Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.
– Nassim Taleb on Reddit yesterday
So Bitcoin has finally dipped its electronic toe into the fringes of mainstream consciousness. The results have been, to put it mildly, explosive, divisive and highly emotional. I can see why.
While I had been aware of it prior, I never truly became curious about Bitcoin until I read an excellent six page article about it in the New Yorker on October 10, 2011. I had no clue how the technology worked, but it intrigued me to such a degree that I sent it to my email list of close contacts. What really struck me was the rationale for creating Bitcoin by its creator, the anonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto.” This cryptographer was well aware of the cancerous nature of the world’s monetary system and the key role of Central Banking in that system. This wasn’t just some technology geek playing games with virtual currency, this was a well thought out monetary revolution.
He had thought this entire thing out like a chess grandmaster. He knew he had to be anonymous and that Bitcoin had to be decentralized, because he knew the Central Bank overlords would fight to the death to protect their money monopoly. He created a currency that central planners could not naked short to infinity and manipulate with derivatives as they do with the precious metals markets. It was this foresight that has led to its tremendous success today.
It wasn’t until I started accepting Bitcoin donations in September of last year (donate here) that I truly started gaining a small understanding of the technology and who the major players in the “Bitcoin Economy” are. It was at 10 back then, it is 73 as I write this today.
A chart like the one above is nothing short of parabolic, and parabolic charts beget parabolic emotions. From my end, I have received some complaints from “gold bugs” who seems annoyed that I am highlighting Bitcoin seemingly in preference to precious metals. To them I have a few things to say.
First, I spent four years writing about gold and silver non-stop. Sorry, it just gets repetitive and boring. Never once have I wavered in my conviction on the need to buy and hold these metals; however, the world is dynamic and when new things enter the picture I will formulate new thoughts. Some of the complaints against Bitcoin are valid, others are not. The one I hear the most, which is completely untrue, is that Bitcoin is another “fiat currency.” I’m often shocked that people make this error, as the definition of fiat is: 1. A formal authorization or proposition; a decree and 2. An arbitrary order. Synonyms include: decree, diktat, directive, edict, rescript, ruling. Bitcoin is 100% voluntary. No one is declaring it the “money of the land,” forcing you to pay taxes in it, or invading the Middle East to protect the pricing of oil in it. So let’s move on.
Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G
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