A Ruthless Tyrant Dies in the Desert and Western Leaders Trample Over Each Other to Sing His Praises

Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 11.29.18 AMThe Saudi regime has come under severe criticism here at Liberty Blitzkrieg over the last couple of years for several reasons. First, more and more evidence has emerged concerning Saudi Arabia’s role in the attacks of 9/11. A role that both the Bush and Obama administrations have gone out of their way to conceal. In late 2013, I published a post titled, Two Congressmen Push for Release of 28-Page Document Showing Saudi Involvement in 9/11. Here are some excerpts:

But earlier this year, Reps. Walter B. Jones, R-N.C., and Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., were given access to the 28 redacted pages of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry (JICI) of 9/11 issued in late 2002, which have been thought to hold some answers about the Saudi connection to the attack.

“I was absolutely shocked by what I read,” Jones told International Business Times. “What was so surprising was that those whom we thought we could trust really disappointed me. I cannot go into it any more than that. I had to sign an oath that what I read had to remain confidential. But the information I read disappointed me greatly.”

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Oligarch Justice – Powerful Pedophiles Roam Free as Journalist Barrett Brown Returns to Jail

Screen Shot 2015-01-22 at 4.42.04 PMIf Dershowitz was a good friend to Epstein, he was a better lawyer. Along with a dream team of attorneys that included Gerald Lefcourt, Roy Black, and Ken Starr, he was successful in getting federal investigators not to charge Epstein with moving his victims across state lines and other associated crimes. The federal non-prosecution agreement Epstein’s legal team negotiated with the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida immunized all named and unnamed “potential co-conspirators” in Epstein’s child trafficking network, which includes those who allegedly procured minors for Epstein and also any powerbrokers who may have molested them. Although Dershowitz wasn’t a signatory to the plea agreement, the latest filings in Roberts’s case against Epstein accuse Dershowitz of essentially negotiating his own immunity.

From the Gawker article: Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

Today was a very big day for journalist, activist and American political prisoner Barrett Brown. Though he was supposed to be sentenced last month (see: Political Prisoner Barrett Brown to Be Sentenced Tomorrow – Why the Result Matters to Freedom in America), it was delayed until today.

Tragically, he was ultimately sentenced to 63 months in federal prison for some relatively innocuous offenses. For those of us who have been following this saga for several years, it is abundantly clear that Barrett is being punished for exposing the shady behavior of some powerful people within the intelligence-industrial complex. He is one of several people (Aaron Swartz, Thomas Drake, Private Manning, and Julian Assange) who have been aggressively targeted, not for what they have done, but rather for their ability to embarrass and expose the evils of the rich and powerful.

It’s quite fitting that on the same day Barrett is sentenced to an additional three years in jail (he has already served 28 months), Nick Bryant over at Gawker writes a very interesting piece about all of the high profile people who not only befriended, but also repeatedly took flights with, pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

Before I get into the meat of this piece, I want to make it clear that just because certain people were on these flights doesn’t mean they committed any crimes (although it certainly shows horrible judgement of character). Nevertheless, some people mentioned clearly did commit crimes, and when you see how easily these people got off, compared to say Barrett Brown, you’ll see what a sad joke American “justice” has become.

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The Dissident Dad – A Child’s First Exposure to Protestors

Screen Shot 2015-01-22 at 1.32.41 PM“Black Lives Matter” read clearly in large bold letters across several handmade signs at the Austin State Capitol building this past Saturday. My wife and I had been looking for something to do, and ultimately decided to take a tour of the Capitol building, have a picnic on the grass, and stroll around downtown Austin. Little did we know a planned protest was scheduled, which filled up the State Capitol building with fellow anarchists and libertarians, as well as plenty of communists, socialists, and black power enthusiasts. My kids asked what was going on. There was yelling, a higher than normal police presence (although nothing like we’ve seen in other cities), and people running around with large signs.

My instinctive reaction was a mix between annoyance and anger. I don’t like seeing advertisements for further tyranny; like communist logos, socialist demands, and of course, a call for the very statists that have caused all our problems to introduce new laws. However, before I answered my children’s questions as to who they are, what they are doing, and why they are mad, I took a split second to think it through. My answer was that these are people mad at the government because they feel like the government is picking on them for their skin color.

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Freedom of Speech? Boston Mayor Bans Bad Mouthing of Olympics, as Facebook Will Filter Out “Fake News”

In case you need a refresher, here’s the text of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Apparently, this doesn’t apply to the Mayor of Boston when it comes to silencing the speech of public employees who may not like that the Olympics may be coming to town.

The Boston Globe reports that:

If you’re a Boston city employee, there’s now an official decree: don’t badmouth the Olympics.

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A Billionaire Lectures Serfs in Davos – Claims “America’s Lifestyle Expectations are Far Too High”

Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 11.46.47 AMIf you listened closely this morning, you could hear humanity vomit as JP Morgan CEO, Jamie Dimon, began to speak at Davos. In what amounted to some of the most egotistical and delusional statements heard at a conference filled with egotistical and delusional participants, Mr. Dimon didn’t disappoint. Here are a couple highlights courtesy of Twitter:

Such shameless insincerity would even make his Best Banker Buddy (BBB) Barry Obama blush. I don’t know about you, but I’m eagerly awaiting Mr. Dimon’s 2028 Presidential run with Chelsea Clinton as running mate.

But I digress. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it has. Enter billionaire Jeff Greene, who’s comments at Davos make Sam Zell look enlightened.

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Yep, You Guessed It – Obamacare Website Funneling Private Consumer Info to Private Companies

Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 10.52.51 AMNow, the government may step in, at least to ensure consumers are protected. President Obama on Monday proposed a new law called the Personal Data Notification and Protection Act, which would create a basic set of rules for how companies handle their customer information. It also would criminalize international trade in stolen personal identity information.

From a recent CNET article: Obama’s Data-Breach Initiative has Privacy Advocates Optimistic, Cautious

As you may have guessed, as America’s Bullshitter in Chief, Barack Obama, parades around talking about the sanctity of consumers’ personal data, the website that his administration is most responsible for is eagerly leaking private medical data to an unknown number of private firms, including advertisers and data miners. You just can’t make this stuff up.

From the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The government’s health insurance website is quietly sending consumers’ personal data to private companies that specialize in advertising and analyzing Internet data for performance and marketing, The Associated Press has learned.

The scope of what is disclosed or how it might be used was not immediately clear, but it can include age, income, ZIP code, whether a person smokes, and if a person is pregnant. It can include a computer’s Internet address, which can identify a person’s name or address when combined with other information collected by sophisticated online marketing or advertising firms.

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Made in China – Meet the World’s First 3D-Printed Apartment Building

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 3.22.08 PMThe following story is simply fascinating. Provided this and similar structures are able to stand the test of time, it will have unbelievably deflationary consequences for home prices across the world.

I first highlighted this company, WinSun, last year in the piece: Zillow Study Shows 1 in 3 Homes are Unaffordable, Meanwhile Vacation Home Sales Soar. Here’s an excerpt:

This month, architects in Amsterdam started work on the world’s first completely 3D-printed house. It’ll take three years and quite a bit of money to finish. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, a company claims to have printed ten houses with inexpensive industrial scraps in less than a day. What’s the difference?

It depends on your definition of 3D printing. Both projects are using massive 3D printers; in Shanghai, it’s 490 feet long, 33 feet wide, and 20 feet deep. Rather than expensive plastic, though, the Chinese company WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co is printing with a concrete aggregate “made in part from recycled construction waste, industrial waste, and tailings,” according to the Architect’s Newspaper. Each of these homes costs less than $5,000.

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This is How the U.S. Government Convinces a Newspaper to Kill a Story

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 2.38.34 PMUnder President George W. Bush, the White House urged reporters to withhold accounts about many of the most contentious aspects in the war on terrorism: the existence of a secret prison in Thailand, the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation and detention program, warrantless wiretapping and government monitoring of financial transactions.

The Obama administration has persuaded reporters to delay publishing the existence of a drone base in Saudi Arabia, the name of a country in which a drone strike against an American citizen was being considered, the fact that a diplomat arrested in Pakistan was a C.I.A. officer and that an American businessman was working for the agency when he disappeared in Iran.

– From the New York Times article: Condoleezza Rice Testifies on Urging The Times to Not Run Article

The timidness with which mainstream media in the U.S. approaches news has been well documented. In fact, the inability of traditional media to do a reasonable job of holding powerful interests accountable has been one of the primary drivers behind the ascendency of alternative news. Despite this reality, one thing we know less about is specifically how the power structure goes about suppressing news it doesn’t want reaching the plebs. Until now.

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What 4th Amendment? Police Across the U.S. Are Using Radars to See Inside People’s Homes

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 11.49.17 AMThe intentional erosion of public privacy is no accident. It’s not merely a simplistically stupid overreaction to the dangerous world we live in either. It is a very deliberate and nefarious plan being intentionally implemented by the American oligarchy; i.e., the super rich and the super powerful. This is precisely why the establishment freaked out about the Edward Snowden revelations, and it is why every single minor event is immediately manipulated into an excuse to give the government and intelligence agencies more power.

While we already know a lot about the NSA’s unconstitutional and fascist policies when it comes to the web, the decimation of the 4th Amendment is also being eagerly practiced at a more local level by police departments across the country. USA Today published a very important article on this topic earlier today. Here are some excerpts:

WASHINGTON — At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance.

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Gotta Keep Dancing – Honda Executive Laments “Stupid” Auto Loans Driving U.S. Sales Higher

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 10.58.01 AMWhen the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated. But as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance. We’re still dancing.

– Chuck Prince, Citigroup CEO, July 2007

We’ve seen this movie before, we know how it ends, and it’s not pretty. But I say that it has longer to run, and we have already paid the price of admission. So we might as well stay to the end. You just keep your eyes on the exit door.

– Tom Webb, Chief Economist at Manheim Consulting, January 2015

The junk being peddled around as auto loans has been well documented here and elsewhere, and links to several articles highlighting this troubling trend will be attached at the end. That said, what is so stunning about what we heard from an executive at one of the world’s biggest car manufacturers, is the willingness to call out the stupidity of what is currently going on. In the process, he shows how completely brain-dead and collectively insane everyone around him is.

Bloomberg reports that:

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