China’s ongoing colonization of Africa represents yet another sad development in the continent’s tragic history. I briefly highlighted this topic once before in December 2012, via a “Guest Post” I suggest reading titled: Africa in the Crosshairs.
Unfortunately, Erik Price of Blackwater infamy is now coming to town, which can only mean more pain, suffering and servitude for Africa.
From the South China Morning Post:
Shares of DVN Holdings, controlled by Hong Kong businessman Johnson Ko Chun-shun and state-owned Citic Group, surged 7.3 per cent after it appointed Erik Prince – former owner of controversial US security firm Blackwater – as chairman, and granted him more share options.
This is in addition to five-year options granted to him that allowed him to buy 205.1 million shares at 73 HK cents each in late November, as part-payment for a start-up East African aviation and logistics firm injected by Prince into DVN. The two options mean he could own about 23 per cent of DVN.
Prince last November sold to DVN a company that plans to build a pan-Africa provider of aviation, logistics, risk management, security services and exploration support services, needed by many Chinese businesses active in Africa. He received US$3 million plus the first batch of options.
Prince has logistics, aviation, manufacturing, resources and energy business interests in Africa, the Middle East and North America, and is the founder of Frontier Resource Group, a private equity firm active in African aviation, exploration, mining and logistics, DVN said.
He was also the founder of Blackwater, which he sold in 2010 and was renamed Xe Services and then Academi, after four years of federal investigation into allegations of sanctions violations, illegal exports and bribery against the firm and its staff. Blackwater was a security services firm that protected US officials in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The firm subsequently paid US$42 million in fines for hundreds of violations of US export rules, to avoid criminal charges, The New York Times reported.
Just like with the banks, Prince gets to pay a fine and walk free. Get the joke yet?
Full article here.
In Liberty,
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it’s a shame he’s not helping the united states subjugate africa.
i think he realized the deal. the overleveraged empire has very little wriggle room. it wants to tax the shit out of him while at the same time shaming him with politically correct anti-imperialism.
ok, so now he works for china. win win for everyone. and status quo for africa.
oh yea, you mispelled the title. kreeger.
China is not only engaging in direct business venture and investment but it is very active in building infrastructure, railways, bridges and in turn they want resources which is only natural. The former colonial powers were working a one way street – resources out and nothing in. China has been in Madagascar building roads since 1980s. It is doing the same everywhere and this is how it should be done.
This guy is the worst piece of shit this country has EVER produced!!! He is an unpatriotic, anti-american mercenary and He doesn’t even have the balls to answer emails sent to his then joke of a company black Wa Wa…! He IS A PUSSY! Hiding behind his “black wa wa ballet girls”… Anyone know how to get a hold of this degenerate? SEAL my ass!!!!!!!! He needs to be thrown in prison for life, or worse!!