The Tectonic Plates of Geopolitics Are Starting to Shift

The United States is currently waging economic warfare against one tenth of the world’s countries with cumulative population of nearly 2 billion people and combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $15 trillion.

These include Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, North Korea and others on which Washington has imposed sanctions over the years, but also countries like China, Pakistan and Turkey which are not under full sanctions but rather targets of other punitive economic measures.

In addition, thousands of individuals from scores of countries are included in the Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals who are effectively blocked from the U.S.-dominated global financial system. Many of those designated are either part of or closely linked to their countries’ leadership…

But in recent months it seems that America’s unwavering commitment to fight all of the world’s scourges has brought all those governments and the wealthy individuals who support them to a critical mass, joining forces to create a parallel financial system which would be out of reach of America’s long arm. Should they succeed, the impact on America’s global posture would be transformational.

– From the recent article: The Anti-Dollar Awakening Could Be Ruder and Sooner Than Most Economists Predict

The peak of American empire has already come and gone, a reality not yet widely appreciated due to the continued dominance of the global financial system by the U.S. dollar, still the world’s preeminent reserve currency. U.S. leaders have always used the USD as a weapon, but it’s only in recent years that geopolitical rivals and long-standing allies alike have started to come to an increasingly vocal understanding that the unipolar role played by the U.S. in the world’s centralized financial system is well past its expiration date.

I think history will show Trump’s decision to unilaterally scrap the Iran deal (JCPOA) was the catalyst that caused much of rest of the world to get serious about creating alternative financial rails on which to conduct global business. Nation-states the world over are coming to the obvious conclusion that it’s virtually impossible to execute independent foreign policy in the context of a global financial system so completely dominated by the U.S.

European countries that entered the Iran deal wish to remain in it, but this has been complicated by the Trump administration’s decision to use the global financial system as a weapon. Although this angered leaders across the pond back in May when it first went down, it was unclear whether they’d just roll over as usual. Months later, it appears perhaps not.

First, we saw comments last week from Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas. Here are a few excerpts from his widely read column published last week at Handelsblatt.

Via Business Insider:

The US monopoly over the global payments infrastructure has been challenged by Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, who has suggested that the European Union should set up its own payment system that would give Brussels independence from Washington.

Maas wrote in the German daily Handelsblatt on Tuesday that the EU should “strengthen European autonomy by creating payment channels that are independent of the United States – a European Monetary Fund and an independent SWIFT system.”

“Europe should not allow the U.S. to act over our heads and at our expense,” Maas wrote.

Maas called for a “balanced partnership” with the U.S., in which Europe would fill gaps in the world left by the American withdrawal. He said Europe must “form a counterweight when the U.S. crosses red lines.”

“It is high time to re-evaluate our partnership…The Europeans must become a mainstay of the international order, a partner for all who are committed to this order,” Maas wrote.

Those are strong words, words that have not been walked back since. In fact, other historic U.S. allies feel emboldened to echo similar sentiments. As reported by Bloomberg earlier today:

“With Germany, we are determined to work on an independent European or Franco-German financing tool which would allow us to avoid being the collateral victims of U.S. extra-territorial sanctions,” French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said Monday during a meeting with press association AJEF. “I want Europe to be a sovereign continent not a vassal, and that means having totally independent financing instruments that do not today exist.”

“We have to react and strengthen Europe’s autonomy and sovereignty in trade, economic and finance policy,” Maas said in a speech in Berlin. Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland also spoke at the event and said that her nation shares the goal of preserving a multilateral world order.

If this sort of talk was merely limited to a couple of European nations expressing frustration with SWIFT, I probably wouldn’t have written this post. Where it gets really interesting is when you compare the sentiments highlighted above with the extraordinary statement made by Pakistan’s recently elected Prime Minster Imran Khan in the clip below.

But that’s not all. Take a look at the following excerpts from an article written by Daniel Sneider, Lecturer in East Asian Studies at Stanford University, in Tokyo Business Daily.

Inside the national security bureaucracy, there is growing alarm over relations with South Korea. On the surface, President Moon and his government continue to support U.S. diplomacy and reinforce its messages to Pyongyang. But things are starting to shift, with Seoul telling administration officials that the nuclear issue is basically between the U.S. and North Korea and that they want to separate their engagement with the North from progress on that issue.

“We have a big problem coming with South Korea,” a senior official involved in the talks told me. “It has reached the point where the South Koreans are determined to press ahead. They no longer feel the need to act in parallel with us.”

Moon is planning a visit next month to Pyongyang. He is eager to proceed with projects such as rail and pipe lines that will run from South, through the North, to Russia and China, as he outlined in a recent address.

Taken together, we can see a big picture starting to emerge. Countries around the world, including many longstanding U.S. allies, are starting to very publicly express frustration with U.S. imperial bullying, as well as deep concern with the limits placed on national sovereignty by a unipolar world centralized in Washington D.C.

We’re beginning to see the emergence of a global consensus related to two crucial geopolitical perspectives:

  1. A growing understanding that a world unilaterally controlled by an imperial U.S. which demands all other nations accept vassal status is no longer tenable.
  2. Recognition that a more multi-polar world cannot truly come into being without displacing, or at the very least creating, a viable alternative(s) to the USD-centric global financial system.

These developments have not been lost on many in the beltway, which is precisely why U.S. tech giants are being rapidly weaponized in a struggle to maintain imperial dominance. While the seemingly coordinated deplatforming of Alex Jones was the canary in the coal mine, the tech giants have also moved against several countries seen as problematic when it comes to achieving full spectrum dominance of the U.S. empire, including Venezuela, Iran and of course Russia.

As I tweeted last week:

It’s really undeniable at this point. U.S. tech giants are merely extensions of the U.S. shadow government — complicit organs of the imperial state masquerading as private companies.

While unquestionably disturbing, I see recent moves by the tech giants as part of a desperate response to the huge cracks developing beneath the post-World War II geopolitical paradigm. A status quo confident in its position or role in the world would never resort to such blatant attempts at censorship. This is all rooted in fear, insecurity and a futile desire to hold onto a world that is vanishing. 

I’ve discussed these themes continually over the years, but it’s nevertheless extraordinary to see it begin to play out. The tectonic plates of geopolitics are finally starting to shift. Slowly at first, rapidly later, and I expect the world to be entirely different in structure by around 2025.

Today’s post should be seen as an update to a four part series I published earlier this year. Links below.

Part 1: The Road to 2025 – Prepare for a Multi-Polar World
Part 2: The Road to 2025 – Russia and China Have Had Enough
Part 3: The Road to 2025 –USD Dominated Financial System Will Fall Apart
Part 4: The Road to 2025 – A Very Bright Future If We Demand It

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10 thoughts on “The Tectonic Plates of Geopolitics Are Starting to Shift”

  1. So will imperial US bomb and do a regime change to these EU vassal states that do not comply to USD standard? That is what US did to Libya, Iraq, etc. when they mentioned they were going off the petro-dollar. Or are the dynamics of this very different?

  2. I do think the EU, China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa et al, need to act in concert against American financial hegemony. I have been shocked by the pervasive use of economic sanctions by the U.S. government – its become their “go to tool” for dominance. And EU countries are fearful of antagonizing Washington. They shouldn’t be – the sooner the U.S. dollar is not the World’s reserve currency, the better for us all – America will have to live within its means – no more 710 billion dollar defense budgets, funded with borrowed money, less endless foreign wars, and less hostile, demanding foreign policy.

    • “the sooner the U.S. dollar is not the World’s reserve currency, the better for us all – America will have to live within its means…..”

      Careful what you wish for. As the US currency sinks, the social/economic factors are sure to rain hunger, want, and extreme degradation.

      Read economic history books on the British Empire, the French Revolution, and the Spanish and Dutch declines.

  3. It’s taken several months of digging through all the geo-political data, listening to 2-3 honest economicsts and reading the few acutely observant journalists with more than 25+ years of peering into the past to arrive at some conclusions:
    Like all previous US presidents, they are purposely picked to meet the status of the 1-5% elites. The upper eschelons of bankers, financial extractors, and military scourges all helped to pick Trump. He’s played a winning game of hoodwinking the financially, socially illiterates to believe his remedy of bringing back jobs to the US. No such thing will ever happen. You only have to see who largely benefited from his Tax Reform, as well.

    And it seems certain that the Trump Tariffs fired upon Russia, China, Turkey and Iran are intended to uphold the only thing left of America:
    the 1%-5% financial/tech/extractors. It won’t work. Forty to 50 years of US military/financial aggression and the wholesale thievery committed by the 1% has finally come to fruition.

  4. Bienaventurado el que, en nombre de la caridad y la buena voluntad, pastorea a los débiles a través del valle de las tinieblas.

  5. The EU will face the same problems as the US for the same reasons.

    You have to back away far enough to look at this as the 1st world countries in the West, not just the USA. That is how the oligarchs who are at the controls have set up this dynamic. To them, global dominance is what matters.


  6. “Behind The Chaos Of Washington’s Korea Policy”

    “Interestingly, it is almost completely in sync with the views held by senior Japanese officials.”

    Of course the denuclearization of NK is seen as unlikely by the Japanese. Sneider is in Japan. So I don’t know why he finds this surprising.

    Japan is militarizing and Abe has lost tremendous amounts of credibility with the Japanese people due to the corruption scandals which we never hear about because the US MSM only talks about Trump and Russia over and over again.

    When I was in my very early 20’s I did business with the Japanese in the import-export market. So I got to know them very well at a young age.

    I’m going to be very blunt. As far as they are concerned, all Koreans and Chinese are inu (dogs), and in their eyes are vastly inferior to the Japanese in every way.

    In short, the Japanese are not going to take this shit from the Chinese or the Koreans (North and South) much longer. Abe is trying to re-emphasize pacifism. But now he has lost his honor. So this makes the Japanese people even more angry.

    Winnie the Pooh had best watch his ass. The same applies to the Koreans.

  7. A number of years ago, I heard a great statement. A politician was bragging about how many people were supporting him and his policies. His opponent destroyed him in just one sentence. “You need to look behind you.” The opponent stated. “No one is following.” That’s where America is today. They have militarized the SWIFT banking system and started wars all over the globe. They have spent enormous amounts of money on their military. So much so that the U.S. spends more than the next TEN NATIONS COMBINED. The U.S. thinks they have allies. They only have “hangers on” who support them as long as the U.S. checks clear. Americans need to think hard about what happens after the checks start bouncing.

  8. All this is true, undeniable, and fundamentally to be welcomed. HOWEVER, this monster will not die without a huge fight. – Prepare for WW3 , with all the accompanying death, destruction, hunger, and hardship. – And keep faith in the only real unity that exists, which is OPPOSITION to this monster. The defeat of it will not be just militarily, but must destroy the MEANS as well. This is the financial SYSTEM, which will not be destroyed by simply changing CURRENCY.

    I believe the bitcoin phenomenon has by far the greatest potential to achieve this by changing world perception of the whole system of VALUE.

    Meanwhile, I leave you with a song I wrote called “FEAR” –
    I think that we’ll have take away
    It seems that it’s the common way
    So why not do it every day

    There really isn’t much to fear
    They’ll never drop the bomb right here
    If so it wouldn’t be this year

    There’s nothing out there in the night
    At least there’s nothing that’ll bit
    there’s just no reason to take fright

    Cancer’s really not an issue
    It’s always someone else, not you
    And there’s really nothing you can do

    You know each week that you’ll get paid
    There is no need to be affraid
    In fact, you know you’ve got it made

    So keep your seats there’s no alarm
    You will not come to any harm
    Put on your life vests and stay calm


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