Mission Statement for 2013: Solutions

Ever since I launched this blog in April of last year, I have focused on exposing the rampant corruption and moral decay of our society while identifying the core cancer that is Wall Street, Washington D.C. and all the poisonous practices in between. What I have finally realized is that while there are many people shouting from the rooftops about how bad things are, that will only take us so far.  There are two things I think are necessary in order for us all to move to a better place.

First, a change of consciousness.  Part of that change comes from understanding the true nature of the world around us and how it operates.  For me, it was this realization that essentially forced me to reevaluate everything in my life and make profound changes to live in a manner and around people that are more in line with my new understanding.  I know for a fact that hundreds of thousands of people in this country have come to similar realizations, along with millions globally.  While the awakening will continue and bring more into the fold, I think it’s time for all of us to connect with one another and focus on and highlight the positive changes happening around us where they are happening.  To focus on the victories, no matter how small they may seem at this point, rather than wallowing in the defeats.

Second, I strongly believe we must move toward a much greater decentralization in our daily lives as human beings on this planet.  We need stronger and more vibrant communities banding together, thriving together and creating together.  The internet allows decentralization to function like never before.  It allows us to still be in constant communication with one another and aware of our neighbors’ plights all the way across the planet.  That way we can implement solutions from our own volition and imagination rather than being forced into decisions from the barrel of a gun held by a paid off politician or lobbyist.  The problems that we face globally are far too important to leave to a small group of bureaucrats and oligarchs who we all know by now are interested solely in money and power.

Change must come from within first and then must be manifested in the real world within communities that are willing to be bold. To experiment, to fail and then to succeed.  We may not know exactly what works, and indeed there is no one solution for everyone.  That is the beauty of the diversity on this planet.  If one town wants to be a socialist commune so be it.  If another wants total free market capitalism so be it.  We can still be connected to one another and caring without forcing one person’s viewpoint on the other.  The good news is that we do know what doesn’t work; and that is the status quo.  We need to dare to think big, be brave and actively support those that are working on a better path for humanity.

Changes so profound will take time and many of the forces of greed will line up against any such changes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t be done.  I know it can and I know it will.  While I will continue to focus on highlighting corruption and bad practices, I will increasingly try to do my part to highlight and support those that are taking action and trying to move us beyond the sad state we are in.  I am going to need all of your help in finding these stories and organizations that are doing the hard work now.  Even if many of the ideas and projects never actually happen, the point is that we are thinking beyond our current circumstances and are trying to do something about it.

Looking forward toward solutions.

In Liberty,

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12 thoughts on “Mission Statement for 2013: Solutions”

  1. I support the idea of change but no longer think it’s possible with a corrupt government spending $3B a day of make believe money and no plan for ever changing.

  2. Mike

    Great idea. I’m looking forward to reading about some success stories. There are more of “us” than “them” so let’s get on with it!

  3. Step one is to stop participating in the creations of the oligarchy. It takes some courage at first, but once you start, you will find yourself feeling as if a huge burden has been lifted. Take your kids out of government school. NOW! Government school (especially via Common Core, which most states have adopted) is intentionally dumbing down and brainwashing your children. Cancel your health insurance policy. NOW! Find pay for cash doctors and join a health sharing ministry. Support local, organic food sources (growers, ranchers, dairy). NOW! Pull all your money out of the banks. NOW! Join a locally owned credit union, buy metals, bury your cash in the back yard! Support businesses of like minded individuals. Cut off all support to businesses run by drones and oligarch supporters. There are other obvious things to do, but I won’t mention them here.

    Keep up the good work, Mike. I am looking forward to your stories.

  4. Yes! Lets share ideas and news of projects that have the potential to help us deal with these problems. I’ve been thinking lately that there must be opportunities with manufacturing, services, and trade connected by a shared moral / humanist set of standards. As you mentioned, whether a particular group is cooperative, or free market libertarian, doesn’t really matter, as long as we are supportive and fair in our trade and interactions with each other. I don’t want to get too Hippy Dippy Kumbaya on everybody here, but entrepreneurs, and creators of real value in association with each other sounds more robust than all of us going it alone.

  5. Mike,

    I realized this in 2011 when I launched Azoti.com, which turns locally grown food into a new employee benefit that increases profits for local food producers and employers while driving material wellness outcomes for employees.

    Since our product launch on Mar 2012, we’ve launched campaigns at Ohio State University, Safelite Group, State Auto, Grange Insurance, Safe Auto, and other mid-sized companies with upcoming launches at Accenture, Pepsico, Morgan Stanely, Citigroup, WellPoint, NBC.

    We’ve raised $300K so far and are raising $500K now. Please let me know if you have “impact” investor contacts who could help the cause. Series B already has investors looming, so this is a great time to invest in us.

    Very exciting decentralization trends occurring in the Ag supply chain for sure.

    Contact me when you get the chance. Thanks, Dave

    • The tax man will come soon to those people who benefit from this. Unless you are servicing the elite, the economy and the tax man will give your bottom line a hard time.

    • This business model was built for the upcoming economic weirdness so that small, independent farmers and ranchers can more easily find “elite” marketplaces or be ready to handle the influx of demand when gas goes to $8/gallon.

      $8/gallon liquid fuel turns the large industrial farms upside-down due to petrol-based input costs, e.g. fertilizer, propane, diesel, gas, herbicides, etc. Those big farms will need help transitioning to new markets and crops. Our farmers and markets will be ready to help them.

      Become a farmer just like Jim Rogers recommends, and companies like Azoti will help you ramp up to profitability quickly and build an “anti-fragile” base of operations.

      Don’t give up your entrepreneurial spirit because of potential future taxes. More millionaires were made during the Great Depression than at any time in our history. Be nimble, be bold!

    • I am a farmer
      And what is coming makes the Great Depression pale in comparison.
      Your concept is a winner in a society with some semblance of law and order. I am afraid that our future does not hold that in store for us.
      Good Luck

  6. Mike,

    I find your article very inspiring, and I fully support your Mission. I would like to connect with other like-minded people, but I’m not sure how to do this. I have considered starting a forum for people who want to connect. I’ve thought about setting up categories, or allowing members to set up categories, describing the types of societies they want to know more about or join. Do you think something like this might be useful? Do you, or any of your readers, know about a forum like this that may already exist? The success of this kind of forum would require support and regular publicity from players like you within the alternative media. I am very serious, but I fear that a project such as this may take a lot of my time without getting any participation. I welcome any suggestions, comments or questions. Thanks

  7. Brilliant post. It’s relieving to see optimism grounded in plausibility, versus the sunshine that is blown up our collective posterior by the MSM.

    I firmly believe that ultimate goal of any meaningful change should be top-down transformation of government from its current state of being a legislative supermarket for the elite to its intended purpose: to exert the will of the people. Practices such as campaign contributions and revolving door politics have corrupted the system so significantly that we’ve become a representative republic in name only. I believe that the necessary reform can only be realized by the implementation of a Constitutional amendment banning any and all forms of consideration between government employees (and dependents) and all private entities.


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