My Inaugural Podcast: Jackson Hole and Gold

So I finally decided to record a podcast.  It is something I have contemplated for a while and I finally got around to it.  The reason why I did it today is probably a combination of the boredom in the markets but also tomorrow’s Jackson Hole spectacle.  Viewer feedback would be really helpful as I would want to know if people find the podcast format useful and enjoyable.


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19 thoughts on “My Inaugural Podcast: Jackson Hole and Gold”

  1. Since you’re a good speaker, I would take advantage of that strength. maybe you don’t want to podcast on a set schedule, instead just when you got something you think is important to say..

  2. Great take on JH Michael. Agree 100%. Have got stink bids in…hope they get hit. The physical demand will take up metal on any paper price drops….
    Keep up with the podcasts….hope you are enjoying CO.

  3. Mike, your approach to deliver straight up and decisive commentary is outstanding. The addition of impulsive podcasts is yet another ideal feature to your content. Always the best and when will you and Chris Martenson do one together? I think him and Mish need a break anyway. Regards, Vinnie

  4. Exciting day today in the PM’s. I don’t ever recall silver moving this much in a single day before. Any insights Mike?

  5. I say go all out on all fronts. Podcasts, blog posts, articles, interviews……..

    You are a fantastic resource and I really appreciate everything you do. Keep it up!!!!

  6. Michael:
    I greatly enjoy your writings and various interviews you’ve done with luminaries in our field such as Turd Ferguson et al. It’s a special treat to hear your voice without anyone else’s filters in place. I’m all in favor of more.
    Thank you ever so much for all of your hard work bringing truth to the masses. I only hope the sheep are awakening and tuning in to your site. All of us working together may very well bring about the change we strive for daily.


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