable candidate out of someone with zero grassroots support. The best example of this came about a month ago, and was highlighted in the post, Jeb Bush Forced to Bus Supporters From Washington D.C. to CPAC as Attendees Walk Out On Him. Here’s an excerpt:

It sounds like Jeb Bush’s supporters are taking CPAC pretty seriously this year. Emails provided to Slate show that backers of the former Florida governor are busing supporters from downtown Washington D.C. to CPAC in National Harbor, Maryland, and organizing to get them day passes into the event.

One long-time CPAC insider said these organized efforts impressed him, and that he didn’t know of any other potential 2016 candidates busing backers in. Perhaps that’s because no other potential candidates are worried about the regular crowd turning against them—the Washington Times reports today that some CPAC attendees are planning “to stage an informal protest when he hits the stage.”

Unfortunately for Jeb, busing in supporters doesn’t translate into genuine support. This was recently on full display with the latest Quinnipiac University poll.

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