Video of the Day – Man Easily Crosses U.S.-Mexico Border Dressed as Osama bin Laden

Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 12.26.52 PMI’m not posting this video to drum up fear of terrorism or anything like that. Regular readers know that I think the “war on terror” is a total sham and fraud. I believe the power structure has been intentionally using fear of terrorism to eliminate the civil liberties and freedom of the American public. Washington D.C.’s apathy at the porousness of the U.S.-Mexican border serves as further proof that the entire surveillance state that has been put in place to supposedly stop terrorist attacks has an ulterior motive.

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Australia’s Prime Minster Admits Metadata Collection is for “General Crime” Not Terrorism

“The U.S. government kills people based on metadata.”

– Former head of the NSA Michael Hayden

Myself and countless others have been warning for many years that the “war on terror” is a complete and total sham. A power grab used by governments to further consolidate power and control over the masses that reside within their borders. Slowly but surely, we have all realized that none of the spying is actually about stopping terror attacks. For example, a White House panel concluded late last year that the NSA’s unconstitutional metadata collection had not stopped a single terror attack. Yes that’s right, ZERO.

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Silicon Valley Artist Strikes at the Heart of Obama’s Oligarch Infatuation – “A Feast in Time of Plague”

Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 1.57.24 PMLast week, I highlighted a series of billboards and painted benches that sprung up overnight in Hollywood as Obama prepared to host a $32,000 a plate fundraiser at the home of Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes.  Naturally, this was merely stop number one on Obama’s oligarch groveling circus.  The next stop on the crony train is another $32,000 a plate fundraiser. This time with none other than Nancy Pelosi.

Fortunately for us, California’s ever creative street artists were right there waiting for him. This is what they delivered:

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How the NSA is Actively Helping Saudi Arabia to Crackdown on Dissent

Screen Shot 2014-07-25 at 4.22.12 PMIt is not an exaggeration to say Saudi Arabia is one of the most oppressive, authoritarian regimes on the planet. Despite having been the main foreign instigator pushing for conflict in Syria, as well as its increasingly disturbing ties to the attacks on 9/11, it remains one of the U.S. government’s closest allies.

I’ve covered some of the human rights abuses of the Saudi regime on several occasions due to the fact that it so clearly exposes the total hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy. The most recent example was the recent sentencing of human rights lawyer and activist Waleed Abu Alkhair to 15 years in prison for “inciting public opinion,” i.e., effectively utilizing free speech. I covered this in detail in the post: Saudi Human Rights Lawyer and Activist Jailed for 15 Years for Free Speech Under New “Anti-Terror” Law.

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The “Insider Threat Program” and the Government’s War on Whistleblowers

Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 1.23.52 PMThe Obama Administration’s Orwellian government employee snitch network, dubbed the “Insider Threat Program,” first made headlines about a year ago. I found it to be so disturbingly significant I wrote a post about it titled: The 3 Key Takeaways from the Ridiculous “Insider Threat Program.” Those 3 key takeaways were that it…

  1. Creates a horrible and counterproductive work environment where everyone distrusts everyone else.
  2. Solidifies the fact the government is not interested in solving problems, but rather is focused on continuing the cronyism and criminality and merely covering it up.
  3. Exposes how completely hopeless and terminal the status quo is.

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How British Spies “Seed the Internet with False Info, Control YouTube Pageviews and Manipulate Online Polls”

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 2.25.47 PMThanks to Edward Snowden, we now have proof about an incredible set of tools used by the British equivalent of the NSA, known as the GCHQ, or Government Communications Headquarters. These tools will essentially confirm every single conspiracy theory you could have ever imagined when it comes to propaganda on the Internet. It allows British intelligence officers to: “manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, ‘amplify’ sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be ‘extremist.'”

Being the creative folks that they are, GCHQ even came up with code words to describe each “product.” These include, UNDERPASS (for poll manipulation), SILVERLORD (for censorship), GESTATOR (for the manipulation of YouTube views), PREDATORS FACE (for DDOS attacks), the list goes on…

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Meet CISA – Dianne Feinstein’s Latest Attack on Privacy, Civil Liberties and the Internet

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 1.16.27 PMThere’s not much good you can count on Congress to accomplish, but when it comes to introducing and passing oligarch protecting, civil liberties destroying legislation, our “representatives” are absolutely relentless in their determination. Unsurprisingly, the only “distinctly native American criminal class,” as Mark Twain described Congress, is at it again when it comes to institutionalizing spying and attempting a legal run around the Bill of Rights.

One thing that has become crystal clear since the Edward Snowden revelations, is that much of Congress has no problem at all with unconstitutional spying. Rather, they are primarily upset it was exposed and are dead set on making sure no other whistleblower can ever do the same. Enter CISA, or The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act.

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Wall Street Teams Up with U.S. Intelligence Cronies in Bid to Form Fascist “Cyber War Council”

Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 12.26.31 PMWant to hear the worst idea in the history of horrible ideas? How about we take the industry responsible for destroying the U.S. economy and wrecking the lives of tens of millions of people, and then allow it to create a “government-industry cyber war council.”

It appears that trillions in taxpayer bailouts simply wasn’t enough for Wall Street. Recognizing that it can seemingly get whatever it wants whenever it wants, the industry is now positioning itself to overtly control U.S. “cyber” policy. What could go wrong?

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Is the U.S. Government Trying to Stop Glenn Greenwald from Publishing His “Biggest Story?”

Screen Shot 2014-07-01 at 12.19.04 PMIn May, I highlighted an excellent interview of Glenn Greenwald by GQ Magazine in the piece: Glenn Greenwald on the 2016 Elections – “They’ll Probably Have a Gay Person After Hillary.” There’s so much good stuff in that piece, I strongly suggest you go back and read it if you haven’t, but the relevant part to today’s post is the following exchange:

GQ: How much more is there to release—and what burden do you feel to get it out there?

Greenwald: We published the first article [about the NSA collecting Verizon phone records] while I was in Hong Kong last June and won’t stop until we’re done. I think we will end the big stories in about three months or so [June or July 2014]. I like to think of it as a fireworks show: You want to save your best for last. There’s a story that from the beginning I thought would be our biggest, and I’m saving that. The last one is the one where the sky is all covered in spectacular multicolored hues. This will be the finale, a big missing piece. Snowden knows about it and is excited about it.

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Ex-NSA Chief Keith Alexander is Now Pimping Advice to Wall Street Banks for $1 Million a Month

Screen Shot 2014-06-20 at 11.31.41 AMSo what’s a Peeping Tom, anti-democratic, Constitution-trampling intelligence crony to do after leaving decades of “public service?” Move into the private sector and collect a fat paycheck from Wall Street, naturally. Following in the footsteps of some of the other top tier public sector cronies looking to cash out after doing their best to destroy the Republic, such as Banana Ben Bernanke collecting $250,000 per speech and Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner hopping over to private equity giant Warburg Pincus, Mr. Alexander is in good crooked company.

So what is Mr. Alexander charging for his expertise? He’s looking for $1 million per month. Yes, you read that right. That’s the rate that his firm, IronNet Cybersecurity Inc., pitched to Wall Street’s largest lobbying group the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), which ultimately negotiated it down to a mere $600,000 a month. In case you need a refresher on how much of a slimy character this guy is, I suggest you read the following posts:

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