Future Money Trends Update – Highlighting Silver One Resources

Liberty Blitzkrieg contributor, Daniel Ameduri (aka “The Dissident Dad”) is back today with another precious metals mining stock suggestion. Dan is President of Future Money Trends, and we periodically share his updates.

I hope you find the following useful and informative.

Disclaimer: I, Michael Krieger, do not own any shares of Silver One Resources. All claims and statements made in the email below are provided by, and solely of, Future Money Trends. The following should not be seen as a suggestion by Michael Krieger or Liberty Blitzkrieg to buy shares of this stock. Do your own work, or contact Daniel Ameduri directly with any questions.

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We consider Silver One Resources (US: SLVRF & TSXV: SVE) at current price levels a high-priority stock suggestion

If you’ve been reading our stock alerts, you’ve enjoyed some amazing winners…

Dear Reader,

When it gets going, a fast-moving debt crisis in Europe and the United States could open up the floodgates to the entire precious metal sector, which could send silver prices soaring overnight this year.

The 2008 financial crisis was the world hitting the iceberg, and now, like in the movie Titanic, we have the FED and markets playing one last dance as the entire monetary ship sinks under its own weight of debt, fraud, and manipulation.

Protect yourself now and correctly position yourself to profit from the perfect silver storm.

I have little doubt that Silver One will become one of our best gains, benefiting and yielding enormous returns to our members.

Your timing couldn’t be better. Just consider the facts…

***The most well-known silver CEO, Keith Neumeyer, who is the founder of First Majestic Silver, the world’s purest primary silver producer, has taken a major stake in Silver One Resources (SVE).

He’s become a large shareholder both personally, as well as through his other company, First Mining Finance, which owns 7.2% of SVE.

***Raul Diaz, a VP of exploration and Director of First Mining Finance, a geologist who has discovered several mines, including a major deposit for Goldcorp, immediately followed the 3 Mexican silver projects and has joined SVE.

***It’s an absolute rarity to see a company launch with silver resources in the ground from day one that are economical now, according to preliminary resource estimates!

Over the next year, Silver One Resources will work to advance these 3 silver projects forward, as well as seek new silver acquisitions, according to their President.

***The management team is incredible. We have Greg Crowe, President and CEO, formerly of Entrée Gold, a company he took from exploration to an advanced-development mining company with Rio Tinto as its joint venture partner.

Luke Norman, Chairman of the Board, is the co-founder of Gold Standard Ventures, which is now nearly a billion-dollar company.

In my opinion, the company is following the footsteps of First Majestic Silver, and it has extremely close ties to the company.

I am absolutely convinced that this could be the next big silver play industry insiders and analysts turn to in order to maximize profits and reputation.

The SVE team is a very serious group of mining geologists and resource entrepreneurs, with 3 core assets that have known mineralization.

Now is the time to enter the precious metal trade in a big way!

Financial fortunes can turn on a dime, and the set-up here is one of the best I’ve ever seen. And it’s not just me; if you talk to legendary investors like Rick Rule and Doug Casey, they will tell you the same thing… The bear market was one of the worst on record, and the fundamentals and catalysts for a rising gold and silver price are better now than they’ve ever been, so what we’ve seen in the past 6 months is just the beginning, in my opinion.

Even central banks are buyers of mining shares today, with both the Swiss central bank and Norwegian national bank disclosing that they’ve purchased shares here in the U.S. And that’s just what they’ve been forced to disclose… who knows how much more they’ve acquired with secret accounts and as individuals.

Silver and gold are about to go ballistic, in our opinion, and no other letter has positioned you better in order to profit.

Getting the right knowledge at the right time about the right opportunity is what we are focused on giving you.

Today’s idea in order to position yourself to profit from silver’s rise higher: Consider buying shares of Silver One Resources (TSXV: SVE & US: SLVRF).

Protect yourself now and correctly position yourself to profit for the perfect silver storm.

Physical silver and gold are for protection, and mining shares are for profit!

Stay up to date on Silver One Resources by clicking here. 

Best Regards,
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Daniel Ameduri
President, FutureMoneyTrends.com

Share Disclosure: I am long Silver One.

Dear Reader,

While demand for silver has been surging and the reasons to own silver are better than they’ve ever been, I am not personally buying physical silver in order to profit from a rising silver price… Instead of seeing a 40% gain this year in silver, we’ve been enjoying 500 and 600% gains in Endeavor Silver and First Majestic Silver, who we recommended to you in January.

Our newest suggestion is Silver One Resources (TSXV: SVE & US: SLVRF), and we are making it our top pick for the sector!

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This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what we’ve learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you shouldn’t make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It’s your money and your responsibility. The information herein is not intended to be personal legal or investment advice and may not be appropriate or applicable for all readers. If personal advice is needed, the services of a qualified legal, investment or tax professional should be sought.

Never base any decision off of our emails. FutureMoneyTrends.com stock profiles are intended to be stock ideas, NOT recommendations. The ideas we present are high risk and you can lose your entire investment, we are not stock pickers, market timers, investment advisers, and you should not base any investment decision off our website, emails, videos, or anything we publish.  Please do your own research before investing. It is crucial that you at least look at current SEC filings and read the latest press releases. Information contained in this profile was extracted from current documents filed with the SEC, the company web site and other publicly available sources deemed reliable. Never base any investment decision from information contained in our website or emails or any or our publications. Our report is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities, or as a recommendation to purchase anything. This publication may provide the addresses or contain hyperlinks to websites; we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. We have not been compensated by Silver One, we do own shares, and are long the company.  Please use our site as a place to get ideas. Enjoy our videos and news analysis, but never make an investment decision off of anything we say. Please review our entire disclaimer at FutureMoneytrends.com.

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