Writing scathing critiques about the status quo has never been a lucrative enterprise and this remains the case today. While other websites you know and love earn money through advertising, after much soul-searching, I finally took the plunge and removed all ads from this site. As of February 2019 Liberty Blitzkrieg is 100% ad free.
As such, there’s no longer any revenue coming in for my work other than voluntary reader donations. This is the way I think it needs to be, but to make this a successful, sustainable thing I’m going to need your support. If you’ve donated in the past, thank you. If you haven’t, but have appreciated my work over the years, I ask you to consider becoming a more intimate and involved part of what I’m trying to do here.
Supporting my work is very easy. Here are 5 options:
1. Send cash or check (check payable to Liberty Blitzkrieg, LLC) to:
Michael Krieger
P.O. Box 21146
Boulder, CO 80308
2. Become a Patron.
3. Donate Via PayPal
4. Donate via Bitcoin
5. Private Chat: This is new. I’m offering private conversations to those who want to dig deeper into the topics I cover. If interested, contact me here.
Thank you for your readership and your generosity.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger