Saudis Pump All Out as the Global Economy Crumbles

It is a mindless philosophy that assumes that one’s private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are  immoral in private with the power to determine the nation’s moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? …. The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation more sophisticated in evil.
– Dr. Ravi Zacharias

 A reasonable action on the part of the majority is very rare, while the evidence of mob stupidity and brutality is overwhelming. The majority in power make laws for their own financial benefit, disregarding the interests of the minority, and when the weak minority, by adding to its numbers, becomes powerful, it, in turn, does the same thing; thus, by appealing to power to settle their conflicting interests, the conflict would go on forever.
– Charles T. Sprading

A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them.
– P. J. O’Rourke

Saudis Pump All Out as the Global Economy Crumbles
In an election year where The Bernank is afraid to print more money despite his understanding that he must in order to keep the ponzi going (if only for a few more months), Obama has been given a gift by the Saudis in the form of purposefully flooding the world with oil.  Specifically, the Saudis are now pumping 9.9 million b/d, which is the highest level in at least the last 20 years (see chart below).  This increase in output has come at the exact same time that much of Europe has fallen into depression and as China and many of the BRICS have collapsed from higher than average growth rates to what I believe is barely positive real GDP growth (if we actually had reliable data).  This oversupply of crude has led to a severe correction.

I think the realization of the situation in Europe and the emerging markets accounted for the initial 10% or so drop in Brent crude from $125/b to $110/b.  The most recent 10% plunge to just below $100/b as of today can, in my opinion, be explained by the sudden understanding that the U.S. is not the Goliath the presstitutes in the mainstream media would have you believe.  Rather, as I mentioned in my email from last week, I believe that May represented the tipping point into contraction for the domestic economy.  A process that could unfold a lot faster than most anticipate.

Saudi Crude Oil Production 1982-Present

As you can see from the above chart, Saudi oil production is at its highs.  The fact that they continue to flood the market is no accident.  It is a favor to Barack Obama and the United States generally.  The idea was that if oil supply flooded the market and knocked down the most important commodity in the world, this would serve as a hidden “stimulus” in an election year.  It would represent something of a tax break to the American consumer and thus make things look better into November.  That was the plan.  Unfortunately for them, it is not working.

The reason it is not working is because we do not have a healthy global economy.  We have a giant house of cards built on debt and derivatives, which market forces desperately wants to blow away so that the system can reset.  The ponzi has gotten so gigantic at this point that a little extra Saudi oil isn’t going to do the trick.  As I have been saying for a while and made clear last week, when the forces of nature start to roll over again there will be no stopping the train wreck.  It will be so catastrophic and overwhelming that asset prices will do things pretty much no money manager out there is anticipating at this point.  While The Bernank and his minions can go out in public and lie about the state of the economy and claim they do not need more QE, the only thing they are doing is setting the stage for a seismic price readjustment in assets classes globally.  It is a readjustment they will not be able to accept, and the global Central Planner response will have to be so massive just to keep things together it will send gold to at least $2,500/oz.

The other thing I would point out is look at where Saudi production was in the summer of 2008.  It was at a high of 9.6 million b/d right before the entire global financial system melted down.  Is history repeating itself in crude?  If so, what is the downside?  My sense is the downside is much, much higher than in 2008.  Back then Brent crude got to just below $40/b.  There are many reasons for this, but I think one of them relates to the fact that there was a commodity bubble going into the decline at that time.  Not so in 2012.  Furthermore, the marginal cost of oil has only been moving higher and higher as conventional supplies have peaked and the world is relying more on higher cost shale, deepwater and oil sands.  My guess is that even if the global economy goes into a depression like state, I do not think oil will sustain itself much below $70/b.  In fact, my guess would be somewhere in the $60s/b will be the low and that will only happen if the Central Planners play things too cute and do not act until this fall.

The last point I want to make is that commodities are way ahead of stocks in the U.S., and the sell-off in equities we have seen so far may have quite a bit more to go.  The dominoes this time are falling in reverse to what happened in 2008.  Back then, it was the U.S. that cratered first and later commodities joined the show.  There were dreams of BRIC decoupling in the air.  This time Europe and the BRICS went first and there are new dreams of decoupling – this time centered upon the U.S. economy.  This dream, like the prior one, will turn out to be a nightmare.  Brent crude has already corrected by about 24% from the highs.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average is only down 8% from the highs.  24% would put it at about 10,000.  Decoupling didn’t exist in 2008 and it doesn’t exist now.  Plan accordingly.

Peace and wisdom,


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14 thoughts on “Saudis Pump All Out as the Global Economy Crumbles”

  1. “Decoupling didn’t exist in 2008 and it doesn’t exist now”

    Michael Maloney has a great chart on this in his Debt Collapse video–that there REALLY is no decoupling.

    The next round of something will be announced on June 18/19th to string things along. The FED and our Govt. are scared to death of the phony economy being taken off life-support. That’s all QE is. Nothing has changed with the economy from today from six months ago. The manufactured numbers that have been going full till for over three years now is still just what it is: manufactured numbers. Nothing is better today than yesterday or years ago…..they’re just coming up with whatever phony numbers through the pressititues to get the desired effect. They KNOW without QE it unravels tomorrow. So, they are setting the stage today for the 18th/19th.

  2. Very well written article. The interplay between oil prices and the derivatives bubble is something so few commentators understand. Mike is one of them. This really is unprecedented territory for the global ponzi. We shall see what emerges from the rubble.

  3. Why more QE when oil prices are dropping and Euro-fear is driving interest rates down due to capital flight into US Treasuries? Is not capital flight out due to a fiscally united Europe the bigger threat to the US?

  4. Just you wait ’til all those UNWANTED dollars come home to our shores! All the BRICS are bypassing the US dollar and home they’re coming! You think inflation now. Just you wait!

  5. If memory serves, was not the marginal cost of oil in the summer of 2008 $85/bl, (based on off-shore Brazil mc)? It didn’t prevent the move to $40. In fact, MC declines during moves like this because cost inputs i.e. labor etc. also decline in periods of economic dislocation. So MC is also a moving target. Whlle I’m ready to say that prices should not stay for long below MC, I really hate that ride, having done it in 2008.

    • Of course, I understand this which is why I mention we could get into the $60s in a total implosion. I think the low point is much higher than 2008 though due to the money supply increase since then as well as the higher level of bribe level needs in Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc…

  6. How Relevant Is The Debt Collapse Video By Mike Maloney About Gold, Silver And The Economy

    Year and a half ago Mike Maloney from uploaded a video in YouTube about gold, silver and the debt collapse. In this video he explains how the monetary systems work, what causes the financial crisis, wealth cycles and why to invest in precious metals like gold and silver. Since then the video has over 880,000 views which is a lot.

    to see full detail here


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