Jamie Dimon And The Fall Of Nations

Excellent article here by Simon Johnson, the former chief economist for the IMF and a professor at MIT’s Sloan business school.  I think the following paragraph pretty much summarizes the root cause of America’s decline into Banana Republic status… The historical evidence is overwhelming. Many societies have done well for a while – until powerful … Read more

The Most Important Article of the Day – Is the UK About to Engage in a Stealth Default?

If there was ever an article that should spark every British citizen to immediately shift their savings into physical gold this is it.  Basically, proposals are on the table to change the way inflation is calculated for bonds that payout based on the rate of change in prices.  Unsurprisingly, they are purposely attempting to use … Read more

Ron Paul Republicans take over Nevada GOP

Although it is now clear to everyone that the Republican establishment was never going to allow Ron Paul anywhere near the nomination, the more important thing is that the Liberty movement that he helped spark all across this land continues to take off.  The ideas that define this movement; such as an end to crony … Read more

Saudis Pump All Out as the Global Economy Crumbles

It is a mindless philosophy that assumes that one’s private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are  immoral in private with the power to determine the nation’s moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? …. The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation … Read more

The United States of Drones

The following article from the UK’s Telegraph is a perfect follow up to the fantastic piece by Glenn Greenwald about how much pleasure Obama gets from murdering people with a joystick from halfway across the world using drones that I posted on Tuesday.  This expansion of drone usage is extraordinarily disturbing, not only from a … Read more

Volcker Urges Global Financial System Overhaul with More Power to the IMF!

My Take:  This is a very important article from Bloomberg.  Paul Volcker, who is known for crushing inflation in the early 1980’s by spiking interest rates into the double digits, is seen in many circles as perhaps the best U.S. Central Banker of the modern era.  As a guy who was willing to take the … Read more

Bilderberg 2012: Exposing the 0.0001%

While the 1% slogan of OWS was catchy, the real power players and enemies of humanity reside in a much, much smaller 0.0001% or so.  This group includes dynastic banking families as well as a lot of European royals who supposedly have “no power.”  If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.  … Read more

Barack O’Romney

Great article here from Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com, one of the guys that has been leading the charge on the “left” to call out Obama and the two party system for the sham it is.  Please pass this along to any brain dead Obama sheep that you may know… Key quotes: Miller devotes himself to … Read more

The Big Print is Coming

We are discreet sheep; we wait to see how the drove is going, and then go with the drove. We have two opinions: one private, which we are afraid to express; and another one – the one we use – which we force ourselves to wear to please Mrs. Grundy, until habit makes us comfortable in it, and the custom of defending it presently makes us love it, adore it, and forget how pitifully we came by it. Look at it in politics.
– Mark Twain

Humanity’s most valuable assets have been the non-conformists.  Were it not for the non-conformists, he who refuses to be satisfied to go along with the continuance of things as they are, and insists upon attempting to find new ways of bettering things, the world would have known little progress, indeed.
– Josiah William Gitt

The media I’ve had a lot to do with is lazy.  We fed them and they ate it every day.
– Michael Deaver (Former top aide to President Reagan)

Has The Fed Waited Too Long?
Those that know me understand clear as crystal that I don’t approve of massive money printing.  I think it is theft, plain and simple, and represents an egregiously deceptive manner of transferring wealth from the poor to the wealthy and from the productive to parasitic financial oligarchs.  That being said, the world we live in is being led by a bunch of crooked banksters and the Central Planners that do their bidding.  At the top of the Central Planning global ponzi pyramid, is our very own Federal Reserve, headed by master Keynesian magician, the Wizard of Eccles, Ben Bernanke.  For the vast majority of 2012, the Federal Reserve has been playing a very, very dangerous game.  This game has been to pretend that they will not be printing any more money in an attempt to get commodity prices down as low as possible before they proceed with the inevitable.  While they have done this on a smaller scale many times in the past, this particular game of chicken has in my opinion gone dangerously wrong.  You see, ever since the 2008 debacle the Fed has been quite aggressive and more or less “ahead of the curve” when it has come to feeding new liquidity into the system…until now.

All of the prior programs were ready to go at the first hint of economic weakness.  Even if they weren’t launched right away, the intention to print was made clear and this stabilized the system in the short-term.  Not this time.  This time the Fed realized that their models weren’t working.  Employment continued to be weak as inflation picked up.  Everyone was starting to complain about gasoline and the public was increasingly making the connection between Central Banking/fiat money and the rise in their cost of living.  Occupy Wall Street emerged on the scene.  All of these things put Bernanke and all his other vampire brethren on the defensive, and indeed in a box.  They increasingly had to rely on less effective, more opaque means of providing liquidity.  The Fed swaps to Europe was one example.  The European LTRO was another.  All of this has been done and all of it has now proven to be a failure.  The periphery of Europe is in mired in an all out Depression and many of the BRIC countries are much closer to being in a collapse than many want to admit.  That said, there is still this consensus that the U.S. is experiencing decent growth that will continue and perhaps accelerate into 2H12.  Not only do I not agree with this, I think there is a good chance the U.S. is now experiencing negative growth.  I think May represents the first month of real domestic weakness.

Stocks are Collapsing on Bad News                        
What I have noticed this quarter more than in any other in recent memory is that names are vaporizing on even the hint of bad news.  Let me show you some frightening examples.



Cisco Systems

JC Penney

If the market was confident that this was just a blip I do not think these stocks would have responded this way and then barely rebounded.  Similarly, there are many names that have put up strong results, only to have sold off on the news.  HD, COH and RL come to mind.  To me this is evidence of the market sniffing out economic weakness ahead, and more importantly a Fed that is behind the curve for the first time since 2008.

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I’m Buying Silver

As of a few minutes ago, I put in my largest order for physical silver since 2010.  I am not trying to be a hero or call the bottom, but because many people do ask me for my opinion on the precious metals I decided to make the buy public.  The rationale for me is … Read more