“They came in and there were two guys” Honig said. “I asked one of them what size he needed and he showed me a badge and took me outside. They told me they were from Homeland Security and we were violating copyright laws.”
They placed the underwear in an official Homeland Security bag and had Honig sign a statement saying she wouldn’t use the logo.
– From the Kansas City Star article: Homeland Security Confiscates Royals Underwear in Kansas City
It was just yesterday that I highlighted the dangers of granting government excessive powers under the guise of fighting terrorism in the piece: The BBC is Using Anti-Terror Surveillance to Find Tax Dodgers. Here’ an excerpt:
Many commentators, including myself, have been sounding the alarm for many years that only a short-sighted society filled with fearful imbeciles would ever grant government tyrannical powers in the name of fighting an overhyped, outside enemy. As has happened countless times in world history, once these powers are granted they are always eventually used against the domestic population. Sometimes it is used to crackdown on dissent, but sometimes it’s used just to earn money and shake down the domestic plebs. It appears the British Broadcasting Corportation (BBC) in Great Britain is now using it simply to collect tax.
The very next day, we American slaves wake up to learn that the Department of Homeland Security, a worthless bloated bureaucracy with a $39 billion budget, has been spending its time and money raiding a creator of unlicensed World Series panties. I wish this was a joke.
The Kansas City Star reports that:
Peregrine Honig says she just wanted to help celebrate the hometown team when she designed Lucky Royals boyshorts.
The panties, with “Take the Crown” and “KC” across the bottom, were set to be sold in Honig’s Birdies Panties shop Tuesday. But Homeland Security agents visited the Crossroads store and confiscated the few dozen pairs of underwear, printed in Kansas City by Lindquist Press.
“They came in and there were two guys” Honig said. “I asked one of them what size he needed and he showed me a badge and took me outside. They told me they were from Homeland Security and we were violating copyright laws.”
She thought that since the underwear featured her hand-drawn design that she was safe. But the officers explained that by connecting the “K” and the “C,” she infringed on major league baseball copyright. (The officials involved could not be immediately reached for comment.)
They placed the underwear in an official Homeland Security bag and had Honig sign a statement saying she wouldn’t use the logo.
Oh and it’s not just this one-off panty raid either. This is actually the sort of stuff the U.S. gestapo DHS is prioritizing. The Kansas City Star also reported that:
Double-check those World Series baby clothes before you buy. They may be counterfeit.
Federal agents seized nearly 1,000 bogus items Tuesday before the first game of the World Series. They went beyond fake tickets, including counterfeit merchandise such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, baseball caps, cellphone cases and even baby clothes.
“This is ongoing,” said Shawn Neudauer, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “Our agents are physically present in Kansas City right now working cases.”
Phew! I mean, it’s not like the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has anything better to do, such as worry about something so pedestrian as the U.S./Mexico border.
Agents seized more than 125 counterfeit game tickets Tuesday, each with a face value of $350, for a total street value of more than $43,000.
“Our primary goal is to stop the sale or production of these items,” said Neudauer, whose agency is under the Department of Homeland Security. “Our agents are focused on protecting consumers. You don’t want somebody paying a lot of money for bogus tickets, and the quality of the merchandise often doesn’t meet federal standards.”
Not all counterfeit operations are organized or nefarious.
Call me crazy, but what on earth does this have to do with terrorism? Further proof that the Department of Homeland Security is not only worthless, but also dangerous.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger
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I wonder the homeland security was acting. Its seems like they were promoting the sales of the panties
How so? I am pretty sure these things are not being sold or produced any more. There’s nothing to sell.
I’m sure we all feel safer knowing that the wealthy corporations have managed to externalize another of their business costs onto the backs of the taxpayers.
Thats why we buy nothing produced or sold buy a corporation..all the worlds problems today are related to fascism..down with the corporations..power to the common man..
The state protecting corporate commercial interests. What did Mussolini call that? Oh yeah, Corporatism. What does the rest of the world call it? Oh yeah, Fascism. The DHS is a fascist enforcement agency.