Sales of Hitler’s Mein Kampf are Surging…

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.
– Adolf Hitler

The headline of this post is one that I am not sure how to interpret, but undoubtably marks something of significance. Personally, there have been many occasions throughout my youth, as well as my adult life, where I had a desire to read Mein Kampf. I was always curious to get into the mind of one of humanity’s greatest sociopaths. To get a glimpse of the thought process of a man capable of such cruelty and evil. To understand the types of words he used and the various psychological tactics he employed to manipulate an economically destitute and politically demoralized German population.

These feelings welled up inside of me once again back in 2008, when I feared that a financial and economic meltdown could cause the U.S. population to be thrust into the arms of a demagogue. I wanted to be able to more accurately identify the rhetoric of one of history’s more “successful” demagogue dictators in order to be able to spot similar trends should they arise in my time.

While I never got around to reading it, I did read part of one of Hitler’s speeches from before the war. It was interesting to not how he did not openly speak as a raging psychopath on his way to destroying much of Europe. Rather, he attempted to appeal to his audience as rational, passionate leader there to protect and exalt the German people back to greatness. That was the scariest thing of all.

This is what the top sales chart on iTune’ category Politics and Current Events looks like.

Screen Shot 2014-01-09 at 7.29.56 AM

At this point I’d like to remain hopeful that these sales trends spring from a similar curiosity on behalf of the population, rather than from a darker more hateful place.

From Time: 

The infamous manifesto Adolf Hitler wrote while in prison after a failed coup in 1923, Mein Kampf or My Struggle, in which the dictator outlined his idea of a global Jewish conspiracy, is a surprise hit on the ebook market. While the book’s print copy sales remain stagnant, the ebook is in the top 20 on iTunes’s Politics & Events chart, next to books by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, the number one Propaganda & Political Psychology book on Amazon, and the 17th bestseller in the company’s Nationalism list. How could that be?

Chris Faraone explains why in a fascinating essaythat argues ebooks provide the perfect format for reading controversial material. “Mein Kampf could be following a similar trend to that of smut and romance novels,” Faraone writes. Customers may have not wanted to be seen reading the book or having it on their shelf at home, but the cheap digital copies “can be quietly perused then dropped into a folder or deleted.”

Ebook reviewers’ comments support the 50 Shades of Grey theory. “I think I waited 45 years to read Hitler’s words… I wish I had read it sooner,” wrote Steven Wagg. “Curiosity killed me to get this book,” said another reviewer. The document also functions as a warning: “People need to understand that if we do not learn from people like this, then we will fall into their traps again,” Ray D’Aguanno wrote on Amazon.

Full article here.

In Liberty,

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18 thoughts on “Sales of Hitler’s Mein Kampf are Surging…”

  1. Unfortunately, Nazi memorabilia is a perennial good seller. I did a survey about 4 months ago on the highest priced, used books sold on eBay. Good condition copies of Mein Kampf can go for upwards of $50 – 100, more if they are autographed.

    As I’m just getting started with used books online, I wasn’t aware that this trend was still continuing. I do remember seeing collections of Nazi goods for sale by local mall vendors as a young teen, but I thought that was just an aberration.

    Even though Mein Kampf is money in the bank, I won’t even touch a copy.

  2. Mike, you are a sharp guy. You know that we have been lied to about economics and history. It is clear to me that the lies run much deeper and much broader than I would have ever guessed.

    I recommend that you thumb through Butz’ ‘The Hoax of the Twentieth Century,’ ‘The Leuchter Report,’ and ‘The Rudolf Report.’ All are available free online in PDF.

    Best wishes in 2014, Mike, and keep up the fine work!

  3. It is very tough to examine one’s core beliefs. I served as a Naval Officer between college and graduate school at U. of Chicago over ’85-’90. I thought I was part of a force for good, and felt that my service onboard a submarine was important. I kept that belief for 20 years.

    Then, I read ‘JFK and The Unspeakable.’ Between that, ‘Dark Alliance’ and ‘Silent Coup,’ I concluded that the U.S. military was strictly the enforcement arm of the cabal. I was depressed for a week after reading the JFK book.

    The same thing happened with my Roman Catholicism. I was raised in the church, married in it, and raised my children in it, dragging my family to Mass for 16 years. Then, a few years ago, I cross-checked what I was taught with what I read in the Gnostic Bible/Nag Hamadi and other credible esoteric sources. I no longer go to Mass, but am much more spiritual and peace-loving, now.

    I give you these personal anecdotes to show you the awakening process that I went through. The three books that I recommended were shocking to me (I also recommend, ‘Nuremburg, The Last Battle’, also available free online in PDF), but rang true.

    Just food for thought, Mike.

    P.S. — in my opinion, one of the most important areas that we have been lied to is in sex. I most highly recommend, ‘Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow,’ written by a Brown/Yale Law grad, in which she ties together the neuroscience of today with the hidden esoteric and religious traditions of yesterday and how to better maintain loving relationships today.

    • When you really get into it, there is hardly any truth to most of the stuff indoctrinated into the brains of kids growing up. It can take decades to remove all of that BS programming assuming someone even knows they need to remove all of that brainwashing.

      Once the programming is removed, one can see the truth. That’s why they call elders the wise old men.

  4. You have forgotten that there are a billion muslims in this world and they all love Hitler! They hate the Jews and their leaders during Hitler’s regime commuted to Germany to enjoy the rising tide. Also they are on the internet…remember 9/11!

    That’s what’s wrong with you and your generation….you have veneer but no depth. You do not know history, religion and you cannot know people as a result!

    • The 9/11 reference was to the fact that the muslims knew how to use the internet. They are as capable as most Americans.

      Wake up and realise you are not the only group on this planet. You are shallow youths full of crap from your media and you had best begin looking at things as they really are!

      You total maybe 320millions out of almost 7 billions and there are a lot more out there that know more than you do….that’s why we have become a consuming society…not a producing one!

      Today, most business does not advertise jobs because they are tired of the stupid polemics that you have shown in this discussion. They hire firms to screen you all, take you on “contract”: and dispose of most of those they try. You do not think any more, you react according to your limited exposure to life. Living requires study and facts, not social contacts.

      Frankly your arguments are not even sophomoric!

    • You spout this garbage: “a billion muslims…all love Hitler!”

      and then come up with this smug conclusion?:

      “That’s what’s wrong with you and your generation….you have veneer but no depth. You do not know history, religion and you cannot know people as a result!”

      bah humbug

      p.s. – get a clue on 9/11. youtube: steven jones, niels harrit, the new pearl harbor

      The good thing about trolls and idiots speaking out is that it gives people with a clue the opportunity to discredit their nonsense for those who actually care to learn.

      So thanks for your post :).

  5. You sound like all brainwashed Americans when it comes to Hitler. Although he was not a sweet guy he did a lot to revive Germany from the injustices of the Treaty of Versailles. England and France decided to go to war with him and not vice a versu. His exploites would probably have ended with Russia which was considered a natural enemy.

    Why don’t you do an article on Eisenhower killing over one million German soldieers after WW II had ended?

    • Yep, what sobering books, ‘Other Losses’ by Bacque and ‘The High Cost of Vengeance’ by Utley, about that terrible episode. I look forward to watching the video, because I have never seen footage of the camps, only photos.

      Yep, Eisenhower and Marshall were bad guys, with both in on the assassination of Patton (‘Target Patton’) and Marshall in on the provoked attack on Pearl Harbor (‘Day of Deceit’).

  6. American’s are not buying Shitler’s book. Sorry. First and foremost, American’s do NOT read. As Joe Friday once said “just the facts” and the fact is most American’s don’t read. Second, if people actually bought the E books I am assuming they searched for where to buy Shitler’s book?. Upon doing said search they would have discovered that there are PDF versions of Shitler’s book for FREE on the net. Third, American’s absolutely love and adore the idiot box. You can find a program about Shitler on the idiot box nearly every hour of every day. It is almost impossible to scan through the “programming guide” on the idiot box without seeing a couple of programs about Shitler and the Nazi’s. My point is that American’s are already Shitler experts from watching all of these programs. Said Americans have ZERO intellectual curiosity with regard to the writings of Shitler. I call bullshit on the Time and Disney “news” articles. Please do not tell me that there is a rising tide of anti-semitism in America as a result of the financial crisis. The great majority of American’s have no idea that there was a financial crisis. Furthermore, 60+ million American’s are born again Christian’s who believe that modern “semites” truly are God’s chosen people and they are anxiously awaiting end times. Once again this is fact. I live in the South and the OVERWHELMING majority of people think this way. If you even brought up the subject of a financial crisis and any type of semitic “conspiracy” they will look at you like you crawled out from under a rock.

    So who or better yet “what” is buying Shitler’s book? Probably someone or something that wants to get American’s thinking that there is a rising tide of anti-semitism in America. Why would someone or something want this? As the old saying goes Cui Bono from such “news”? Or better yet follow the money.

    I have run the anti-semite rabbit down it’s hole and I have chased it up the other side. The only people who are convinced that that there is any type of “semitic” conspiracy are the semites themselves. At some point they need to grow up. I don’t really know how else to put it. They are like adult children of alcoholics or products of a dysfunctional family. They are “ego” maniacs with inferiority complexes.

    • The Islamites are buying the book. They love Hitler because they hate jews too and are threatening to wipe them from their world, which they assume is all theirs, particularty since one of their own sits in the White House still celebrating his childhood in the Madras.
      With 1 billion muislims in our world growing their numbers faster than the non muslim world, Hitler will be a best seller for years!

    • Sorry. I’m calling bullshit on this one as well. You obviously don’t follow current events because if you did you would know that Israel’s (these are the “jews” you are referring to the “muislims” wiping off the face of the earth, yes?) biggest ally in the Middle East is SAUDI ARABIA. The Saudi’s have been supporting the same Al Qaeda we have been fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq into Syria and hopefully, said conflict will eventually flow over into Iran. A lot of folks think that it was a Saudi/Israel operation behind 9/11 but I digress. The last time I checked the Saudi’s were….muislims. Also, I think the “muislims” holy sites are in Saudi Arabia. (As a side note I am pretty sure Saudi Prince Alaweed is still the majority shareholder of Twitter and he is still best friends with Rupert Murdoch).

      I think you meant to write madrasa as opposed to madras? The only madras I know of were ugly pants that Biff’s and Mortimer’s wore at the “preppy college” I attended. Your comment though is pretty ironic in that I had a lot of “jewish” friends who attended a “madrasa” type jewish summer camp every year. Some even went on trips to Israel. Us gentiles referred to these as “hate” summer camps. My understanding is that our jewish classmates were told that the rest of the world hated them and that said world wanted them dead; wiped off the face of the earth, etc. Basically EXACTLY what you just wrote above. (I think they were also encouraged to meet members of the opposite sex who were also jewish on said excursions). They are almost like jewish Hitler youth camps or as you said…jewish madrasas.

      I think we can agree that “brainwashing” youth is definitely “dysfunctional”. Therefore, we should then expect that the products of such dysfunctional upbringings will eventually exhibit “addict” type character defects. Very unfortunately, this addict type behavior is manifesting itself in our world. The jewish community is the “ego maniac with the inferiority complex”. One minute they are the “wolves of Wall St.” Masters of Finance or the “ubermench” that Ayn Rand was so fond of. (Think “Sheldon Adelson” talking about nuking Iran and you now get the sense of “grandiosity” that is rampant in their community). However, in the blink of an eye they are no longer Jordan Belfort banging women and snorting blow, but rather the sad unfortunate victim. No one has suffered like the jews have suffered. If you even try to discuss this topic with them they will label you an “antisemite”. The problem is the non-jewish world doesn’t see it that way and doesn’t care. Yes. The world does NOT hate the jews and largely does not care about them, and THAT is the problem.

      The egomaniac with the inferiority complex is the classic addict. The addict is the center of the addict’s life. It’s ALL about the addict. Heaven forbid the non-addict not realize how important the addict is. Living with an addict is not particularly fun and enjoyable. They are like spoiled children. At some point they either self destruct or RECOVER and mature. A big step in recovery is learning humility and giving up denial. Give up thinking about the PAST (especially if it is “stories”) while not planning for a better future in the present. All of us need to find the grace in the moment.

    • You are getting very far afield from the topic of Hitler’s books sales today.

      The Islamites market Mein Kampf in their publications and in their media. He is a hero to them and a philosopher. That mix made many monsters heroes in our culture of progressivism and will make Hitler a continuing best seller in Islam.

      The rest of your argument pertains to a group of people so diverse that you can find anything you want in this congregation or that. It is like trying to define Catholicism and Protestantism. Those who took issue with others just morphed into new units but each new one formed proved no argument except for themselves.

    • CLASSIC response!! DENIAL!! No. It’s not a river in Africa!

      If it’s the “Islamites” buying and marketing (not quite sure how that works but I’ll go along with it) Shitler and Mein Kampf where the hell are the Disney “news” stories linking Iran/Islamites with these sales???? I would think that if there were proof that all these copies of “Mein Kampf” were being shipped to Iran FOX Lies…er.. “news” would freaking show the addresses on Google Earth and screaming for us to Drone said occupants. PLEASE don’t tell me that the Islamites you are referring to reside in the US of A. You would have to be one freaking idiot of an islamite to have a copy of “mein kampf” shipped to your home in AmeriKa. Hello Gitmo!!

      I just found this definition of the addict on the web. It nails it:

      “The Alcoholic And Grandiosity

      The alcoholic is a classic case of “an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.” This apparent contradiction in terms comes from the fact that because the alcoholic has low self-esteem, they often feel the need to hide behind a mask of superiority. While they pretend to feel they’re better than most people, what they really feel inside is utterly worthless. This is more or less applying the idea that “the best defense is a strong offense.”

      Of course they can’t let anyone know that, so they rarely take the mask off. This tends to make them extremely critical of just about everything and everyone, and they act as if they should be in charge of running the entire universe. Ultimately, this grandiosity is the first obstacle in treatment that must be overcome to get an alcoholic to admit and accept that they are in fact an alcoholic and they need help. Before they get help and begin to start thinking clearly, alcoholics and addicts generally equate needing help with being weak.”

      In today’s Jewish community it is a sense of “fear” as well as a sense of worthlessness. Go ahead and deny this all you want. The biggest sign of an addict is a complete inability to accept responsibility. This is where the “victim” mentality comes in.

      It’s funny but the more I think about it the jewish friends I had in college were indeed some of the biggest party people I knew. This is why I liked them. They were extremely fun to hang out and party with. Ironically, I had friends in college who were Iranian’s and they were A LOT like my jewish friends, i.e. intelligent, funny, both loved music and good times. (Please note my Iranian buddy NEVER talked about Israel or wiping the jews off the map).I gave up partying post college and I now spend a considerable amount of time in the “recovery” community trying to help folks overcome their addictions. I can say without hesitation that of the countless number of addicts I have worked with there have been few jewish addicts or middle eastern addicts and this IS NOT because they don’t exist. I know darn well they do exist because I partied with them. BOTH communities lack humility or self responsibility. Someone or something else is always the problem. I don’t expect the Middle East to recover any time soon.

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