I’ve said before, I’ll say it again. There is nothing better for anyone’s career than to be interviewed by Piers Morgan. The guy is such an unimaginative, partisan hack he always creates the perfect setup for TV magic. While I have been intensely critical of Michael Moore in the past due to his lack of understanding about the financial and monetary system and his knee-jerk reaction to blame capitalism (which does not exist) for everything, he really knocks it out of there park here. While Petit Piers tries to bait him into an infantile left-right debate, Moore doesn’t fall for it and instead places the blame squarely where it belongs…
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Nails it.
This is the elephant in the living room.
Hey, Peter… be nice to elephants. They eat much less than he does. But yes, Moore does get that point perfectly.
When I first accidentally flipped over to cnn lsst nite and saw the two Greek Gods of Douche sitting side by side, I almost puked up my guacamole & chips. Truly revolting to me. But then just a few secs later fatboy actually started making sense ! (First time in many years) I’m guessin Mikey doesnt get invited back for awhile ……
lol .. the US has an amazingly good propaganda system and/or Americans are so afraid of speaking as individuals. Moore has been carefully nurtured as a hate figure for the unthinking herd. When anyone says anything about Moore, loathing is carefully expressed at all times. Especially when agreeing with a point he makes.
You Americans are so timid, it’s laughable. 😎 No wonder you continually get suckered by your government.