Like many of you, I’ve been following the Jeffrey Epstein story with horror, disgust and open eyes for several years. While it’s always been a creepy, twisted and completely bizarre saga, I was unaware of just how inexplicable and strange it is until I did some more digging earlier today.
I put a bunch of information together in a Twitter thread, and rather than reinvent the wheel, here it is:
2) The man who hired Epstein when he was 20 years old to be a math teacher at NYC elite private school Dalton was Donald Barr, the father of William Barr, the current Attorney General of the United States.
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
Here's how Robert Maxwell died:
"On 5 November 1991, Maxwell was last in contact with the crew of his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, at 4:25 a.m. local time, but was found to be missing later in the morning. Maxwell was presumed to have fallen overboard from the vessel, which was..
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
Also, before his death Robert Maxwell was was under investigation for war crimes:
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
It seems like the whole Epstein thing was an elaborate professional blackmail operation intended to ensnare the rich and powerful. But who was really behind it, who was really bankrolling Epstein?
We really need to get to the bottom of this and then the dominos really fall.— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
This thing looks as if it was run like a professional operation/business. Just a hunch, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a front person.
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
"Epstein had caught the attention of the press when he had flown Bill Clinton on his jet to Africa. No one knew who he was or understood how he’d made his money."
Nope, not strange at all.
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
"Epstein’s friends speculated that retailer Les Wexner was the real source of Epstein’s wealth, Wexner (who called him 'my friend Jeffrey') never commented on this."
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
Here's how Alan Dershowitz came to know Jeffrey Epstein:
"His social profile began to improve in 1996 upon meeting the financier Jeffrey Epstein through Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a Martha’s Vineyard friend."
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) July 8, 2019
It looks as if Jeffrey Epstein’s real job was to obtain blackmail on some of the world’s most wealthy and powerful players, and in this sense he was a huge success. The much bigger question is whether he was doing this primarily for himself or if he was a frontman for other players to whom such information would be priceless.
The reason I put this together is to expose as many people as possible to this bizarre information. I hope journalists and criminal investigators dig deep into all this stuff (and more) in order to truly get to the bottom of who Jeffrey Epstein is, where his money came from and who, if anyone, he answers to.
There may be a lot more here than meets the eye.
*Note: I’ve been consistently updating my Epstein twitter thread as I learn new information. There’s much more there now than what’s shown in this post. I suggest checking back in to the thread from time to time.
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This is a true definition of a “limited hangout” if I ever saw one.
That’s a lot of digging Michael, and thanks for it. I always assumed the Lolita Island was just another Brownstone operation but once again, who’s behind it? It seems to me that the CIA & Mossad are joined at the hip and run US foreign policy using Brownstone tactics as one of their favorite tools.
You nailed it. Michael!… Epstein was a funded operator dispatched by Rothschild…simple as that
David Icke exposed a lot of this 20 years ago (!) in his book, The Biggest Secret. He says pedophilia is the glue that holds the ruling elite together. I was OK with the reptilian stuff but though he was exaggerating regarding the pedo stuff. He wasn’t.
Robert Maxwell was Mossad and so is Epstein most probably.
Pearse Redmond has done good work on this.
Epstein is a working part of of the ruling structure and would only have had to ensnare those not willing, and therefore problematic, to give their bond by openly offering themselves to the compromise. Besides the links MK gives here Democracy Now gave a listing of Epstein’s insider financial wanderings slightly prior to and then to his later dedicated profession as a keeper of the skinny on the who’s who. If Epstein was not a trusted servant of the ‘pyramid cap’ he would have met with some sort of catastrophic ‘accident ‘ by now a la Michael Hastings or the NY Madame.
No doubt there are large numbers of very worried individuals with the new charges leveled at Epstein but they can rest assured that whatever the outcome their secrets and ‘dirty’ pictures are safe.
One wonders what will be passed legislatively as all the noise gets cranked up over this. With the Kavanaugh selection the accounting rules for the entire US Federal govt. and associated private contractors was altered with the passing of FASAB Rule 56 that basically states proper accounting is no longer deemed necessary by any agency/contractor for national security reasons. This was partly in response to the missing 21 Trillion. Anyway now enters the official authorization of fascist accounting practices wherein allies are defrauded and enemies have all their stuff stolen at the point of a gun or by other equal criminality. This while the individuals running the show fill their palaces with ill gotten goods and steal assets out the back door in building their own little personal empires.
We live on a very sick planet . Problem is …. we are not even aware just how so !
Why does everything always lead back to the Rothschild’s?? I know, I know just conspiracy “theories”, nothing more.
Because they are 1 step away from the true rulers of this world.
One step away yes,like the kidnapper behind the victim,holding the gun.
Because everything eventual comes back to the central Banks and Rothschild is the biggest name in banking. The central banks control nearly every aspect of daily life. Where they aren’t in control is on the US hit list
It’s an obvious Brownstone operation on a massive scale.
His plea agreement only applied to the State of Florida, and as soon as he served his time in the country club masquerading as a “prison” he went right back to BAU.
So that begs the question of the timing of why the Feds waited until now to arrest him in New York?
It smells like a very large diversionary tactic.
This is to get Trump to go to War with Iran
I agree. Just releasing a little pressure, all steam.
Michael, you hit the nail on the head again. I continue to be amazed at the validation of our taxpayer and deficit funded extortion and blackmail programs that seem to go on and on and on.
Will we ever learn just where and how Epstein got the money to fund his lavish lifestyle?
You know the phrase “blank check?” Its a reality. In this case, Bank of Rothschild I would venture.
If the recent past is an indication, the justice system is corrupt to the core and any judge and attorney can be bribed, threatened or silenced. If all else fails, the person will die suddenly of illness or suicide by multiple self-inflicted shots.
Reading how deep this crime goes and how many powerful people are connected and potentially implicated, its quite obvious how this will end: we investigated ourselves and found ourselves to be not guilty. At best some shmuck will take the fall. Justice will not be served. The end.
See the Royal Order of Jesters.
Scripture tells us that Lucifer said “he would buy up kings, rulers, armies and navies and would reign with blood and horror on the earth.” Pretty much sums up what we are finding out. Time to cleanse the planet of this evil, wrought by sick men and women with unending funds and power who think they are somehow superior. Hope all of us get front row seats when they are cast down to hell…even Rothschilds die and somehow I don’t think God is impressed by these vermin.
@NankyJane There is exactly 1 mention of ‘Lucifer’ in the bible and it says nothing remotely similar to what you claim. I know, I know, people ‘think’ ‘Lucifer’ is synonymous with ‘Satan’, but again… Lucifer is mentioned exactly ONCE in the bible… and, well, I suggest you (and everyone else) read it before assuming Lucifer and the Devil (or Satan) are the same being…
Yeah, why do us tax payers have to fund the never ending circus of these evil idiotic politician’s sick fantasies and then listen to the media’s fraudulent crime reports and law enforcement’s pretend indictments and fake justice? This just really looks like a shitty episode of The Twilight Zone. Like, one that’s so bad, I don’t even want to watch it to the end!! What waste of our precious God given life.
That would be Soros and SW.
Lynn Forester de Rothschild – Hillary’s bud and husband of Evelyn, SW and Soros’ bud.
MKULTRA is the answer. My guess, he is a joint CIA/Mossad asset.
Search for and read, “Lifting The Veil” by Timothy Silver, and you will see Epstein’s playbook for enticing and blackmailing power brokers with their sexual deviance explained as part of the MKULTRA program.
Don’t forget the forgotten pedo scandal of Boys Town, Nebraska, Larry King. This ‘was’ primarily a conservative scandal.
Lol. You still believe there is a difference between ‘conservatives’ & any other fake political persuasion. They’re all on the same team.
I would look for connections to the Pakistani spy Ring in Congress. Once they were compromised, they issue them a Blackberry phone and they know their every step in real time. It makes a lot more sense that the 44+ people involved were compromised than completely ignorant. Especially when Clintons were in the middle of both scandals.
The CIA and Mossad are definitely joined at the hip. Remember the JFK hit? It was James Angleton who implemented the MJ directive Project Environment to take him out. Angleton was also the liason to the Mossad so there is your JFK connection right there. Israel wanted in on the hit because JFK did not want their psychotic nation to have nuclear weapons.
For hundreds of years, it was a well known fact among Protestants the Catholic Church was the ‘beast power’ spoken of in Revelation 13. Once you understand that, you know the Jesuits and the Vatican are behind all the shenanigans on planet earth. The Biblical evidence for this can be read for free at: (no registration or email address required).
Israel, aka the Synagogue of Satan is the ‘beast power’ if any entity is… Just observe reality
The groomer was groomed it seems. as Epstein was obviously well known for his services to the perverted and depraved and significant others no doubt he was also well known to at the very least the CIA. There would have to be some sort of “protection” for Epstein to prosper or there are plenty of very organised criminals who would have asset stripped him very quickly.
It seems to me that Epstein was head honcho / pimp of an elaborate Honey Trap.
As for outcome for Epstein it’s one of several options including being suicided, taking a very short jail sentence or maybe a fake heart attack or similar whilst incarcerated and smuggled out to Vietnam or similar.
This man has friends in very high places and many would like to get their hands on his wealth.
My prediction is Epstein will not die of old age in prison.
You called it
What’s creepy is that Robert Maxwell wronged the Mossad, tried to blackmail them, and was suicided as a result. Epstein, who seems to have the same employer, was married to Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine. But after divorcing her, she seems to be his servant, fetching underage women for him to sleep with. In my reading, the women that do this sort of thing tend to be under MKUltra programming (torture and hypnosis). To think that the Mossad is still exacting revenge against the Maxwell family.
And for irony’s sake, Epstein’s yacht is called “Lady Ghislaine”; the same name of Robert’s yacht that he was murdered in by the Mossad. Undoubtedly, it reinforces their triumph and further re-traumatizes Ghislaine (which is essential to maintaining MKUltra slavery over the victim)
Except that they were never married
Ghislaine is not a ‘victim’ of MKUltra, she’s part of their operation. Most likely, despite all rhetoric like this, she was a ‘handler’ cia/mossad.. far from a victim. This is perhaps the dumbest shit I’ve ever read
These rumors now emerging about links to Isreal and Russia would be his ultimate ace-in-the-hole. Think about it: a billionaire in a massive off shore ponzi scheme of some sort has amassed a wealth of information on the rich and powerful and their sex acts with underage girls. He then walks into the embassy of his choice and says he wants to talk. He then feeds these foregin countries with everything he knows and they will do whatever they can to protect their asset. Prince Andrew, Duke of York is heavily involved in this. A video of the younger son of Queen Elizabeth II in a sex tape would be bad—anything involving under age and/or weird fetishes could lead to the British people to ask very seriously about keeping the monarchy after she dies, which is very soon.
The same plays out for the potentially ruinous info on American politicians. Entire institutions of government could be irreplaceably destroyed.
No wonder Hillary was so pissed at Bill when it was revealed that he hung around this guy.
This is difficult information for us ordinary people to process it is much
more comfortable to stay in denial, but then you can’t help the victims
of the perverse in power .
DJT is one of the elite with better values, I know that to be true
as I watch the corruption unfold.
Lol @Nicole. Trump has ‘better values’?? Than who? Satan? Perhaps… Trump is a total scumbag. Just listen to anything he’s ever said about women before he was a politician… Also, let’s not forget that he’s a total con-artist. He routinely hired contractors and refused to pay them. He literally ruined their businesses and lives by refusing to honor contracts and pay his bills, which amounts to slavery when you really think about it- what else would u call making people work for free? You’re delusional.
Congress needs to get involved to investigate the “Lolita Honey Trap”. Even Ken Starr who worked to impeach Bill Clinton, a frequent flyer on Epstein’s plane is alleged to have assisted Alan Dershowitz to get a sweetheart deal with Acosta for Epstein. A pedophile victim who was 13 yrs young at the
time of her abuse claims Trump raped and abused her several times at Epstein’s house of horrors and then had to drop her lawsuit in 2016 because of threats of violence. Trump claimed he was going to “drain the swamp”, but there is a real possibility it seems that the “swamp” got video of him
involved in pedophilia and now control his administration. Was America captured without firing a shot?
“Was America captured without firing a shot”? Obviously…. Looooooonnnnnngggggg before anyone had every even heard of Donald Trump…..
Look into what Epstein funded in science thru his foundations. Harvard was bankrolled. Scientists. Hawkins was at the island. They all want to control minds. It’s all there to be found.
See @amazingpolly on YT for a start on this aspect of Epstein.
Thank you! Yes!
epstein has a Temple on his private Island,his access to girls getting pregnant by him gives room to speculation for what this temple is used.
I know people pay a lot of money to warlaords for sacrifices of any kind.
There might be a reason why epstein is kind of mocking all attempts getting him sentenced to prison.
My video expands on the topic :
Was the video removed?
Surely the CIA and FBI knew about this? If not, then surely they need serious change because what are they there for? Or they need to be held as accountable as the ring child rapists!