Monks and Martyrs: A Controversial Perspective on Dissent in 21st Century America

Two months ago, I highlighted a powerful video from Warren Pollock in the post: Video of the Day – The Religion of Consumerism. Today, I am highlighting another one of his videos.

While this one is no less interesting, it’s likely to be quite a bit more controversial. He poses questions that philosophers have no doubt pondered from the very first moment human beings came together to organize into centralized political structures.

Namely, what is the responsibility of a citizen in a society in which the majority is ruled by a small minority? By living passively within this system has a citizen de facto given his or her consent to the minority? If so, is that citizen therefore ultimately responsible for the fate of the society as a whole?

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The Bailout of Robert Mugabe – How Wall Street Money Led to Intimidation, Torture and Death in Zimbabwe

Four days later, Camec announced it was using the money it raised to purchase a joint venture with the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corp., or ZMDC, Mugabe’s state-owned mining company. The joint venture owned the platinum stakes on the Great Dyke that had been taken back just a few weeks earlier from Anglo American. The price included $5 million in cash; Camec issued shares to partners whose identities were shielded by a shell company based in the British Virgin Islands; and $100 million to Mugabe’s government. Camec said the $100 million was a cash loan “to comply with its contractual obligations to the government of Zimbabwe” for the platinum claims. It said the money would be repaid out of ZMDC’s share of future platinum earnings. Camec’s balance sheets for the period make clear that funding for the platinum rights came from the private transactions involving Och-Ziff.

– From the excellent Bloomberg article, The Hedge Fund and the Despot 

The $100 million figure mentioned above that flowed directly to Zimbabwe’s brutal dictator Robert Mugabe was more than just a cash infusion to a corrupt dictator. Rather, it was a veritable political lifeline to a desperate and vulnerable despot. Facing defeat in the initial round of elections to the opposition, and with the nation’s currency hyper-inflating, the only thing he had at his disposal were valuable platinum assets that were at the time held by Anglo American Platinum. So Mugabe did what any desperate tyrant would do. He expropriated the assets from Anglo-American and immediately put them on the market to raise money to crush his opposition. Enter Wall Street.

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How Senator Jay Rockefeller (Worth Over $100 Million) Shamelessly Wastes Taxpayer Money

Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 7.54.43 AMJust in case you still had any lingering doubt about how members of Congress see themselves, and the lack of any sort of respect they have for taxpayer dollars, you need to look no further than Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia.

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Twitter Changes its Timeline Algorithm – Here’s What You Need to Know

Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 10.15.30 AMEver since I took the plunge and joined Twitter a little over two years ago I’ve had an unbroken love affair with the microblogging site. Prior to Twitter, I had essentially zero presence on, or interaction with, any social media. Although I tried Facebook in the distant past, I found it to be generally useless and uninteresting. As such, I was very hesitant to try something new; however, after consistent badgering by friends I ultimately relented and haven’t looked back since.

Twitter can be used for all sorts of purposes, but for those who are interested in staying up to date on certain topics, pundits, or breaking news generally, it can be a very serious and effective tool.

That is how I use Twitter. It’s my direct link into the thought processes of some of the smartest minds in the world. It is also where people in the thick of things choose to share “what’s happening” in real time before they share it anywhere else. This is incredibly valuable.

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The World Comments on Ferguson – Egypt Urges Restraint While China Tells the U.S. to “Stop Pointing Fingers”

You know you’ve lost the plot when Egypt, Iran, China and the United Nations all feel so comfortable they have the moral high ground that they publicly chastise the U.S. about events in Ferguson.

Indeed, this has been a theme at Liberty Blitzkrieg all year. I have repeatedly discussed the ridiculousness of our political leaders talking about absurd “humanitarian wars” (which coincidentally tend to aggregate in regions with gigantic oil reserves), while strongly supporting some of the most authoritarian and fascist regimes on earth such as Saudi Arabia.

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Video of the Day – CNN Anchor Wonders Why Police Aren’t Using Water Cannons in Ferguson

The following short video clip is simply incredible. Not just because of the incredibly insensitive comment made by CNN anchor Rosemary Church, but even more so due to the horrified and confused look on the face of black co-anchor, Errol Barnett. While CNN may not be particularly good at covering news or understanding racial sensitivities, you have to give the network credit for providing the world with one of the most memorable clips of 2014.

See for yourself.

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Jamie Dimon’s Big $13 Billion Secret – The Truth Behind the JP Morgan Settlement

“Afterward, West went into the office, where his first meeting of the day was with Holder and James Cole, the deputy attorney general, in Holder’s conference room. Just as he was telling the two men about his call with Dimon, his cellphone rang. It was Dimon again. West took the call, pacing back and forth at the far end of the room. Dimon proposed a meeting on September 26 and assured him that the bank would come back with a significantly increased offer. West agreed to recommend that Holder postpone the filing of Wagner’s complaint and meet with Dimon. That was an unprecedented move. It’s not every day that the attorney general of the United States postpones the filing of a civil complaint against a powerful Wall Street bank at the request of its CEO so that the two sides can cut a deal in private. Whatever was in Wagner’s complaint, Jamie Dimon did not want it to become public knowledge.”

– From William Cohan’s excellent article, Jamie Dimon’s $13 Billion Secret

Those of us who have been following the outrageous, unaccountable theft and criminality of the banking industry for many years reacted in a similar manner to the announcement of a $13 settlement late last year between JP Morgan and the Department of Justice. The first thought that crossed our minds was “no criminal prosecutions, another settlement of course.” Then, once the reality of the size of the settlement sunk in, we couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that no organization is going to cough up $13 billion unless there is some serious criminality at play.

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Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist on Obama: “The Greatest Enemy of Press Freedom in a Generation”

Screen Shot 2014-08-18 at 11.31.29 AMJames Risen is not just a phenomenal reporter, he is also an extremely courageous and honorable American patriot. His case is a very disturbing one, and it has justifiably received a great deal of national attention. In a nutshell, the Obama Administration is threatening the pulitzer prize winning journalist with prison unless he reveals the source behind one of his stories. This is something no journalist worth his salt would ever do, but the fact our own government would resort to threats of incarceration in order to instill fear in the press to prevent it from doing its job is quite telling and extremely dangerous.

Mr. Risen understands this danger more than just about anyone else, which is why he has previously stated he is prepared to go to jail in order to defend the First Amendment from Obama, who he calls the greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation.”

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Human Rights Watch USA – Amnesty International Deploys in America

“We criticize dictators for quelling dissent and silencing protestors with tactics like curfews, we’ll certainly speak out when it’s happening in our own backyard. The people of Ferguson have the right to protest peacefully the lack of accountability for Michael Brown’s shooting.”

– Amnesty International USA’s executive director, Steven W. Hawkins

I’m sure most of you have heard by now of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon’s decision to deploy the National Guard to the unrest in Ferguson, but what you may not have heard is that human rights organization Amnesty International is also on the ground. In fact, it has been there for several days now and is quite disturbed by what is happening.

Specifically,  Amnesty International USA announced on August 14, that it had sent a 12-person human rights delegation to Ferguson. Yet while the organization has been there for several days, it wasn’t until last night that I started seeing considerable media coverage on the subject. Buzzfeed went so far as to say that some of the resources deployed have never before been used in the United States:

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South Carolina Woman Arrested for Cursing in Front of Her Kids

Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 3.42.16 PMYou gotta love America. In the same week that the entire world witnessed how U.S. polices forces have been transformed into paramilitary organizations, a woman is arrested in a South Carolina supermarket for cursing in front of her children.

Yep, this is not a joke. Apparently, under North Augusta law “disorderly conduct” includes if a person “utters, while in a state of anger, in the presence of another, any bawdy, lewd or obscene words or epithets.” Sounds like one of those ridiculous laws that remains on the books but isn’t really ever enforced. Except in North Augusta, where apparently police have nothing better to do.

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