Video of the Day – Meet Australia’s Creepy Prime Minister, Tony Abbott

Screen Shot 2014-06-12 at 5.14.34 PMIt’s not often that I write posts critiquing foreign nations or their leaders, as there is simply too much to focus on in my own backyard. That said, every now and again I come across something so despicable I simply cannot help but highlight the horror. Today, that thing is a person. That person, is the extraordinarily creepy Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott.

I first read about Mr. Abbott the other day when I noticed some absurdly authoritarian comments he made during a visit to Canada. When discussing the Five Eyes program, in which the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom share all your personal data with each other he stated:

“What is sometimes forgotten about the work of the Five Eyes is that it’s not just for the benefit of those five countries but it is ultimately for the benefit of the wider world,” Abbott said.

Um, ok, is that why you have to keep everything so secret. I suppose we are just supposed to trust you. Which, by the way, is a terrifying thought once you get a sense of the total lunatic he is from the video below.

This brings me to the heart of this post, and an introduction to a new and absolutely hilarious program on HBO called Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

The John Oliver for Piers Morgan swap is simply the greatest Anglo-American trade of all time.

This video is simply a must watch, you will not regret it.

Meanwhile, what’s up with the ears in all our leaders. Why do they all have these gigantic ears?

From left to right, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Tony Blair and Tony Abbott.

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One of life’s great mysteries.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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15 thoughts on “Video of the Day – Meet Australia’s Creepy Prime Minister, Tony Abbott”

  1. Don’t forget that Abbot is devout Catholic and his wife a kiwi former Rothschild employee. Yes, he does look exceptionally creepy, and while we do well to beware of the body language leaders exhibit, it also pays to remember 2 Cor 5 – that we are NOT to know ANY MAN after the flesh. We who have faith are admonished, exhorted, encouraged to pray ON BEHALF OF ALL MEN EVERYWHERE! Why? Simple, they do not know God nor do they know how to pray, for as all pagans do, they think that prayer is all about vain babbling, when in reality it is THE COMMUNICATION OF GOD’S WILL – insomuch as first you get the will of God, by having the Mind of Christ, then you pray it into being. Now, here is the thing with words – we, you, I will stand judgment for every idle or inoperative word we speak – words which are devoid of blessing, even empty, or which are filled with cursing. Empty words never lack for someone to fill them and contribute to the whole cackling cacophony of chaos which clouds the Truth, but God’s Words cannot be contradicted, they are a Spirit Moriah Wind which blows away all the clouds of confusion and which says, “This is how it is, I Am The Lord, I CHANGE NOT!”

    • Viasollertia – are you kidding? Wrong forum to sprout your religious views. Appreciate the article for what it is – he’s a dickhead. Regards a fellow Aussie stuck with this shameful, small mind man until the next election.

  2. Being an Australia, I must say this post is bang-on! Abbott certainly is a creep alright, and in their proposed Budget this year he has targeted the most vulnerable people in society today, namely disability pensioners, youth, and aged persons! Abbott is very hard right, and so is the rest of his team, covering up the murder of death in custody of a Iranian Refugee, chopping down World Heritage Forests in Tasmania, escalating electricity and gas costs for consumers due to bad policy, with an increase this year of around 18%, support of Israel Zionist regime at the expense of the Palestinians, almost nil interest rates, removal of fuel subsidy, deregulation of the financial sectors, changes to superannuation that allow government to STEAL a percentage of funds for infrastructure projects, changes that allow government to STEAL ALL superannuation funds left idle for 3yrs, changes that allow government to STEAL ALL your savings from inactive accounts more than 3yrs, changes that allow the government to snoop on downloaded data in case of copyright infringement, has just signed a Security Agreement with Japan in case of war with China. The list goes on and on! Someone, please shoot this bastard!

    • Fairly idiotic replies. What, should we have kept Rudd and Gillard who both increased our debt from nothing to over $300 Billion, with a monthly repayment of $1Billion in interest alone! Wasted $ on stupid School halls which weren’t needed and a failed home insulation ‘program’ plus MANY other wasteful stupid ideas. Get real, Abbott is probably just another tool of the Globalists but no worse than the other dills. BTW Gillard helped her Union boyfriend extort over a $Million from it’s members, that shows her true colors.

    • What does any of that have to do with Abbott? He’s still a complete fucking dickhead, so take your false dichotomy and shove off. That’s the whole point, don’t vote for stupid or evil, it’s pretty simple actually.

  3. We get the leaders we deserve because the sheeple vote for the major parties. I say don’t vote.

    Abbott is a career politician and all people that crave for power are creeps. Let’s get Cory Bernardi in charge and lets see if he actually cuts the size of Government…

  4. There’s plenty to dislike about this elitist tool of the hierarchy enslaving us, but this video does nothing to reveal the real faults of this character.

  5. We sat and watched the Americans lose their civil rights to the security agencies,,here we are watching a spying bill getting introduced ,because of an incident that police handled efficiently enough.After a fairly lack lustre attempt at fear mongering we see the bill introduced in the dead of night while working Australians sleep and dream of NRL finals.Does anyone see a pattern here?Does anyone care?Is there a correlation between these events and the fact that Abbot wants a seat on the UN security council to better serve as lap dog to the U.S agenda?Did the ANZAC’s make the ultimate sacrifice for the liberties we are about to lose because WE just couldn’t be bothered to get off our couches and stop an idiot from ruining the country?Evil triumphs when good people do nothing…The main excuse I hear people make is….”This law doesn’t affect us!,We are not “a person of interest”,probably the same thing law abiding Germans said when the Gestapo started rounding up the Jews! Geez guys we gotta do something!Any ideas?We need to organize some kind of protest nationwide,we cannot just walk meekly into the darkness….Help Australia


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