Video of the Day Doubleheader – George Carlin on Elections & Texas Tech Student Body Cluelessness

Earlier today, I let it all out there with my thoughts on the midterm elections 2014 and why I am optimistic about the future in the post: Thoughts on Election Day: Relax—Both Parties Are Going Extinct.

In order to provide a little balance, and add some humor and cynicism on the topic, I present you with two videos that will most likely leave you feeling quite concerned.

First, the master, George Carlin:

Now, check out this video from the campus of Texas Tech. It’s actually hard to believe. I just hope the interviewer edited out all the informed students…

So was George Carlin right?

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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7 thoughts on “Video of the Day Doubleheader – George Carlin on Elections & Texas Tech Student Body Cluelessness”

  1. In answer to her question about who won the war, the answer is: The Banksters! They win every war. They covertly start them, fund both sides, and become richer at the expense of soldiers, their families and other “collateral damage.” It’s so refreshing that the university students all knew the entertainment questions. At least they got those correct.


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