That’s the thing I don’t understand about the climate in Washington these days. People want to have debates on television and elsewhere, but then you want to throw the people that start the debates in jail.
– James Risen, New York Times Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist (he now faces jail time)
The above quote occurred during an excellent discussion between Glenn Greenwald, James Risen and Jeffrey Toobin on Piers Morgan’s show. While pretty much everyone on planet earth knows who Glenn Greenwald is at this point, most people do not know who James Risen is. This is a situation that must change. Mr. Risen is at the center of another very important case that threatens the future of freedom of the press in these United States.
In his book State of War, James Risen published information leaked to him by former CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling, who is currently being charged under the Espionage Act by President Transparency, Barrack Obama. While a lower court had previously ruled Mr. Risen should be afforded reporter privilege to not testify against Mr. Sterling, a federal appeals court last month saw it differently in a 2-1 decision.
James Risen has vowed to go to jail rather than testify against his sources, which makes his debate with CNN’s “senior legal analyst” Jeffrey Toobin all the more amusing. Toobin is a surveillance state lapdog apologist who regularly appears on television condemning people as criminals for informing the public about the government’s criminality.
This is an excellent watch and I also suggest my readers research more into Risen’s case. If you are pressed for time, fast forward to around minute 4.
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“The USA is filled with Jeffrey Toobins…” Fantastic rebuttal Mr. Greenwald.
These people talking haven’t a clue about the details except Risen. The N$S@#A splits and diverts ALL internet traffic in the USA at dozens of internet collection points to their servers and sucks up all data. After that it goes into databases for analysis. It’s as simple as that. It’s illegal. Period. They are targeting probably a few dozen targets at a time. But its a cover for sucking up the data on everyone else. There is no terrorist enemy except the N@#S!@A who are taking orders from higher ups.
What I meant was the discussion was devoid of details that make it muddy to see the issue. Toobin is saying surveillance is targeted and that’s complete bulshit.
FM: I share your frustration, but as MK has carefully pointed out about the NSA and their PR people, like Toobin, they have adopted a Devil’s lexicon of double-speak, so that it is impossible to communicate with them, understand them or convict them.
The only way I could get my little head around their madness is: To them, a fish has not been “caught” until he is served in the dining room. All those fish on ice and in the freezer in the kitchen? No, they haven’t even been caught yet.
The madness of the elites and their minions is palpable. They’re vacuuming up the entire haystack, purportedly to find a needle, which they never manage to do unless an FBI informant or handler has been setting things up six months in advance.
As with people of one’s own acquaintance: at some point you’ve got to stop listening to the meaning they are putting on their actions, and simply observe their actions and evaluate them critically.
Their actions say, We have, want to have, and will continue to have, everyone’s every communication. THAT, therefore, must be the goal as that is what they’re doing.
Sophists, apologists and courtiers like Toobin are stock characters amid imperial decline.
‘Filled with Toobins’…. that was a highlight. Toobin is one creepy mofo.