Election 2016 Data Released – Jeb Bush Receives 3% of Funds from Small Donors vs. Bernie Sanders at 81%

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Yesterday represented the first deadline for many 2016 Presidential candidates to file Federal Election Commission details on how they are raising and spending campaign money. The information is very interesting and will leave you with little doubt as to which puppets, I mean candidates, the oligarchs are supporting.

One metric that is getting a great deal of attention today, is the percentage of funds raised coming from small donors ($200 or less). The New York Times put together a user-friendly image of this data, which can be seen below:

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As you can see, despite an extremely crowded field, Jeb Bush was still able to come in dead last amongst small donors (i.e., your typical American citizen). This should come as no surprise to anyone, as I’ve repeatedly noted on Liberty Blitzkrieg, how Jeb has absolutely zero grass roots appeal. Recall the following posts:

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Obama’s “Jobs Czar,”GE’s CEO Jeff Immelt, Threatens to Outsource Jobs if Export-Import Bank Expires

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Another year has come and gone, and it’s once again time to face the issue of a crony capitalist favorite: The Export Import Bank, also known as the Ex-Im Bank. Last year, I covered the contentious battle, which of course was ultimately won by powerful multi-national corporate interests. Here’s an excerpt from the piece, Officials at the Ex-Im Bank are Under Investigation as it Fights for Survival:

I think the most important aspect of this entire fight is the fact that on opposite sides of the debate are not Democrats versus Republicans, but once again Republicans vs. Republicans (as in the Dave Brat vs. Eric Cantor race). We again see tea party Republicans facing off against establishment RINOs. On one side we hear claims by the tea party wing that the Ex-Im merely serves as a conduit for crony capitalism and favoritism to large corporations, or those willing to bribe officials. On the other side, we see establishment Republicans, who are extremely cozy with mega-corporations, maintaining that the institution plays a crucial role in financing American exports to make them competitive.

Looking at this paragraph a year later, we have seen the revolting display of RINO Republicans pushing through the sovereignty destroying, corporate crony giveaway know as trade “fast track” of the TPP. We can once again marvel in disgust at how completely bought and paid for these establishment crooks really are.

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