Remember: Matter. How tiny your share of it.
Time. How brief and fleeting your allotment of it.
Fate. How small a role you play in it.
– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
For the past ten years, I’ve spent most of my waking hours learning how the systems we live under function and how wealth and power operate and consolidate in the U.S. as well as globally. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve shared a lot. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would.
I dedicated all that time and energy to writing and engaging on the big issues of our era for two main reasons. First, I felt there was a window of opportunity to turn the ship around and reform the system to avoid needless additional widespread suffering and upheaval, which to me was guaranteed given the destructive path to which our ruling class was obstinately committed. Second, my decade on Wall Street offered some valuable insight into the inner workings of financial feudalism and how it systematically and intentionally enriches certain small segments of the populace while enslaving the masses via perpetual colossal debt issuance coupled with reoccurring central bank bailouts for the creditor and financial asset speculator class. This wasn’t widely appreciated when I first started writing about it, so it became a personal mission to inform as many people as possible.
For a decade straight, I wrote incessantly about oligarchy, empire, endless war, an erosion of civil liberties, Wall Street criminality, unaccountable central bank power and much more. I figured if enough people understood how real power functions we could rein in its perniciousness. Sometimes I got it right, sometimes I got it wrong, but I always put forth my best effort. I’m proud of the work I did and the overall mission, but the unfortunate truth is it didn’t have the impact I had hoped for. Although I certainly helped and inspired people along the way, the macro situation we find ourselves in today is even more unstable and dangerous than it was a decade ago.
Despite fleeting moments of awareness when it appeared large numbers were waking up to how the ruling class actually rules, such waves of inspired energy were almost always quickly repurposed and redirected by mass media, dishonest pundits and others into typical red/blue manufactured political squabbles generally centered around the “culture war.” The imperial oligarchy wants us fighting amongst each other about race, geography, abortion, gendered bathrooms, sports team names, two hundred year old statues, or any other similar issue they don’t really care about.
As long as we’re fighting about that stuff instead of focusing on their wealth, power and criminality, they win. I’ve seen this sort of thing happen countless times over the past decade, and the general public seems to fall for it every time. If mass media wants to distract or make some ridiculous narrative the center of our attention, it’s a trivial task provided it triggers the culture war hysteria switch embedded in so many across the ideological spectrum.
After watching the first half of 2020 play out, I’ve finally seen enough. I’ve concluded and admitted to myself that the general public is simply unwilling or unable to put aside petty differences to unite and effectively challenge the ruling class on the really big issues of the day. If it didn’t happen this year, it’s not going to — or more accurately — time has probably run out at this point for grassroots movements to coalesce and force this decadent and destructive paradigm to fundamentally transform. Rather, it seems far more likely that the social and economic fabric we live under will simply collapse under the weight of its own corruption, depravity, violence and sociopathic greed before “the people” at a national level do anything particularly productive.
As such, continuing to write articles about what’s happening and how power, empire and oligarchy function has started to feel pointless. I feel like I’ve said nearly everything I wanted to say on these subjects and I’d just be repeating myself by carrying on. I’m simply not inspired to keep engaging and creating content in the same way, so I’m not going to.
Over the past ten years of public writing, I’ve undergone many changes, both in how I see the world and in my personal circumstances. When my emailed notes first started appearing on Zerohedge in early 2010 before I even had a blog, I was still single and living in New York City. I’m now married with three children in Colorado. Ten years ago, I had perhaps taken care of one tomato plant in my entire life, yet these days I’m spending several hours per day in our garden learning how to grow food. The things I’m passionate about and love most are different today than they were, and my work needs to reflect this change.
Going forward, I want to interact with readers in a distinct way than I have previously. I want more philosophy in my life, and less outrage. I want my words and my message to inspire rather than discourage. I want to promote resiliency and wisdom in the face of uncertainty and craziness. I want to increasingly focus on the things I love and the things I can control, rather than the things I despise and cannot easily influence.
Liberty Blitzkrieg has been an important part of my life and a useful medium, but it’s now time for a different canvas. I’ve had the idea of starting a new website with a distinct kind of mission and perspective for several years, and it finally feels like the right time to dive in. As such, I’ll be taking the next several months off from writing as I get some projects done around the house and think about exactly how I want to proceed.
I do know there will be a new website and that my writing will be going in a more expansive direction. In the meantime, I will continue to be active on Twitter in my usual way commenting on all sorts of issues, and if for some reason I become particularly inspired to publish a post in the interim, I won’t hesitate to come out of hibernation. I will continue to put together and distribute my weekly “Liberty Links” post to those who support my work during the transition. Liberty Blitzkrieg and all of its posts will remain online and available as a resource for those who are interested, or may become curious in the future.
Thanks for coming along on this journey thus far, and I look forward to reconnecting again on the other side.
Michael Krieger
Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G
Follow me on Twitter.

Thanks and God bless YOU and your family. Very well said. Much appreciated.
Michael, we need your sane voice and your illuminating insights perhaps more than ever now. You’re not the only one learning about tomatoes: there are a whole lot of us on the same path. Please come back soon. In the meantime, thank you so much for the hours and hours you have spent wrestling with thoughts and ideas for the benefit of the rest of us. There are many like me, I am sure, who appreciate what you have done and will be overjoyed to see you return.
Covid period seems to have shone a light on many aspects of life and made many think deep. Well done for acting on those thoughts.
I am at a similar crossroads after 10 years on a project, and the last few months decided to go all out for a new future. It’s hard living two lives but best to persevere til you pop out the other end of one into the next! All the best.
Of course you’re right, but who care? It’s not about angeles, but about human souls; one; each one of us. Human culture, human civilisation and justice done by all. Angeles … were always messengers, never doers. And about weeding… upmanship to my taste.
The Angelic Conflict is real – check out the subject for yourself – you are experiencing the reality that Satan controls this world…there is an answer to that dilemma found in the bible – best regards – now go weed that garden!
Much respect for all of your effort over the last 10 years.
a loyal reader
Crugar Tuttle
Thanks for all your insight and work, Michael. We recently moved from CO to FL, so understand the issues you always wrote about. Take care of yourself and your family. Appreciate all!
Thanks Mike. I got to this party a little late, but your work over the past few years has inspired me and forced my further education. Troubling times this, but unfortunately you cannot save those who continue to be blinded by the system or those who do not wish to be saved.
All the best in your future endeavors, and I for one will be keeping an eye and ear out for whats next from you.
Thanks, Michael. Yes, I once had faith in the ‘majority of American voters’ that, once they knew the truth, they would vote/work for the common good. Maybe that is still true, but the ‘truth’ has long since ‘disappeared’ in the well-crafted, overwhelming deceit that is the MSM, and even the incredible manipulation of ‘independent’ online sources. You were, are, a beacon of truth… much appreciated. I applaud your ‘return’ to the only ‘truth’ we have, IMO… the Earth that sustains us. When we are ‘reduced’, i.e., forced to ‘subsistence’, after we quit howling about losing the ‘American Way of Life’ (actually, a Way of Death), we stand a chance of recovering true joy, peace, creativity, brother-sisterhood and meaningful work. I eagerly look forward to your future reports on your journey, and you’ll be the only Twitter I follow 🙂 ox (Thank you for leaving this site up… I’ll be returning for ‘spiral’ info, etc)
I have learned a lot from you and your posts… I appreciate you Mike! Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you so much for fighting the good fight these past 10 years and providing the mass consciousness of our nation and the world with truly inspired, thoughtful, and needed writing and analysis. God bless you and your family, Mike, and good luck with this year’s growing season!
Utmost Regards,
Jeff Dutton
Grand Haven, MI
Thanks Mike, and best of luck on your future endeavors.
Thanks Michael, I’ve really enjoyed your writing over the years and look forward to your new project. Please announce it on this blog as well as I do not follow Twitter and am worried I will miss it there!
Thanks Michael, as “semi regular” commenter, I found your posts always inspirational, and explanatory, as to what was “really going on” – which is rare in America today. I am very glad you will continue on Twitter, as I appreciate your tart, truthful comments immensely. Twitter won’t let me on, as I only have a landline! And they claim it is an invalid number – the one I have had for thirty years!
Overall, America is a very self deceptive country, particularly at the government and corporate level, and we continue to need your acerbic wit to point this out.
Thanks again.
Good Luck Michael. Thanks for all you’ve done. The future is what you make of it and yours sounds pretty good.
Michael: Your efforts to bring light to what has and is occurring has not been in vain. Waking someone’s consciousness is a progress of peeling the onion’s layers in a slow progressive process. The human condition allows for each person’s journey to include sojourns to a state of suspended mindfulness. If the mind is not paying attention it does not mean that the soul has drifted as well. Your writings speak to both. Perhaps speaking more directly to the latter would spark the tinder of the mind.
Well said and thank you, I am sorry to see you go into hibernation, but I certainly understand.
Thanks Michael!
I loved your writings in the early days as you helped me adding perspectives in realizing how the swamp works (I was also interested in finance/history/politics). You have reasons to be way much more optimistic about your impact than you convey in this post. I hope you join me and all others in the mass awakening on-going now and contribute to your own and others increase in consciousness – which is the actual and only real way to achieve a permanent change to the current global suffering and injustice.
We use about 4% of our consciousness, i.e., we are hardly surviving. The biggest fear the elite you write about have is for us, the people, to realize this and subsequently activate and upgrade. Deception can’t survive in the light of awareness.
The heaven of Kingdom is within all of us – they tried to make us think it was outside of us, up on the clouds. The heaven of Kingdom is a state of being when we vibrate in higher consciousness.
Again, thanks Michael and you have contributed a lot to many people’s awakening. I salute you for that!
Thanks for all your hard work. I will miss your commentary, but completely understand your decision. It’s time to move on. I look forward to your new blog.
ciao Micheal hope to reconnect to you again when you will start a new project. all the best! chiara
Perhaps you could concentrate on the remnant.
I though of Isaiah and this article while I read our comments above.
Hope you don’t give up entirely, you have a lot to offer. Maybe a different audience.
Thanks for your past service and insights.
Thank you, Michael. I very much appreciate the effort you have made and the insights you have shared. Very best wishes to you. I look forward to hearing from you again.
I wish you success in your new venture.
I have expected 2020 problems since 1980.
My timing was off.
I never stopped gardening tho …
I’ve so enjoyed your posts over the last couple of years. I’m sad to see you go but I get it! Family first! And starting a garden is fantastic and wonderful. I too am an avid organic, rejuvenative gardener and love growing food. Focus on your soil and all will reward you with their bounty. In Gratitude for all you do~Nancy
Something in the air (besides SARS-COV-2 goodies)? I am a small potatoes FB group admin and what you wrote pretty much describes what I have been feeling, especially during my current 30-day FB censor detention. Then today I read a poll and tho I do not much trust polls, generally, this one reproted that about 60% of the US peeps believe the Rrussagates 1.0 and 2.0 BS. Essentially, nothing has changed at the core of the once referred to Silent Majority and that in spite of some really great thinkers like yerself. Have a nice break and I hope you come back strong. Copping to the if only one person wakes up thanks to something we have done….
Michael, thanks for all your hard work the past ten years, and for providing a place for truth-seekers to congregate and refine their ideas. As they say, change is the only constant, and so your moving on to new things speaks of your own growth as an individual. I know that the work you have done here will continue to ripple through the mental ecosystem, and that its light will eventually prevail.
As an ex-Coloradan, be wary of those afternoon hailstorms. There were times I returned home from a hard day’s work only to find a garden of stubs where fledgling plants once stood that morning.
History will run its course, as it has done with every empire that eventually collapsed.Warning voices never had the influence they should have to prepare the public that willingly or unwillingly supported the power structure shaping their lives.
Only if you step aside and out can you make sure one has the chance to be able to survive the coming changes,and learning how to live without the trappings of technology (they are helpful of course, but they also limit your movement mentally and physically by making you dependent on their ease of use and comfort they seem to provide) frees you of relying on larger structures, going back to rely on close community.
We have chosen to retire on a small Island, having always been aware of the fragility of the technologies and the system of governance we rely on, and have always managed to at least being able to supply ourselves with much homegrown food or food we hunted and fished for.
This Island group was for hundreds of years forced to live independently, encountering hardship but still surviving. Only in the early 80’s when the mainland joined the EU things changed, however enforced by the Covid 1 crisis relying on the local food supply is increasing again, with fish and meat locally produced and sold, vegetables of either your own crop or traded with the neighbours.
In a pinch I strongly believe we can survive here as Generations have done before when traffic was sporadic and always a hazard through 1000 miles of ocean.
In this upside-down world if you have a large following you must be wrong.
And the universe rules, we are all extras.
I can’t blame anyone for stepping away and not wanting to sound repetitive. This is much more honorable than what ZH did years ago, shifting to “red meat” articles to generate clicks and comments. I suppose they got tired of dwindling interest in articles criticizing the central bankers for the umpteenth time.
It is disappointing how easily the public is distracted and how they refuse to focus on the Fed, aided by a steady media diet of divide and conquer tactics. If it’s any consolation to anyone here, at least 2020 has been interesting and things are starting to move more quickly.
Many thanks for providing high quality content Michael, and good luck with the transition.
Thank you for you clear commentary these many years. You offered the rare ‘non-partisan’ view of simple, acute analysis.
In this new phase of your life, it seems the value of personal connection, time, and the chance to love what is right in front of you is emerging. This is wisdom!
Emily gives us a good reminder of what lives in front of us each moment, from Our Town. Maybe we’re here to enjoy this.
Richard Hankins July 9th
they span the Gulf of Tonkin
J Edgar Hoover
tried to spin
Martin Luther Kings libido
into Rasputin
they tried to spin that
the natives would collect
not to grow crops
but for food to eat in winter
they will spin anything
deranged delirious dross
like a dog chasing its own tale
a psyop
a near complete revolution
of crap
thanks liberty Blitzkrieg , i will miss you
Thanks a ton . Feels like we’re nearing the top of the rollercoaster . The trip on way down will be freighting. Really appreciated your provocative insights on the KAOS encapsulating the world today .
I know you are follower of ARMSTRONG ECONOMICS , & he still keeps me like you engaged. Myself, I hate to see you walk of into the sunset , yet your readers should take heed for we still have one voice in the crowd who is as fascinating as yourself.
Thanks for the steady rudder ! See you on the other side of mayhem ! ??☹️…
This simultaneously fills me with deep sadness and joy.
You have been an invaluable voice. Spiral Dynamics is having a hiccup, or maybe it’s just punctuated equilibrium is rumbling and our society will be radically different in 4 years. My studies of Russian history and literature from the pre and post revolutionary era fills me with dread.
Far too many parallels in America. Digital serfdom, gross inequality, indifferent officials, corruption at virtually every level of government, large corporations “controlling the narrative” and a global elite utterly unable to stop their flawed vision of one world under Government.
God bless you sir.
Regretably, I only discovered your blog a short while ago after seeing it linked. Albeit I´m a ´sample´of only one, but I suspect you still might have more people out there to reach with your writings. I can fully respect your wish to redirect your efforts. But perhaps after a few months’ focussing on other things you might want to reconsider. The other side wins through repetitive propaganda, and they’re weakened – gradually – by equally repetitive pushback from informed and lucid thinkers such as you. Your efforts have not been – and would not in the future be – wasted.
Michael thank you for your frank message. You are absolutely correct. I just suddenly realized that your story is similar to mine. I walked away from my own K street law firm in disgust with the rot and started a resilient life on a small island in the pacific (within Japan) and like you, spend some time each day getting my hands dirty with the soil. I discovered a new kind of electricity that is much more efficient and less costly than the corporate system. I am writing a book on that. “Take Back The Power” I note that all revolutions and big social changes are a result of technology advances and the present crisis is really an energy crisis but no one is paying attention to it because they are not technical-literate, I suppose.
Re: “on the other side” all of our institutions need to be replaced with much better alternatives. This includes of course, education, food, etc. I am focusing on energy because no one seems to understand this topic. I am a circuit guy and building out better alternatives starting with rural applications (direct connections from solar panels to water heaters/heat pumps/clothes washers etc. via my simple circuits). best regards from the Japan Islands
I’m in your team. Always.
It seems to me that those who have eyes to see and are writing online are a large part of the ‘group’ that is needed for action IRL. The normies will only follow once a dedicated group that is geared towards action brings them in.
Neither political theory nor philosophy can reach the masses.
However, a group of dedicated persons who organize ‘for the people’ and who can show the people hope for a better future can make a difference.
But the normies will not be ready to join that group until we have our Weimar collapse.
In the meantime (weeks or months), we need to organize for action – ‘community organizing’ to counter Bolshie ‘community organizing.’
Oh. And thanks for your many insights. Best of luck to you and your family.
Thank you for trying! Fortunately, this process is not dependent upon your courageous and valiant efforts. So relax and enjoy your time with your family and tending to your garden.
God is large and in charge and has been telling His people for quite some time the new direction He is moving us into, why He is doing this, and what is yet to come. Perry Stone and Dutch Sheets on YouTube is a good place to start. Chuck Pierce and Lance Walnau also have tremendous insight.
The elite are about to have their “Haman” moment. Even the simple minded will gasp at the quickness of the fall and how truly nefarious and corrupt these people are, along with how wide and deep the river is in terms of people involved. It’s not just limited to the elite and fake news, but has infiltrated all power structures in our country, with extra emphasis on false teaching in academia, which is endemic.
There is one who holds us all accountable. Indeed, it is the very purpose of the exercise we currently find our collective selves engaged in. It is to demonstrate the power and Glory of God, through His son Jesus. He will be doing great works as you tend to your vegetable garden. So enjoy your time off and stay tuned. Enjoy the view. It will be truly amazing!
Thank you for all your dedication and effort. Please know it wasn’t completely in vain. Enjoy life with your family. May you all live long and prosper
Right on brother… just leave the cave of shadows. You know how the illusion works and have helped others to understand it as well. Most simply aren’t ready to take responsibility for themselves, they haven’t suffered enough yet. They prefer the security of chains and the illusion of control focusing on what other people are doing and repeating what they are told provides. Being sovereign requires respecting other’s choice of slavery, though it is hard to stomach. You can’t help those who aren’t ready to help themselves.
I feel exactly as you do, but was unable to put it as eloquently as you did. Sick and tired… wanting more philosophy, less civic crap. So I am following you… turning off the news and becoming selfish, pursuing things that give me peace and happiness. Damn the torpedoes…
Best of Luck Michael, your voice will be missed. I’ve been doing my AdvancingTime blog for about the same length of time and understand what you are saying.
We have seen time and time again the system find ways to extend and pretend the illusion all is well. All is defiantly not well and frustration builds over time as truth and reality are brushed aside.
Adding to this are the nay-Sayers calling us broken records, perma-bears, or disagreeing in a rude way rather than promoting a reasonable narrative.
Enjoy life and thanks again..
Thank you and warm wishes for a smooth transition, Mike.
Like you, I’ve worked in the financial sewer for years, and became aghast at its utter corruption and capture by ruling psychopaths and their sychophants. Your work has been on target and outstanding.
I wish you serenity in the days ahead … I think that we’re all going to need it as this circus closes out 2020 …
Yes Michael, I understood this last time. This is what it means to “Not Play”. You cannot fix something by going along with it. – Congratulations!
The comment about your years of writing, that “the unfortunate truth is it didn’t have the impact I had hoped for.” reminds me of an interview Dennis Meadows (one of the authors of Limits to Growth) once did. Meadows said they analyzed the data and realized that the world was heading in the wrong direction. They assumed that all they needed to do was inform the leaders at the time and once they saw the data, society would change course to a more sustainable level. They were very surprised that nothing was done. At a macro level things have deteriorated but, Michael, you have certainly influenced many at the personal level to become more resilient and never, ever sell yourself short on the impacts you have made. As Jordan Petersen says, live a life of meaning. You’ve been doing that in spades. Don’t ever stop.
Thanks for all the fish.
Thank you so much for a decades worth of illumination into the dark recess of the ymperial system’s decaying innards. As you exit stage left please realize you are now preparing for the next aspect of the journey as we fully enter the age of aquarius and the birth of our next system of living. May all our shared thoughts create a more just, self sufficient world worth leaving for the next generations. Best of luck and skill as we navigate this global weimezuelababwean collapse.
Thank you Michael, for everything. Good luck.
Sad to see you go. Your writing has been great and inspiring all this time, and I can only imagine the work that has gone into this. Better to build the world we want rather than fight the one we don’t.
Coming from an organic farmer; all you out there thinking about trying to grow your own food, please hear me. First of all, good work on trying something that is great fun and very important. It will very quickly teach you how much work and energy go into producing all of our food, and the rapid feedback you get from nature herself will be a great lesson in how the world actually works. However, please focus on things that grow well in your area. So many would be gardeners take the globalized approach of trying to grow every exotic food they can think of, or everything in their current diet. Best option is to go and find a successful local gardener and talk to them. The world is a much more differentiated place than many modern people realize, and something that grows well in one place might not grow as well down even as little as 20 miles away, due to differences in soil, microclimate and pest issues. This will ensure you do not go through a very steep learning curve and become disheartened. Get used to substituting certain things that you currently eat for things that grow well in your garden, its easy once you come to terms with it.
The best food growers are those who have had generations living in one place and have family and community knowledge gained through many decades of trial and error. Many of you are trying to build something that in the past took hundreds of years to build, and developed enormous complex cultural systems around how to do it right. Therefore, don’t go at it alone. We in the industrialized west have become so used to the government and big business taking care of our needs we have lost out sense of tight nit, interdependent community. It’s much easier to get by if you’re all sharing food and skills, and can pick up each other’s slack.
Any revolution that provides only words and not bread it doomed to fail. Once we release ourselves from dependence on the big centralized systems of food and consumer products, we can truly tear them down. It starts in the garden and the local neighborhood. Empower yourself.
And if you live in a climate with cold winters, get used to eating meat through the winter; you will not be able to store enough nutritionally dense food without relying on systems of greater scale and complexity than your garden or community. If you want to be vegan or vegetarian, move to the the tropics or subtropics, which is where all traditionally vegetarian or largely vegetarian cultures come from (India, mesoamerica). The colder the climate, the more meat you will have to eat.
All the best to you Michael. Many thanks for the writing you’ve done over the past decade. It’s been inspiring to a lot of people. But sadly, it’s going to take more than a few of us to effect real change. And as you’ve said, it’s looking likely that’s it’s not going to happen until the entire system collapses in on itself from the weight of its own bloated, obscene, out-of-control corruption. Good luck! See you on the other side.
As a few have stated in the comments , the message you have will resonate, maybe its the audience you are writing for is not the right one. Only those who are willing to make changes in their lives, initiated by whatever catalyst it might be, will listen to other like minded people who have a cohesive, grounded approach. I believe you are one of those people who has the ability to communicate effectively…I think your audience has been sleepers.
Cognitive dissonance affects so many right here and now…yet, there are many who don’t know what to do about it, or for that matter, how to go about making a change.
Before I get flamed by some here…look at gun owners as a general group…they are awake. Responsibility is a central component of most gun owners. Being aware and having the right mindset.
We are always looking for good role models and someone with a message…one that means something.
Been following your work for over 6 years. A HEARTFELT THANK YOU for your generosity. Greetings from China.
Thanks Michael. I’ve only in the last few months discovered you via Twitter. You remind me of a great friend & mentor (who is sadly gone) from about 40 years ago. He like you could clearly see the failings of our system and wasn’t shy about talking and writing about what he saw. He helped shape me into who I am today, like you I imagine with people who have read your thoughts over the years. Well done and looks like I’ll now have to dive into your archives. Ive been thinking more and more about Galts Gulch lately, maybe its time.
“Service can only be given. to the extent that it is requested.” – RA
See you after the New Year, Buddy.
You are a wise individual. Or, at least, by carrying the sayings of those who came before you.
How can you compare “abortion” with “gendered bathrooms, sports team names, two hundred year old statues”? Ignorant and thoughtless commentary.
Seems fair to me. The point isn’t whether or not YOU care about them equally, it’s that elites don’t care about them, which is why we’re given the green light to bicker over such issues endlessly. It’s an effective and time tested way to keep us from looking upward toward the Fed.
Thanks Michael, Liberty Blitzkrieg was always one of the best. I (we) totally get it, enjoy your family and the garden.
Thanks, Black Cat (Pete) from Fairplay, CO
I’d hate to think you’re cancelling yourself before the Jacobins or Red Guards do it to you, Michael. Liberty Blitzkrieg’s been a daily staple of mine for a long time, and it was difficult to accept your reduced schedule starting a couple of years ago. I’ll keep it bookmarked, and hope to catch an inspiration or two from you now and then. Here’s to hoping the primeval mobs don’t get this site shuttered because of “Blitzkrieg” in its title — or, more likely, “Liberty”.
Love you Mike. Thanks for all your teachings and generosity. Regards, Daniel Ameduri
I understand. Most people are sheeple and as such are easily controlled. U can see them around u today obligingly without question “physically distancing” themselves. They eat and breath everything on Mass Media. I have tried to explain the importance of gold and silver and get the sheep in the headlights look. They cannot be reached and will not realize or wake up until they are hearded off to FEMA camps.
Thank you for all insights you shared!
Hope your family would be safe all years through USA implosion until new state gets built.
With your financial background and infatuation with cryptocurrencies, perhaps you can try to think through automatic currency exchange infrastructure? Like world almost global mobile telephony is built on very small cells and transparent roaming from tower to tower.
BitCoin and friends clearly can not upscale and execute “3 roles of money” when trying to overstretch and become global. And it is very close to privacy disaster too.
But mosaic of limited currencies, issued by and serving 100K to 1M communites (selected by any criteria, geographic, professional, age, ethnic, even celebrity fans) if can made into reasonable and unseesn “just works” could be something both new and practical.
You’re making the wise decision my friend. I’ve read and followed you for years, though I’m not one to comment generally. However, seeing someone come to the same realization I did about the time you started trying to wake the masses, I felt compelled. While the system is a three alarm dumpster fire, we can find ways to reclaim our freedom. By simply refusing to engage in greatest game on earth where the house always win, we can reclaim our sovereignty. Food is freedom. Water is life. Being willing and able to defend yourself is peace of mind. These are the things I teach.
Getting back in touch with where your food comes from by using your own hands to pluck it from the soil or butcher your meat will provide a level of comfort that no amount of money can purchase. It will re-center your mind on what’s truly important and all the nonsense, the static that fills your days through unsocial media will simply fall away. This is the true awakening, welcome.
Enough said. God Bless you and your family
Wise decision. Think globally, act locally. I too experience incredible frustration at peoples inability or unwillingness to confront the evil overtaking us. I have chosen to direct my remaining energies into loving God and loving the people he puts into my path. The future is glorious as Jesus promises to come and make all things new.
Mike, we tried. I don’t blame you a bit. The frustration of screaming into the ignorant void is tremendous, and ten years is a long enough run. Well done, my friend.
Thanks for all you’ve done, Michael. Your work has been influential and important and it’s amazing you sustained the energy and focus as long as you did. I’m happy to hear you are taking a break and refocusing your energy and I look forward to your new website in anticipation.
The great writer Phillip K. Dick said once: Reality is what is still there when you stop believing in it. Or, to put it another way, waking up is learning the difference between real issues that will harm you if you don’t do the right thing about them, and fake issues that are great for people to argue about, but make no real difference in your life.
You are free to think that physical distancing makes no difference, and that gold and silver will always be accepted as money. But make sure that you aren’t another deer frozen in a different set of headlights before assuming that others are. Perhaps the coronavirus is real and physical distancing makes a difference to your survival chances, and perhaps money is only as good as the number of people that will accept it for exchange, so have you checked how many people around you would accept gold and silver?
Mike, though, he is a good thinker. One of the few left. I’ll wait impatiently for his new website. One thing I always liked about him – he didn’t buy into the usual party quarrels. Almost all of those are fake issues, whatever side you take on them. Though lately a few real issues are cropping up, which is worrying, because when a faction of the elite give up so totally on reality they are willing to let the other guys fight for pretty much unvarnished truth, you know it’s got really, really messy and dangerous.
Perhaps the discussion is not about money, finance, and power. I believe the conversation is whether we are “Born Free” or Not. And whether we embrace that or not. How long will we maintain our understanding of freedom? Do we even know it exists?
Long time reader…. THANK YOU for your work all these years. I understand. Maybe you can send occasional updates of how it feels to live on the other side.
Thanks for your work Michael. I opened my eyes in 2008 around the stench of TARP. You and others have helped clarify the issues for me, and fortunately, some of my friends. Yes the elite boot gets heavier on our necks, and I too am astounded at the many that refuse to look at facts and stay distracted by the narrative.
I look forward to your continuing work when you return.
I hear you.
20 years until it’s done.
Writing, remaining, way after the autor’s gone.
I’m sorry, we’re witness, we’re doing what we can at a micro level; that’s meaningful.
On the other hand, it must be the way, i mean, the way through it!
See you in hell bro, so to speak.
Talk about bad timing! Just ran across you blog in time to say adios! Sounds like you’re overdue for a breather (sans mask 😉 Enjoy your respite, Mate – see you on the other side.
Interesting times, what?
Namaste, NjW
Many thanks. I’ve been a reader for years, and found more enjoyment and learned more from your writing, than all of the accumulated TV and news. Wish you success and happiness in what you focus.
OFF-TOPIC: does anyone know which ‘Comment Editor’ Mike uses here? I want to use it too. I checked the html source code and it doesn’t seem to point to an outside service. The code seems to us a ‘form’ and ‘script’. So, not sure how it nicely adds the comments to the same html page. I’d like to be able to add this feature to my website, but would need to know how to integrate it to my html page code. Anyone? tks
Bill is happily looking for the effect of his next virus
Glad I could share some of your journey with you through reading this excellent blog. All the best.
Michael – sorry to hear you’re ending your writing here but glad that you do intend to continue in the future with some sort of new online venture. I have found your writing to be insightful and inspiring but I certainly understand your position. I have given up on most of my discussions with friends and family on issues I deem to be important as I can’t seem to overcome the wall of propaganda that flows from our “trusted media sources” that almost everyone takes at face value and gives unwarranted credence to. I had corresponded with you many years ago about your logo for Liberty Blitzkrieg, which I initially thought was a bit harsh, but came to realize that your topic was well represented by the image and name as you were dealing with some of the most important issues facing the world today. Good luck with your family and garden.
Your so right… I wish you inner peace and spiritual growth for the time to come. As this is the only source of true change, I think. I am very thankful for your work so far. Best greetings from Germany!
Thanks for the good fight, Mikey. We appreciate your hard-fought effort even though we aren’t worth it. It’s painful to say, but it’s about time you acted accordingly. Maybe it’s this kind of thing more people with a voice need to do. That may be what it takes for us to finally hear those voices.
Thanks a lot for your efforts! Your blog has often been inspiring to me, in particular your thougths around decentralization. Other times it has been a relief to read your sane comments to a disturbing timeline of events. Unfortunately too many people are not daring or willing to accept freedom and succumb to a reality where we become herded cattle rather than exploring our great potential as humanity and species. I hope each one of us will turn to the wisdom that lies in our hearts, because it can guide us safely forward when we disconnect from the system, the lies and empty values. Yet again it seems like change in the world has to come the hard way. I wish you a lot of love and passion in your life, and look forward to see your next format.
Joan Rivers Was Right
Thank you for all your work, you are sincerely appreciated.
thanks for all you have shown us.
Hello Michael,
I always enjoy learning from you. Thank you for your courage and wisdom.
While one always has need of a periscope – peering through it incessantly (I’m guilty too) misses the point of living. Maintaining sound mental balance is a daily, if not hourly, task.
“The only true and effective “operator’s manual for spaceship earth” is not a book that any human will ever write; it is hundreds of thousands of local cultures.”
― Wendell Berry, What Are People For?
It’s time to focus on building those cultures. That is a healthy counterweight to the hate machine’s intent – to disembody us from the power of the human spirit. A power that may be bowed but will never be vanquished.
I share your assessment of the general population (and no judgement intended there, it’s just how things are), but it’s good and proper that you did what you thought was going to help. I’m sure it had an effect on a few individuals, which is all you can realistically hope for.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones, and thanks for your contribution so far.
wow! First Remus runs out to the great beyond and now this. Well good luck. Maybe it’s time everyone should lay low and get prepared, things are about to get real….Good Luck!
Hello Michael
Your neighbor Lorraine sent me your article and I have been investing in BTC for over 8 years to a point where I have converted most of my wealth into BTC and agree with you 100 % in regards to the points you make in your article and in my own way have been trying to express this sentiment for a very long time . the public has been “ programmed “ and I will follow you and resend your info and want to connect you with likeminded people. Keep up the writings
Vielen Dank
Michael, every word resonates with me. Unfortunately, I have just now found your site after seeing your realvision interview. I have gone on a similar journey and am similarly disappointed by the apathy of the American populace in discovering the true source of injustice plaguing us daily. I’m sure your efforts have not been in vain. Today’s America needs new patriots.
Good luck with the gardening. I find it’s way harder than it looks.
Hey Michael, I loved Liberty Blitzkrieg and ALL your articles. I am so sad that you are “gone” but I get it. I live in Boulder too, and feel utterly alone in my awareness of the bigger oligarchic ruling power that is behind both the red and blue teams and beyond. It seems like the pandemic and the manipulated race war has made some people who “awake” scurry back to their old familiar “sides”. If we were 2 steps ahead, we are now 3 steps back. Disheartening.
Thank you for all you’ve done. I just started using Twitter and found you there, gratefully! Keep safe & well, Linda M
Following one’s heart is essential. Change is growth and which wise person ever wanrs to stagnate? Good luck and thanks for the many articles of yours which taught me so much. Appreciated!
Thanks Michael.. for benefitting us all through sharing your articles of wisdom and thought.
All the best to you & your family!
Dave — Calgary