Want to Buy the FBI’s Bitcoins? Here’s How…

Yesterday, Forbes reported that a judge had signed off on a forfeiture order for 30,000 bitcoins seized from the Silk Road by the feds. This means that the coins are likely to be sold in the near future. So the question on everyone’s mind is how and where will they be sold. Forbes explains that:

There is no legally certified U.S. Bitcoin exchange dealing in these kinds of volumes, and I doubt the feds want to sell the coins via Mt. Gox, which got in legal trouble last year for operating in the U.S. without a license, or via BTC-e, the mysterious exchange based in Bulgaria. It’s likely that the U.S. Marshals will instead auction off the Bitcoins as if they were Bernie Madoff’s penthouse or a drug dealer’s cars. When the FBI first seized the coins in October, they were worth about $6 million; they’re now worth four times that. This is a bust that keeps on paying off. The proceeds will go to the U.S. Treasury.

So if you are interested in bidding for the BTC, it makes sense to keep a close eye on the following website (click on the image to get there).

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 1.21.11 PM

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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4 thoughts on “Want to Buy the FBI’s Bitcoins? Here’s How…”

  1. It’s so hilarious there is not ONE US BTC exchange that can handle that kind of volume. Serves them right. They don’t deserve a penny from it to begin with. First off, the whole point of closing down Silk Road was because, um, it was doing illegal stuff. Ok, fine. So now they steal all those ill-gotten gains to be used for what? Back into the black hole at the treasury where there is no real money anyway. Everything is borrowed. They don’t even need it. They can just print more phoney baloney money.

    It’s as if they were running Silk Road to begin with since they stole all their money. If the system was just and moral they would use that money for a proper cause they can fund directly.

    Feed the homeless. Build homes for the homeless. Fund animal shelters to be used for their care for a few years. There are SO MANY good causes out there where the money can be used for real good. The treasury is NOT it.

    What a mad mad mad world we live in.

    Two links for your entertainment. Enjoy.


  2. The US Marshall Service, the epitome of Justice utilises the services of JustUs, JPMorgan, quote from the USMSSite as follows:
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    • They haven’t put them up yet, but that is where it is believed they will be auctioned…
      Michael Krieger

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