The forgotten men and roomen of our country will be forgotten no longer.
– President elect Donald Trump in his victory speech
They said it couldn’t happen, but those of us who have been intimately studying what’s been going on since the financial crisis knew he could win. So here we are, in the midst of a historical populist revolt that brought a man who has never held public office to the Presidency.
I have so many thoughts to share, putting them down in a coherent manner within a single post is going to be a real challenge. As such, I’ve decided to separate this piece into sections. Let’s start with the following.
What Happened?
This one’s pretty easy. In Monday’s post, Final Thoughts on the U.S. Presidential Election, I wrote:
The bigger question is, who do I think will win? On that question, I don’t have a strong opinion at the moment. Ultimately, it depends on whether Americans go into the voting booth and see status quo vs. blowing up the status quo, or if they see Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. If they see the former, odds are in Trump’s favor. If they see the latter, it’s a matter of which personality Americans find least repulsive.
It turns out enough Americans saw the election as a referendum on the status quo to propel him to victory. We know it wasn’t because people liked him personally, they just wanted to (understandably) blow up the establishment. So why am I so confident of this?
Let’s take a look at some of the following reported by the AP:
There were grim strains woven into voter sentiments as they cast their ballots.
Nearly 7 in 10 voters said they were unhappy with the way the government is working, including a quarter who were outright angry.
Six in 10 voters said the country is seriously on the wrong track and about the same number said the economy was either not good or poor.
Two-thirds saw their personal financial situation as either worse or the same as it was four years ago. One in three voters said they expect life to be worse for the next generation.
Americans held their noses as they picked between the candidates: More than half of voters cast their ballots with reservations about their candidate or because they disliked the others running.
That was true both for those backing Trump and those supporting Clinton, the exit polls showed.
After a long, hard-fought campaign, just 4 out of 10 voters strongly favored their candidate.
Moreover, how about this from Reuters:
Americans who had cast their votes for the next president early on Tuesday appeared to be worried about the direction of the country, and were looking for a “strong leader who can take the country back from the rich and powerful,” according to an early reading from the Reuters/Ipsos national Election Day poll.
Again, none of this is surprising to those of us who are aware of the ever increasing levels of theft, corruption and fraud now endemic to the U.S. economy. Indeed, the man who should have been the Democratic nominee for President laid it out perfectly all the way back in July 2015 when he tweeted:
I think the discontent of the American people is far, far greater than the pundits understand.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 8, 2015
The driving force behind Trump’s victory wasn’t racism, homophobia or sexism. This is a country that elected a black man President twice in a row. The driving force was desperation, economic angst, hopelessness, and more than anything else, a deep hatred for the U.S. status quo. As Trump accurately described the voters who put him over the top, they are “the forgotten men and women.”
A Historic Opportunity
Donald Trump has a historic opportunity to be a great President. Barack Obama was presented with a similar opportunity eight years ago and he immediately squandered it by surrounding himself with miserable, status quo economic and foreign policy insiders. He ditched the people who believed in him and voted for him, and in doing so cemented his legacy as that of a man who coddled oligarchs, kept banking criminals out of jail and further incinerated the Middle East. He’ll also be seen as the man whose tremendous disappointments as commander-in-chief led to the emergence and elevation of Donald Trump.
People wanted major change in 2008 and they didn’t get it. They still want it. The only big question now is whether or not Trump will deliver, and whether it will be unifying change as opposed to more surveillance, militarization of police, torture, attacks on civil liberties, etc. Since Trump has a clear authoritarian streak, he runs the risk of going down the wrong path. However, that path will lead to only one thing; an even more broken America and another failed Presidency.
I was never able to personally get behind Trump, in large part due to the above concerns, as well as the fact that he’s a big government, centralization type of guy, and that’s not the kind of government I support. That said, I want this country to thrive and I want Trump to succeed. Indeed, we need him to succeed.
As such, I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity he presented to his critics during his victory speech in order to outline what I think he needs to do to make America great.
Let’s start with the facts and a simple admission: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. This is a clear signal that at least half the country doesn’t like him, and a large number of them, are in fact, terrified of him. Unless you’re an aspiring mob boss, you don’t want half the population to feel this way about you. So what should Trump do?
I think he needs to focus on creating a consensus amongst the American people around issues at least 80% of us can agree on. In my Final Thoughts piece, I outlined five of them:
Rather than dwelling on the differences between these two populist movements (Sanders and Trump), let’s consider some of the areas where they overlap.
1. Trade — Opposition to NAFTA and current “trade” deals such as TPP, TTIP, and TISA have been central to both the Sanders and Trump campaigns.
2. War and militarism — Whether you believe Trump is sincere or not, opposition to Obama/Clinton interventionist overseas wars were key talking points for both Trump and Sanders.
3. The system is rigged — The painful acknowledgment that the U.S. economic system is a rigged scam that fails to reward hard work, and is more akin to a parasitic, predatory oligarchy with very limited social mobility, has been a key campaign theme for both Trump and Sanders. The economy is increasingly dominated by near-monoploy giants who relentlessly push for more power and more profits irrespective of the cost to society, whether that cost be war, poverty or social unrest.
4. Money in politics — The rigged economic system described above aggregates wealth into an increasingly small number of hands. Those hands then buy off politicians and rig the political process. A rigged economy and rigged political system perpetually feeds itself and endlessly grows at the expense of the public like a terminal cancer. Both Trump and Sanders emphasized this problem.
5. Rule of law is dead — Sanders focused on Wall Street bankers, while Trump focused on Hillary and her inner circle of cronies, but the overall point is the same. Rich and powerful oligarchs are above the law. We all know this, but Washington D.C. refuses to do anything about it.
The Democratic Party as we know it is now dead. This means tens of millions of Sanders supporters are out there, pissed off at Hillary, and the Democratic establishment in general. These engaged citizens can be brought into the fold if Trump focuses on unifying issues such as the ones listed above, and leaves his authoritarian anti-civil liberties tendencies behind. I really hope he does this, but I have my doubts.
If he doesn’t focus on unifying issues, he’ll be as divisive as Obama and the country will flail endlessly from one failed President to another like the sad, nuclear armed Banana Republic it has become.
People = Policy
Trump will be a failure unless he brings the right people into his inner circle. This is of the utmost importance. Indeed, I knew for certain Obama was a total fraud the moment he appointed Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner to key positions within his administration. This is the area I think Trump is most vulnerable to making some very big mistakes. Indeed, I was very bothered by the effusive compliments he showered upon one of the nation’s worst political figures, Chris Christie, during this victory speech. Nevertheless, since this post is about being as productive possible, I will name someone I’d like to see close to President Trump: Scott Adams.
Like many of you, I’ve been following Scott closely this entire election. I’ve listened to many of his periscopes and heard enough to appreciate his intellect, deep understanding of human nature, judgement, and desire to get the nation on the right track. Of all the high profile Trump supporters, he is the one I’d want to be closest to the ear of Trump. I don’t know if Scott would accept a position if it were offered to him, but I hope he would.
Furthermore, there are others who would be beneficial for a President Trump to have around who are already throwing their hats in the ring. For example, take Eric Scott Hundsader of HFT-fighting fame:
Dear @realDonaldTrump
I’d like to throw my hat in the ring for a position at the SEC/CFTC.— Eric Scott Hunsader (@nanexllc) November 9, 2016
If Trump really wants to shake things up, he needs to think outside of the box and look far beyond the Chris Christies of the world, and consider some very sharp people he’s never heard of. If he surrounds himself with the old, tired political characters we already know, I fear very little will change for the better.
A Warning
Since Trump has repeatedly commented on the precarious and vulnerable state of financial markets, I assume he has a somewhat decent grasp of what he’s about to face. That said, no one can truly prepare for what’s coming. If I’m correct, and a nearly forty year sovereign bond bubble is in the early stages of bursting, this represents a potential financial extinction level event. I don’t care who you are, being President during a time like this will be replete with challenges and extreme danger. He better not take this financial super cycle lightly, and he should also prepare for a cyclical economic downturn. It won’t be Trump’s fault when it arrives, but it’ll be his to deal with.
Irrespective of my serious concerns, I desperately want Trump to succeed. America needs him to succeed. I’m confident that Trump will never read a single word of this, but it’s also possible someone with access to him will. If so, please consider my observations. The Republic depends on him unifying the people and helping to foster an environment in which every American has a opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger
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Let’s roll the dice
Snake eyes or box cars I’ll take box cars over old snake eyes herself
For the first time in a long time I can honestly say that I am proud of the American voter.
Regardless of our thoughts on Trump, it was inspiring to witness our citizenry reject the election of a well-connected criminal to our Nation’s highest office.
I believe Trump has a singular opportunity to shape the future of the entire world for generations to come and I will pray he finds the right Guidance.
High times we live in, folks.
Just get us out of the Middle East and he is a success in my eye.
Amen to that, and trash the TPP
I just heard the Chris Christie is running President Elect Trump’s transition team with Bush and Romney operatives.
Dmk, if that is true, then it’s more of the same.
The snowflake protectors are out of business. pretending to have a real job, while only looking to make supervisor of snowflake protectors to do their fake job.
Trump ran a brilliant campaign from the day he announced with some paid supporters and an outrageous speech that the media couldn’t take their eyes off. He tricked the glitterati into insulting him in the same terms they use for socially conservative wage earners, who then came to feel like Trump was one of the them.
The suits remain convinced he is a buffoon even as they lay stunned on the ground, he will do little to disabuse them of this notion as he takes power, still a tricky path, but I expect he will continue to be steps ahead of them.
On a lighter note, you have elected Ironman: an asshole rich kid genius playboy who loves his country!
Well, it appears that the “clusterfuck” has manifested itself differently than I assumed it would. But it’s not at all surprising.
“Thousands of protesters angry over Donald Trump’s election victory”:
What I find truly enjoyable is that the same working class people in “flyover country” that assured a win for Obama in 2008 and 2012, were the ones who assured the win for Trump this time around.
But now they’re all horrible “white,racist, misogynistic, xenophobes”, according to the same liberal partisans who had nothing but praise for them for voting for Barry in the 2 previous elections.
But where were all of the violent protests by the “white,racist, misogynistic, xenophobes” when Obama was elected twice?!
Just a classic example of the cognitive dissonance spawned by the Hegelian Dialectic at work.
Not to mention the Intellectual Yet Idiot elitists masquerading as “Educators” in our schools and institutes of higher learning.
Which is why it only took me a couple of years attending a University to realize that anyone trying to teach you about risk/reward ratios who never have and never will, risk anything in their lifetime, is a complete waste of money and time.
I hope Ron Paul and the libertarians are considered. Maybe Bernie for Treasury Secretary…let him have his one issue and make an incredible gesture of unity.
Great piece, MK.
Complete agreement on all points. Well done.
Clearly, many americans share our sentiments, and this alone is reason for optimism. I believe DJT is far smarter & more capable than anyone realizes… even now – after his historic campaign & victory – we find ourselves underestimating him. He’s going to surprise us all again… & again…
Totally agree, but will he (or any electee) be able to undue the Obama damage?
Instead of hand-wringing about the prognostications gone awry, try to obliterate by triage the usual suspects being announced as Reality: to wit Christie, the existential political cuckold on site and clueless or absolute bald-faced liar, Bolton who embarrasses the thought of peace and reconciliation and drinks from the Rumsfeld chalice, and Palin who couldn’t stay focused on being Governor and choked.
Guiliani might be a diabolical choice for a Clinton roast however the vitriol of the NYFD that will never forget that he forgot their brothers.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.
As Trump has completely blind-sided the establishment by acting outside the norm of politics we should not expect him to now behave according to ‘proper form’. If he telegraphs real change in bank policy by appointing a maverick such as Mr. Hunsader he may not live to take office. Wait to see what happens, he may decide that to begin he must disarm the bankers by appointing them, thus following Don Corleone’s famous advice to keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Once established in office he may blind side them as badly as he has both the Rep. and Dem. hierarchies, after all he has defeated them both, neither saw any of the blows coming.
It is his practice of operating outside the box that gives me hope that he can bring real transformative change.
I’m a long-time lurker of your posts, though I think I only commented once before. Except for some minor things, I generally agree with your point of view, and I have total respect for you as a true libertarian, as opposed to some people who call themselves libertarians but seem to me to be nothing but neocons with a slightly different coat. This is an excellent post about how things could go with Trump on a best-case scenario.
Would you mind doing soon a post about what libertarians should do in the worst-case scenario? In other words, if the Democrats prove to be right in their fears that he will become an authoritarian leader and use the powers that the president already has, plus control of the media that he could easily get, to become something so close to a dictator that it makes little practical difference.
Thank you for your readership and your comment.
First thing I want to do is start off by stating that I don’t self-identify as a libertarian, or anything else for that matter. Of course, this doesn’t mean I don’t have strongly held principles, I obviously do. It’s just that the moment you self-identify you often stop thinking for yourself. I understand why you’d take me as a libertarian due to my clear support of civil liberties, a peaceful foreign policy and I have a socially liberal perspective (I don’t care what anyone does in their spare time if it doesn’t directly infringe on the liberties of someone else). Where I diverge from some libertarians is this dogmatic view that everything should be privatized. I think government can and should play a role in many areas, take prisons for one (I am very much against private prisons). Moreover, I think people should be able to decide for themselves as communities how much government they want, or how little. I am very much against strong centralized government, but think local government can and should be as intrusive or unintrusive as individual communities desire.
As far as resistance in the worst-case scenario for Trump, I think all of us who care about civil liberties need to unite with all the others who care about civil liberties. I don’t care what someone self-identifies as politically if they are willing to stand up and fight for the Bill of Rights. We can’t obsess about everyone being perfect on all issues with us, but rather unite with those who want to defend our most sacred rights as human beings. In my view, Trump is most dangerous on civil liberties and police militarization. There are plenty of people who are ready to fight back against that, and we must unite.
Hope that helps.