Sometimes I look at how NYC has been transformed in recent years and I just shake my head. It has become so similar to one of those elite communities in Huxley’s Brave New World. Just a haven for cry baby bailed out bankers running amok, tossing their Fed provided fiat all over the place. As I have said before, the city of my birth has become Disney Land for Wall Street, with the NYPD basically a private enforcement arm of JP Morgan and the TBTF banks.
To scared Manhattanites everywhere, fear not. The departure of Mayor Bloomberg has apparently done nothing to stop the city’s evolution into full blown nanny-state.
The latest thing New Yorkers can’t do is jog in Central Park early in the morning. Just to keep you peasants safe…
From the Daily News:
A city cop issued summonses to Peter Shankman and a friend for the crime of jogging in Central Park at 4:30 a.m. The park is closed between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. — even to fitness freaks.
“It’s such a joke, but I’m like, seriously?” Shankman, 41, told the Daily News on Saturday.
“I was expecting to see ‘Candid Camera!’ You’re writing me a summons for exercising?”
The author and consultant, who is training for an Ironman triathlon, started his 10-mile run early Thursday so he could make a morning meeting. The cop wrote that Shankman — who founded the website Help A Reporter Out — had violated the park’s “1 a.m. curfew.”
Shankman’s running partner, David Roher, said he had no idea the park has a curfew.
Land of the free.
Full article here.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger
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Once a great city. I am so happy I no longer live there.
Snake Plissken lives! Perhaps the old “Escape from New York” movie was not so far-fetched?