Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia Will Introduce Bill to Stop the Militarization of Police

Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 2.53.02 PMAs I pointed out yesterday in my detailed thoughts on Ferguson, President Obama has once again proved his irrelevance and uselessness by failing to say anything meaningful on the disturbing events of the past week. In fact, he only decided to address it personally and publicly yesterday after being heavily criticized for issuing a press release about the party he attended in Martha’s Vineyard as civilians in Missouri clashed with a paramilitary police force.

Despite Obama’s complete apathy, there are some Congressmen forcefully speaking out against the trend from “both sides” of the increasingly meaningless Republican and Democrat divide. The most noteworthy thus far appears to be Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia’s 4th Congressional district. In fact, he has sent a Dear Colleague letter to fellow representatives of his intention to introduce the Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act in September when Congress returns from recess.

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“A Good Time Was Had By All” – The Obamas Dance the Night Away as Ferguson, Missouri Burns

Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 10.32.19 AM“My administration has been closely monitoring the situation in Egypt, and I know that we will be learning more tomorrow when day breaks.  As the situation continues to unfold, our first concern is preventing injury or loss of life.  So I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors.

The people of Egypt have rights that are universal.  That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny.  These are human rights.  And the United States will stand up for them everywhere.”

– U.S. President Barack Obama, January 28, 2011 (official statement here).

The events in Ferguson, Missouri went from what could have been just another all too common and tragic incident in which an unarmed black man is killed by an overly aggressive and unprofessional police force, to what may be a historically significant event in American history. So how did this transformation occur and what does it mean going forward? Those are the two questions I intend to address in this post.

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“360 Burgers per Hour” – Meet the Burger Flipping Robot that Could Change Fast Food Forever

Screen Shot 2014-08-13 at 11.14.54 AMPoliticians aside, I think that the vast majority of people pushing for a higher minimum wage are well intentioned. A good example of this is Nick Hanaeur in his recent article about how pitchfork’s are coming for the 0.01%. His article garnered an incredible amount of attention, and rightly so, but was in my opinion greatly lacking in solutions. While he accurately identified the perilousness of the current transformation of America into an undemocratic oligarchy, his primary solution revolved around raising the minimum wage. This is a superficial and largely meaningless answer to a symptom of a very structural problem.

If you want to solve structural problems you need structural solutions, and raising the minimum wage is not a structural solution. In case you missed it, I outlined my thoughts on the matter in the post: The Pitchforks are Coming…– A Dire Warning from a Member of the 0.01%.

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Picture of the Day – Iraq or the United States? A Photo from Ferguson, Mo

I’m sure all of you have heard about what is going on in Furguson, Mo by now. Nevertheless, often times a picture says a thousand words. Here’s that picture: h/t to @radleybalko for the photo. In Liberty, Michael Krieger Like this post? Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G Follow me on Twitter.

Video of the Day – Man Easily Crosses U.S.-Mexico Border Dressed as Osama bin Laden

Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 12.26.52 PMI’m not posting this video to drum up fear of terrorism or anything like that. Regular readers know that I think the “war on terror” is a total sham and fraud. I believe the power structure has been intentionally using fear of terrorism to eliminate the civil liberties and freedom of the American public. Washington D.C.’s apathy at the porousness of the U.S.-Mexican border serves as further proof that the entire surveillance state that has been put in place to supposedly stop terrorist attacks has an ulterior motive.

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The Credit Bubble’s “Final Frontier” – Meet Goldman’s Fixed Income Global Structured Covered Obligation

Fixed Income Global Structured Covered Obligation. Say that three times fast.

According to yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, the bailed out financial criminals at Goldman Sachs are set to launch the latest and greatest toxic derivative product directly into the portfolios of willing muppets the world over. It all starts this September, so public pension funds may as well just start taking out stacks of hundreds and torching them at Burning Man while they still have a chance.

Yes, it’s called the “Fixed Income Global Structured Covered Obligation,” and no, you will not have a clue what’s in it. No seriously, you won’t have a clue.

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“Dead Broke” – Meet the Clintons’ $100,000 3-Week Hampton Rental

If being “dead broke” means dropping $100k on a 3-week rental in the Hamptons, then I’d like to be dead broke too.

In case you aren’t aware of what I’m referring to, recall that:

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Cartoon of the Day – “We Tortured Some Folks”

Kudos to whoever created this. Pretty much sums it up. Now for a little nostalgia. Here’s the original inspiration: In Liberty, Michael Krieger Like this post? Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G Follow me on Twitter.

Obama Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by Bombing Iraq

“Hell, those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”

– U.S. President Lyndon Johnson commenting on the Gulf of Tonkin incident

Fifty years ago yesterday, on August 7, 1964, Congress passed the now infamous Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which led to a massive escalation of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Without a formal declaration of war, the resolution permitted President Johnson to take “all necessary measures” to support South Vietnam, including armed forces. This resulted in 58,000 dead Americans and well over a million dead Vietnamese, both civilians and military personnel.

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Obama Wines and Dines Some of the World’s Most Brutal Dictators at the First Ever U.S.-Africa Summit

Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 4.15.32 PMLast month, I wrote an article highlighting the fact that President Barack Obama apparently had become so tired of being President that he decided to just hang out and socialize instead. The piece was titled, The New York Times Describes Obama – “A Restless President Weary of the Obligations of the White House…” 

Apparently, Mr. Obama has found a middle ground. A perfect mix of dinner-party diplomacy with some of the world’s most violent and homophobic dictators. Introducing the first ever U.S.-Africa summit, which just ran from August 4-6th. As the Daily Mail points out, President Obama had no problem smiling and hobnobbing with a cornucopia of murders and human rights abusers. If there was a Hollywood celebrity hashtag campaign of outrage protesting the event, I must have missed it.

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