Video of the Day – Donald Trump’s Comprehensive 2015 Insult Highlight Reel

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What better way to end 2015, than with a highlight reel of Donald Trump’s more colorful insults. The Washington Post has done an excellent job of putting together “A Comprehensive Guide to Everyone Donald Trump Insulted in 2015.”

Here are a few of my favorite clips:

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Love him or hate him, this is highly entertaining.

Watch the entire video below. Enjoy.

Happy New Year.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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6 thoughts on “Video of the Day – Donald Trump’s Comprehensive 2015 Insult Highlight Reel”

  1. MR.TRUMP represents the real and authentic character of America.Blunt and sometimes crass,never mince words and talks forcefully.I like his spirit and tone.If Americans like you or hate you ,either way ,they will tell you what they think. That is why many people of all colors back trump.Americas next champion of the people.Not hope and change just winning. Go Trump Go. God Bless America and this site Liberty blitzkrieg.Happy NewYear

  2. WE STAND WITH TRUMP. I’ve used a lot worse words towards these same people who deserve to be insulted. Provide a list of the names of those who insulted AND attacked TRUMP and I would be a lot more informative in knowing who our enemies are and what crap comes out of their mouths. This article is lame. Where’s YOUR list Krieger?

    • Just want to add – i’ve seen this headline all over websites today and chose to delete the article, rather than read it, and in some cases unsubscribed to site because of its even FOULER mouth. This one I trusted because it was written by Krieger, but am still upset at the bias, considering the grotesque potty mouths of Trump’s attackers. The liberal mind is weak and the winds blow right through its ears, feeding the frenzy of false narrative for those who do not support Trump, based on nonsense like this. The voters need to be educated, not entertained. They get enough song and dance from the other candidates and the mainstream media to reproduce liberals into the future.

  3. Funny thing….I look at those people Mr. TRUMP supposedly insulted and I say the same or a lot worse about them….in fact, Mr. TRUMP has been restrained in my opinion, as each of these individuals warrant much harsher criticism. I think the press is oblivious to Mr. TRUMP appeal to the Silent Majority, they have been kissing the asses of the left for so long that anyone who expresses an opposing viewpoint must be demonized. We know their games and it won’t work this time.


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