Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Discusses The Constitution, NSA Spying and Torture

When I was brought up we were taught that Communist Russia were the ones that were going to kill us, bomb our country and all this.  That Communist Russia was so bad because they followed their people, they snooped on them, they arrested them, put them in secret prisons…they disappeared them. These sorts of things … Read more

Obama’s Graduation Speech: Reject Voices Warning of “Tyranny”

It is incredible to me that Obama felt the need to address this subject during a graduation speech at Ohio State University.  It is without question proof that the Obama administration is well aware of the growing dissent across the land, and is attempting to sway these impressionable youngsters toward obedience to the state using … Read more

Barrack Obama Celebrates May 1st as “Loyalty Day” with an Orwellian Statement

While some alternative media sources are implying that Obama has decided to declare May 1 “Loyalty Day,” this is actually not true. From my very brief research, it appears that this Orwellian “holiday” was created by public law 85-529 in 1958.  Clearly the intent was to remove the occasion as one where labor traditionally stood … Read more

Baby Taken from Parents for Wanting a Second Medical Opinion

This is such a disturbing story on so many levels.  If we don’t start standing up for ourselves as a society, pretty soon individuals and families will not be allowed to make any decisions for themselves.  Free will be a thing of the past and “the state” will make all choices for us because, after all, they know best.  Let’s not forget the recent case of a 14 year old arrested for wearing a benign pro-gun t-shirt.  I can’t even begin to fathom how traumatized these poor parents are.  From KSDK News:

It all began nearly two weeks ago, when Anna Nikolayev and her husband Alex took their 5-month-old boy Sammy to Sutter Memorial Hospital to be treated for flu symptoms, but they didn’t like the care Sammy was getting.

For example, one day Anna asked why a nurse was giving her son antibiotics.

“I asked her, for what is that? And she’s like, ‘I don’t know.’ I’m like, ‘you’re working as a nurse, and you don’t even know what to give to my baby for what,'” Anna explained.

According to Anna, a doctor later said Sammy shouldn’t have been on the antibiotics.

Anna said Sammy suffers from a heart murmur and had been seeing a doctor at Sutter for regular treatment since he was born. After Sammy was treated for flu symptoms last week, doctors at Sutter admitted him to the pediatric ICU to monitor his condition. After a few days, Anna said doctors began talking about heart surgery.

“If we got the one mistake after another, I don’t want to have my baby have surgery in the hospital where I don’t feel safe,” Anna said.

Anna argued with doctors about getting a second opinion. Without a proper discharge, she finally took Sammy out of the hospital to get a second opinion at Kaiser Permanente.

Medical records from the doctor treating Sammy at Kaiser Permanente said the baby as clinically safe to go home with his parents. The doctor added, “I do not have concern for the safety of the child at home with his parents.”

“So police saw the report from the doctors, said, ‘okay guys, you have a good day,’ and they walked away,” Anna said.

Anna said the next day police and child protective services showed up on her doorstep. Alex Nikolayev said he met them outside a short time after they arrived.

“I was pushed against the building, smacked down. I said, ‘am I being placed under arrest?’ He smacked me down onto the ground, yelled out, ‘I think I got the keys to the house,'” Alex said.

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Mayor Bloomberg Wants to “Reinterpret the Constitution” After Boston Bombings

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex word where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”

“Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms. New Yorkers probably know that as much if not more than anybody else after the terrible tragedy of 9/11,” he said.

From the quotes above it has become quite clear that NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is just playing his typical role in the aftermath of a national tragedy.  That is to immediately manipulate it to justify his civil liberties snatching agenda and “sell the population” on implementing a total police state like the one he is eagerly putting in place in NYC.  He says “we live in a very dangerous world.”  Ok…well the world has always been very dangerous, so thanks for the tip.  However, the worst part is that he states “there are people who want to take away our freedoms.”  So I guess the answer to that is to let Bloomberg take them away before the “terrorists” have a chance to.  What a total authoritarian this guy is.  He is doing exactly the opposite of what security expert Bruce Schneier implored us to do in the wake of Boston.

The best writeup of this story I have seen is by Tim Cushing of Tech Dirt.  Below are some excerpts:

Good news, everyone. The terrorists will win and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to help. Of course, his speech is all about not letting the terrorists win. But he’s giving them exactly what they want.

But Bloomberg sees something else, something much more malignant than more cameras and fewer immigrants. He sees this attack as an indication that our country has outgrown its founding principles and that we can’t be truly “safe” without altering the fabric of the nation.

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Powerful Statement by U.S. Veteran at Chicago Anti-Gun Forum

This video was sent to me a couple of days ago by one of my readers who attended this event.  The soldier’s name is Kevin Tully and he really hits the nail on the head at the end when he states “the threat of tyranny today is no less than at the turn of the … Read more

My First Interview with

I had the pleasure to record an interview earlier this week with’s Alasdair MacLeod.  We talk gold, silver, bitcoin and the two paths humanity can take going forward.  Either toward a centralized, police state gulag or a decentralized, free and open society.  The choice is ours.  Have a listen! Like this post? Donate bitcoins: … Read more